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Title: YuGagarin o molodezhnom festivale molodezhi i studentov v khelsinki - 00:36
Description: Singer: Yu.Gagarin
Compressed file: http://sovmusic.ru/m32/yugagari.mp3 32 kbps 145 Kb Other Ext.
Good quality file: http://sovmusic.ru/m/yugagari.mp3 128 kbps 567 Kb other Ext.
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  *If your provider forbids you to download MP3s, use link to the file with
other extension. НRight click on it and choose "Save as..." After downloading file simply rename it to MP3.

*If you want to give link to this song, DO NOT give direct link to MP3 file
give link to this page instead. File location may change, but URL of this page
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