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Songs about Soviet cities
Last updated on 19.07.2009, total number of songs: 341, shown are songs from 151 to 200.


TextCommentsDownload  When approaching to Moscow
"...You feel how mighty the dear Motherland is..."
Song about the beaty and might of the Motherland
Music: I. Dunaevskiy Lyrics: M. Matusovskiy 1950. Singer: V. Nechaev Performed in 1950ã.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 30418

TextCommentsDownload  Winter waltz
"...frost is nothing while heart beats and song is flying far away..."
Beautiful and melodic soviet waltz
Music: Sigizmund Kats Lyrics: Aleksandr Kovalenkov 1949. Singer: V. Bunchikov
Comments: 0 Downloads: 23343

TextCommentsDownload  Ya shagayu po Moskve
Music: Andrey Petrov Lyrics: Gennadiy Shpalikov 1968. Singer: Eduard Khil
Comments: 0 Downloads: 21236

TextCommentsDownload  Yaroslavskaya storonka
Music: A.Dolukhanyan Lyrics: M.Lisyanskiy Singer: Vladimir Bunchikov i Vladimir Nechaev
Comments: 1 Downloads: 19666

TextCommentsDownload  Zdravstvuy, stolitsa!
Music: Sigizmund Kats Lyrics: Anatoliy Sofronov 1949. Singer: Oleg Razumovskiy, khor i ork. p/u I. Zhaka. Performed in 1949ã.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 21528

TextCommentsDownload  Zdravstvuy, stolitsa!
"Solntse nad bashnyami kremlyovskimi vstayot i k Mayakovskoy speshit s moskvichami.."
Music: Sigizmund Kats Lyrics: Anatoliy Sofronov 1949. Singer: Mikhail Mikhaylov, L.Sateeva i V.Bunchikov Performed in 1949ã.
Comments: 3 Downloads: 20538

TextCommentsDownload  Zori Moskovskie
Music: A. Ostrovskiy Lyrics: M. Lisyanskiy 1957. Singer: Studiya Sovetskaya pesnya
Comments: 1 Downloads: 21425

TextCommentsDownload  "Stolitsa schastya"
Music: Isaak Dunaevskiy Lyrics: V.Vinnikov 1948. Singer: Leokadiya Maslennikova
Comments: 7 Downloads: 12894

TextCommentsDownload  1)Pesenka o Moskve 2)Ulitsi Moskvi
Music: A. Lepin Lyrics: V. Livshits 1957. Singer: Vokalniy kvartet Ulibka Performed in 1958ã.
Comments: 2 Downloads: 15236

TextCommentsDownload  A letter to Moscow
"...I don't sleep this night on the border to let my Moscow sleep safe..."
Not well known but really good pre-WW2 song
Music: N. Bogoslovskiy Lyrics: M.Tevelev 1938. Singer: Mark Bernes
Comments: 2 Downloads: 20954

TextCommentsDownload  Aerograd city
Song about building new city on the Pacific Ocean
Music: D. Kabalevskiy Lyrics: V. Gusev 1935.
Comments: 6 Downloads: 21421

TextCommentsDownload  Ararat
Song about new life in Soviet Armenia
Music: B. Avetisov Lyrics: G. Gradov 1956. Singer: V.Kandelaki i ork. p/u V.N. Knushevitskogo
Comments: 2 Downloads: 31965

TextCommentsDownload  Ballada o Kerchi
"Ti kogda-nibud bil v Kerchi? – Ya tebe rasskazhu pro Kerch!"
Music: A. Makhov Lyrics: S. Ostrovoy. 1975. Singer: Nikolay Solovyov, ans. Melodiya Performed in 1975ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 21920

TextCommentsDownload  Ballada o Leningrade
Music: O. Khromushin Lyrics: B. Gersht i G. Prusov 1970. Singer: E. Khil, orkestr Lenradio
Comments: 1 Downloads: 22221

TextCommentsDownload  Big Moscow
"Moscow - our glory and our Youth..."
A fine song about Moscow
Music: S. Kats Lyrics: M.Matusovskiy, L.Kukso 1964. Singer: Nina Isakova
Comments: 2 Downloads: 19097

TextCommentsDownload  Da zdravstvuet moskovskiy festival
Music: A. Ostrovskiy Lyrics: L. Oshanin 1956. Singer: Khor IKhV p/u V. Sokolova i orkestr VR p/u Yu. Silanteva. Zapevayut Alla Azovtseva i Natasha Mukhina. Performed in 1956ã.
Comments: 6 Downloads: 18913

TextCommentsDownload  Da zdravstvuet moskovskiy festival
Music: Ostrovskiy Lyrics: Oshanin 1957. Singer: V Lvova N Postavnicheva
Comments: 1 Downloads: 17933

TextCommentsDownload  Dear Sevastopol
"He stands on rocks over the blue waves, beauty of the Black sea, our City-Hero..."
Song about the City-Hero Sevastopol, main soviet naval base on the Black Sea
Music: V. Makarov Lyrics: S. Alimov 1947. Singer: KrAPPSA, sol. O. Razumovskiy. Performed in 1947ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 16628

TextCommentsDownload  Dnepropetrovsk - moy dom rodnoy
"Ti tolko bud vsegda so mnoy, tovarish moy Dnepropetrovsk"
Music: G. Movsesyan Lyrics: R. Rozhdestvenskiy 1970. Singer: I. Kobzon
Comments: 4 Downloads: 21887

TextCommentsDownload  Dobro pozhalovat v Moskvu
Music: A. Lepin Lyrics: E.Dolmatovskiy 1957. Singer: V. Troshin , L. Gurchenko
Comments: 0 Downloads: 19653

TextCommentsDownload  Dobroy nochi, moskvichi
Music: Vyacheslav Mesherin Lyrics: G.Fere 1957. Singer: Nina Dorda
Comments: 2 Downloads: 15021

TextCommentsDownload  Dobroy nochi,moskvichi
Music: V.Mesherin Lyrics: G.Fere 1957. Singer: Nina Dorda
Comments: 2 Downloads: 14216

TextCommentsDownload  Dva Komsomolska
Music: L. Lyadova Lyrics: G. Khodosoy 1954. Singer: I. Petrov
Comments: 2 Downloads: 11786

TextCommentsDownload  Dzhan Moskva
Music: Dzerbashan Lyrics: Dorizo Singer: R Beybutov Performed in 1946ã.
Comments: 7 Downloads: 16922

TextCommentsDownload  Erevanskoe utro
Music: Orbelyan Lyrics: Balasan Singer: Karapetyan
Comments: 0 Downloads: 15691

TextCommentsDownload  Est gorod na Volge
Music: Pavel Aedonitskiy Lyrics: L.Shipakhina 1960. Singer: Evgeniy Kibkalo
Comments: 0 Downloads: 20496

TextCommentsDownload  Farewell, Moscow
One more good song from movie at "6 o'clock after the war"
Music: T. Khrennikov Lyrics: V. Gusev 1944. Singer: E. Samoylov
Comments: 0 Downloads: 16739

TextCommentsDownload  First city
"Our happy capital, heart of our Motherland - Moscow..."
One more song about Moscow
Music: Oskar Feltsman Singer: Mark Reshetin
Comments: 0 Downloads: 14102

TextCommentsDownload  Fragmenti iz Poemi o Moskve
Music: V.Levashov Lyrics: V.Pukhnachev Singer: GARNKh im.Pyatnitskogo
Comments: 0 Downloads: 13390

TextCommentsDownload  Glavniy gorod strani
Music: V.Levashov Lyrics: V.Goltsov Singer: Leonid Smetannikov
Comments: 0 Downloads: 16710

TextCommentsDownload  Glorious Tula
Mighty ballade about Tula
Music: Anatoliy Novikov Lyrics: Mikhail Vershinin 1960. Singer: Aleksandr Polyakov
Comments: 0 Downloads: 16017

TextCommentsDownload  Glory to our Moscow
"Glory to Moscow, glory to the communist party..."
A dull song about Moscow
Music: A. Novikov Lyrics: S. Vasilev 1947. Singer: Aleksey Korolyov
Comments: 2 Downloads: 17730

TextCommentsDownload  Glory to our Moscow
Melodical pioneer song about Moscow
Music: Yuriy Chichkov Lyrics: Konstantin Ibryaev Singer: APP im. Lokteva
Comments: 0 Downloads: 18483

TextCommentsDownload  Glyazhu na rodnuyu Moskvu
Music: K.Listov Lyrics: I.Dremov 1967. Singer: Anton Grigorev
Comments: 0 Downloads: 16160

TextCommentsDownload  Golden Kerch
Unfamous song about city-hero Kerch
Music: Aleksey Ekimyan Lyrics: Feliks Laube 1970. Singer: Yu. Bogatikov
Comments: 0 Downloads: 22029

TextCommentsDownload  Gorit chernomorskoe solntse
"...togda lish stanovitsya gorod geroem, kogda stal geroem soldat..."
Music: Aleksandr Dolukhanyan Lyrics: Mark Lisyanskiy 1956. Singer: Ivan Surzhikov Performed in 1965ã.
Comments: 2 Downloads: 19790

TextCommentsDownload  Gorod mira
Music: Serafim Tulikov Lyrics: Olga Fadeeva 1953. Singer: Ilya Bogdanov. AP VR p.u. V.V.Tselikovskogo. Performed in 1953ã.
Comments: 4 Downloads: 17618

TextCommentsDownload  Gorod nad siney volnoy
Music: Yu Slonov Lyrics: V. Malkov Singer: V. Bunchikov
Comments: 3 Downloads: 19468

TextCommentsDownload  Gorod Novokuznetsk
Music: L. Lyadova Lyrics: O. Milyavskiy Singer: A. Lenskiy
Comments: 3 Downloads: 17107

TextCommentsDownload  Gorod pervikh svidaniy
Music: Konstantin Listov Lyrics: M.Karamushko Singer: Lev Leshenko
Comments: 1 Downloads: 18614

TextCommentsDownload  Gorod yunosti moey
Music: Serafim Tulikov Lyrics: Mikhail Plyatskovskiy 1960. Singer: Valentin Budilin
Comments: 2 Downloads: 22059

TextCommentsDownload  Gorod-soldat
Music: A. Dolukhanyan Lyrics: A. Prishelets Singer: Yan Kratov
Comments: 2 Downloads: 19000

TextCommentsDownload  Gostepriimnaya Moskva
Music: Serafim Tulikov Lyrics: Petr Gradov 1960. Singer: GRNKh im. Pyatnitskogo
Comments: 0 Downloads: 20422

TextCommentsDownload  Greetings to Bucharest
"My greetings, Bucharest, Bucharest"
Songs about capital of friendly socialist country in two languages - Russian and Romanian
Music: M. Tabachnikov Lyrics: Ya. Khelemskiy/K. Pastrame Singer: Mark Bernes
Comments: 2 Downloads: 24676

TextCommentsDownload  Grozoy oveyannie sni
Music: A.Novikov Lyrics: A.Kubarev Singer: Yu.Yakushev, khor
Comments: 0 Downloads: 19872

TextCommentsDownload  Heart of Moscow
A song about the Moscow Kremlin
Music: Gennadiy Podelskiy Lyrics: Robert Rozhdestvenskiy 1965. Singer: Georg Ots
Comments: 1 Downloads: 15066

TextCommentsDownload  I sing about Moscow
One of those good, life-loving songs about Moscow
Music: Serafim Tulikov Lyrics: Yuriy Polukhin Singer: Valentin Budilin
Comments: 0 Downloads: 18317

TextCommentsDownload  I walk on Moscow streets
Beautiful song about Moscow and its residents
Music: A. Ostrovskiy Lyrics: Yakov Belinskiy 1956. Singer: Georgiy Vinogradov
Comments: 0 Downloads: 17288

TextCommentsDownload  Immortal Leningrad
One more song from "Two fighters"
Music: N. Bogoslovskiy Lyrics: V. Agatov 1943. Singer: Bernes Mark
Comments: 2 Downloads: 25526

TextCommentsDownload  Ivan Yashugin
Music: V. Maklakov Lyrics: N. Gleyzarov Singer: Ivan Yashugin
Comments: 1 Downloads: 17452


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