Sports songs Last updated on 19.07.2009, total number of songs: 78, shown are 13 best songs
   Be a sportsman!
"To be first in labour and in fight you should be a sportsman"
Soviet song propaganding healthy way of life
Music: Anatoliy Lepin Lyrics: Olga Fadeeva 1954. Singer: Klavdiya Shulzhenko
Comments: 2 Downloads: 58560
  Boxer's song
Song of the Soviet sportsmen
Music: V. Solovyov-Sedoy Lyrics: V. Lebedev-Kumach 1946. Singer: Vladimir Volodin Performed in 1946ã.
Comments: 5 Downloads: 48488
"We'll go to the battle for our Motherland, for our people..."
Not a pacifist song of the soviet sportsmen
Music: I. Dunaevskiy Lyrics: A. Churkin 1938. Singer: Detskiy ansambl TsDKZh p/u S. Dunaevskogo. Performed in 1938ã.
Comments: 2 Downloads: 36041
  Football march
Very famous march. It was played on Soviet TV and Radio before spors translations
Music: Matvey Blanter 1950. Singer: dukhovoy orkestr
Comments: 13 Downloads: 64895
  Idut trudovie rezervi
"... Shumyat na vetru golubie znamyona..."
Music: Aleksandr Tsfasman Lyrics: Sergey Vasilev 1954. Singer: Khor malchikov MGKhU Performed in 1955ã.
Comments: 17 Downloads: 38210
  If you want to be healthy
"You should be healthy and take care of yourself..."
Soviet sportsmen s song
Music: V. Solovyov -Sedoy Lyrics: V. Lebedev-Kumach 1946. Singer: isp. V.Volodin (gl.rol v filme) Performed in 1946ã.
Comments: 10 Downloads: 54285
  Soviet sportsmen battle song
“...wehen needed, we’ll become Red Army warriors...”
Soviet sportsmen are going to defend Motherland
Music: Dm. i Dan. Pokrass Lyrics: V. Agatov 1940. Singer: Art. GABT SSSR P. T. Kirichek. Khor MVO p/r V. P. Pobedinskogo i ork NKO SSSR p/u S. A. Chernetskogo. Performed in 1940ã.
Comments: 20 Downloads: 37682
  Sport march
"To keep you body and soul young..."
Propaganda of sport and healthy way of life was popular in the USSR
Music: I. Dunaevsky Lyrics: V. Lebedev-Koumach 1937. Singer: from the movie "Gatekeeper" Performed in 1937ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 51008
  Sportivniy marsh
Music: I. Dunaevskiy Lyrics: B. Laskin 1949. Singer: Vera Krasovitskaya. Khor i estradniy orkestr VR p/u V. N. Knushevitskogo. Performed in 1951ã.
Comments: 17 Downloads: 34497
  Sports honor
"We'll rise the banner of soviet sport..."
March that honors the sportsmen of the soviet country
Music: M. Blanter Lyrics: M. Volpin 1951. Singer: Ans. im. Aleksandrova
Comments: 1 Downloads: 34115
   Sports march
Cheerful festival song of soviet youth
Music: Matvey Blanter Lyrics: Yakov Khelemskiy Singer: Ans. im. Aleksandrova
Comments: 13 Downloads: 37186
  Sports song
"Let us sing songs and march in columns..."
Good sports march of the early 50s
Music: Anatoliy Lepin Lyrics: Olga Visotskaya 1950. Singer: Ivan Shmelyov
Comments: 0 Downloads: 31959
  This is football
"...we are strong in our unity, our will..."
Sports patriotic march
Music: Isaak Dunaevskiy Lyrics: Mikhail Matusovskiy 1954. Singer: Georgiy Abramov i khor VR
Comments: 1 Downloads: 38572
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