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Privet Bukharestu

Music: M. Tabachnikov Lyrics: Ya. Khelemskiy/K. Pastrame
"Cînt-ast' pentru voi
Prieteni depărtaţi,
Şi vă simt mereu alăturea.
Zboară-n Bucureşti
Melodia mea,
Dar prietenesc din Moscova.

Bucureşti, cîntec dulce de vioară,
Bucureşti, mii de zîmbete sprinţare,
De la Moscova drag e să primeşti,
Un salut, drag oraş, Bucureşti!"

English translation 

I'm singing this for you,
Aloof friends,
And I always feel you close to me.
My melody
Is flying to Bucharest,
Friendly gift from Moskva. 

Bucharest, sweet violin song,
Bucharest, thousand tituppy smiles,
Receive deary from Moskva, 
Greetings, dear city Bucharest.

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