" Internationale " Last updated on 19.07.2009, total number of songs: 547, shown are songs from 1 to 50.
   A las barricadas! - Spanish
A spanish song from the times of the Spanish Civil war 1936-1939ãã, sounds like "Warszawjanka"
Lyrics: Valeriano Orobun Fernbndez 1936.
Comments: 7 Downloads: 30991
  An anthem of the Communist International
"Our goal - USSR worldwide ! "
Official anthem of Comintern.
Music: G.Eysler Lyrics: I.Frenkel 1929.
Comments: 8 Downloads: 51430
  Anthem of the USSR - English
"United forever in friendship and labour..."
English version of the anthem of the USSR
Music: A.Aleksandrov Lyrics: Mikhalkov i El-Registan 1944. Singer: Pol Robson Performed in 1949ã.
Comments: 35 Downloads: 57313
  Anthem of USSR - German
Soviet anthem in German
Music: A. Aleksandrov Lyrics: S. Mikhalkov 1944. Singer: GDR
Comments: 5 Downloads: 29431
  Anthem of USSR - Lithuanian
Lithuanian version of the soviet anthem
Music: A. Aleksandrov Lyrics: S. Mikhalkov 1977.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 24170
  Apo Kamnpous kai lagadia - Greek
Song of Greek partisans of WW2, uses music of famous soviet "Partisans of Amur"
Comments: 5 Downloads: 22865
  Au Devant de la Vie - French
A French song on the music of famous sovoet song "Song about wind against us"
Music: D. Shostakovich Lyrics: Jeanne Perret
Comments: 5 Downloads: 24631
  Auferstanden aus Ruinen -German
"Resurrected from ruins"
Anthem of the East Germany
Music: Gans Eysler Lyrics: y.R.Bekher
Comments: 9 Downloads: 71420
  Avante camarada - Purtuguese
Can be translated as "Forward, comrade"
Song of Portuguese Revolution
Music: Luís Cília Lyrics: Luís Cília 1967. Singer: Luísa Bastos
Comments: 6 Downloads: 22913
  Avante, camarada!
Music: Luís Cília Lyrics: Luís Cília 1967.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 21238
   Avusturya İşçi Marşı
Music: Samuil Pokrass 1927. Singer: Bandista
Comments: 1 Downloads: 27182
  Bandiera Rossa
Instrumental version of the famous italian revolutionary song
Music: C. Tuzzi Singer: Rundfunk-Blasorchester
Comments: 0 Downloads: 21556
  Bandiera Rossa
Singer: Ernst Bush
Comments: 1 Downloads: 22074
  Bandiera rossa
Music: C. Tuzzi Lyrics: C. Tuzzi
Comments: 4 Downloads: 65158
  Bandiera rossa - Italian
"Fight for communism and don't leave that way..."
The most known Italian revolutionary song in Italian, Suomi and Russian
Music: Carlo Tuzzi (obrabotka) Lyrics: Carlo Tuzzi (ital.), Peter Hacks (nem.), Tatyana Vladimirskaya (rus.) 1908. Singer: ansambl Grenada Performed in 1987ã.
Comments: 5 Downloads: 66526
  Bandiera rossa - Italian
"Fight for communism and don't leave that way..."
Original Italian version
Music: Carlo Tuzzi (obrabotka) Lyrics: Carlo Tuzzi 1908.
Comments: 5 Downloads: 49465
  Bandiera rossa - Italyanskiy
"Boris za kommunizm i ne soydi s puti!"
Music: Carlo Tuzzi Lyrics: Carlo Tuzzi 1908.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 22149
  Bella Ciao
Lyrics: Horst Berner Singer: Hannes Wader
Comments: 0 Downloads: 22828
  Bella ciao
1944. Singer: Korsikanskaya gruppa L'Albinu
Comments: 1 Downloads: 24345
  Bella Ciao
1944. Singer: Chiliyskaya gruppa Quilapayun
Comments: 0 Downloads: 23176
  Bella ciao - Italian
A song of the Italian partisans
Comments: 16 Downloads: 105320
  Bella ciao - Italian & Russian
A song of the Italian partisans by great soviet singer Muslim Magomaev
1944. Singer: M. Magomaev
Comments: 9 Downloads: 28898
  Brüder, zur Sonne, zur Freiheit
Music: L.Radin Lyrics: Hermann Scherchen 1918.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 23447
  Braver, comrades
"We'll raise Red workers' baner over entire Earth..."
Czech version of revolutionary song
Lyrics: J. Urban
Comments: 1 Downloads: 14167
  Braver, comrades - Hungarian
"We'll raise the Red Banner of labour over the Earth!"
Hungarian version of the well known revolutionary song
Comments: 6 Downloads: 14775
  Brueder, zur Sonne, zur Freiheit - Germa
Tr:"Brothers, to the sun, to the freedom"
A german version of the russian revolutionary song, GDR
Lyrics: Hermann Scherchen 1918.
Comments: 2 Downloads: 20349
  Budjonny Reiterlied — Pesnya konnikov Budyonnogo — perepevka na nemetskom yazike Konnarmeyskoy
Music: Dmitriy i Daniil Pokrass Lyrics: Erich Weinert 1936. Singer: Oktoberklub Performed in 1968ã.
Comments: 3 Downloads: 27440
  Bukhenvaldskiy nabat
Music: Vano Muradeli Lyrics: Aleksandr Sobolev 1956. Singer: Georg Ots
Comments: 13 Downloads: 23361
  Canción de Bourg Madame
Music: Br. Pokrass Lyrics: Ulrikh Fuks
Comments: 2 Downloads: 25293
  Chee Lai na kitayskiy
Music: Ne Er Lyrics: Tyan Khan 1935. Singer: Pol Robson Performed in 1949ã.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 18351
  Cuba - my love
“... and again Fidel says his speech...”
Song about a Cuban Revolution and Fidel Castro
Music: A.Pakhmutova Lyrics: S. Grebennikov i N.Dobronravov 1962. Singer: I. Kobzon
Comments: 9 Downloads: 31114
  Cuba - my love
“... and again Fidel says his speech...”
Song about a Cuban Revolution and Fidel Castro
Music: A.Pakhmutova Lyrics: S. Grebennikov i N.Dobronravov 1959. Singer: M. Magomaev
Comments: 3 Downloads: 28748
  Daleko, daleko - Kitayskaya versiya
Music: Georgiy Nosov Lyrics: Aleksandr Churkin 1950.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 21455
  Das Einheitsfrontlied (na nemetskom yazike)
Music: Gans Eysler Lyrics: Bertolt Brekht 1936. Singer: Hermann Haehnel Performed in 1970ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 22793
  De Internationale - Dutch
"Ontwaakt, ontwaakt verworpen der aarde..."
Music: P. Degeyter Lyrics: Ezhen Pote
Comments: 2 Downloads: 33607
  Dem Morgenrot entgegen - German
Song of the German social-democracy in the times of Marx and Bebel
Lyrics: G.Eylderman
Comments: 4 Downloads: 36852
  Der heilige Krieg
Music: A.Aleksandrov 1941. Singer: Ernst Bush (Ernst Busch) Performed in 1967ã.
Comments: 2 Downloads: 24977
  Der heilige Krieg - Svyashennaya voyna NA NEMETsKOM!
"Vstavay, strana ogromnaya!"
Music: A. Aleksandrov Lyrics: V. Lebedev-Kumach
Comments: 14 Downloads: 61144
  Der kleine Trompeter - Malenkiy trubach
Music: W. Wallroth Lyrics: W. Wallroth 1925. Singer: Hannes Wader
Comments: 1 Downloads: 21215
  Der offene aufmarsch
Music: Gans Eysler Singer: Ernst Bush
Comments: 5 Downloads: 29121
  Der Tag der grosser Arbeit - German
"The day of the great work", sounds like "Jarama valley", GDR
1972. Singer: Oktoberklub
Comments: 2 Downloads: 15564
  Die Arbeiter von Wien - German
German march on the music of "White Army, black baron"
Music: Samuil Pokrass 1934.
Comments: 3 Downloads: 25959
  Die Internationale
Music: P. Degeyter Lyrics: E. Pote 1871. Singer: Schalmeienkapelle d. Rotfrontkaempferbundes Berlin-Koepenick, 16. Abt. - Dir. Erdmann Sommer Performed in 1930ã.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 18800
  Die Internationale - German
"Wacht auf, verdammte dieser Erde..."
Chorus sings classical German version
Music: P. Degeyter Lyrics: Ezhen Pote
Comments: 0 Downloads: 20244
  Die Internationale - German
"Wacht auf, verdammte dieser Erde..."
Modern version with a guitar accompaniment
Music: P. Degeyter Lyrics: Ezhen Pote Singer: Hannes Wader
Comments: 3 Downloads: 59366
  Die Internationale - German
"Wacht auf, verdammte dieser Erde..."
One more official version from GDR
Music: P. Degeyter Lyrics: Ezhen Pote
Comments: 0 Downloads: 20592
Music: N. Ivanov Lyrics: Sergey Aleksandrovich Podelkov 1941.
Comments: 5 Downloads: 17233
  Druzhba-Freundschaft - German & Russian
"Well be together forever, GDR and Soviet Union"
Cult song about friendship between East Germany and Soviet Union
Comments: 4 Downloads: 19526
  Einheitsfront - Russian
Can be translated as "United front"
Russian version by chorus
Music: G.Eysler Lyrics: B.Brekht 1934. Singer: ansambl Verasi
Comments: 1 Downloads: 19537
  Einheitsfront - Different languages
Can be translated as "United front"
Famous labour song in English, Russian and German languages
Music: Eysler Lyrics: Brekht 1934.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 21343
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