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" Internationale "
Last updated on 19.07.2009, total number of songs: 547, shown are songs from 101 to 150.

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TextCommentsDownload  Jarama Valley - English
A song of the International Brigade "Abraham Lincoln", that was fighting in Spain against the faschists in 1936-1938.
1938. Singer: Woody Guthrie
Comments: 1 Downloads: 31228

TextCommentsDownload  Jarama Valley - English
"There's a valley in Spain called Jahama..."
One more original song of the International Brigade "Abraham Lincoln"
1938. Singer: T.Glazer,B.Hawes,B.Lomax
Comments: 1 Downloads: 19015

TextCommentsDownload  Jarama valley - Russian
"...we are sure that the people of the valley will remember our Lincoln brigade..."
A song of the International Brigade "Abraham Lincoln", that was fighting in Spain against the faschists in 1936- 1938.
Russian version of the anti-faschist song
Music: narodnaya Lyrics: Ernst Bush, perevod Tatyani Vladimirskoy Singer: ansambl Grenada Performed in 1987ã.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 21396

TextCommentsDownload  Joe Hill - English
"Where working man go out on strike Jo Hill is at their side..."
Jo Hill, a famous labour leader, was killed by capitalists
Music: Hayes Lyrics: Robinson Singer: Pete Seeger
Comments: 0 Downloads: 24516

TextCommentsDownload  Kalina bring flowers - Chinese
"... i fell in love to young guy..."
Chinese translation of the soviet lyrical song
Comments: 2 Downloads: 17144

TextCommentsDownload  Katjuscha
"Leuchtend prangten ringsum Apfelblüten, still vom Fluß zog Nebel noch ins Land. Durch die Wiesen kam hurtig Katjuscha zu des Flußes steiler Uferwand."
Music: M.Blantera Lyrics: M.Isakovskiy 1938.
Comments: 2 Downloads: 22642

TextCommentsDownload  Katyusha (Svistit veter)
Music: M. Blanter, obr. B. Aleksandrova Lyrics: Neizvestno 1939. Singer: Ansambl imeni A. V. Aleksandrova, solist V. Ruslanov
Comments: 2 Downloads: 22006

TextCommentsDownload  Katyusha - Chinese
Chinese version of the soviet song, sounds great
Music: M. Blanter Lyrics: M. Isakovskiy 1939.
Comments: 6 Downloads: 23162

TextCommentsDownload  Khotyat li russkie voyni?
Music: E. Kolmanovskiy Lyrics: Po-russki - Evg. Evtushenko, kt 1970. Singer: Rolando Alarkon
Comments: 0 Downloads: 19037

TextCommentsDownload  Komsomol song - Chinese
“Long road is now over, hello new land!”
Chinese version of soviet song about yound settlers
Music: V. Solovev-Sedoy Lyrics: A. Galich 1956. Performed in 1970ã.
Comments: 8 Downloads: 18110

TextCommentsDownload  Kuba - lyubov moya
"V groznie dni ryadom vstanut druzya.Kuba - lyubov moya!"
Music: A.Pakhmutova Lyrics: S. Grebennikov i N.Dobronravov 1962. Singer: I. Kobzon Performed in 1962ã.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 24128

TextCommentsDownload  L Comintern - Spanish
"Our goal - USSR worldwide"
Spanish version of the Comintern (Communist International) Anthem
Music: G.Eysler Lyrics: Texto en Español: Salvador Chardi 1929.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 20035

TextCommentsDownload  L' Internationale - French
"Debout! les damnes de la terre..."
International communist anthem in original (French) language
Music: P. Degeyter Lyrics: Ezhen Pote
Comments: 0 Downloads: 37303

TextCommentsDownload  La Adelita
"Legko na serdtse ot pesni veseloy ;-)"
Singer: br. Zayzar v soprovozhdenii orkestra maryachi
Comments: 12 Downloads: 22014

TextCommentsDownload  La brigada Garibaldi - Italian
Live and melodic Italian song. XII Interbrigade (Italian) fought against faschists in Spain
Comments: 0 Downloads: 19625

TextCommentsDownload  La Cucaracha - Tarakan
Music: muzika narodnaya Lyrics: U etoy pesni mnogo variantov, 1912. Singer: Zebda
Comments: 5 Downloads: 21850

TextCommentsDownload  La Internacional - Spanish
Spanish version of the International Communist Anthem
Music: P. Degeyter Lyrics: Ezhen Pote 1974. Singer: Quilapayun
Comments: 3 Downloads: 32312

TextCommentsDownload  La Marseillaise
Music: Claude-Joseph Rouget de l’Isle Lyrics: Claude-Joseph Rouget de l’Isle 1792. Singer: Mirey Mate Performed in 1980ã.
Comments: 5 Downloads: 19904

TextCommentsDownload  La Marseillaise - French
Great song of the great Revolution
Music: Klod Zhozef Ruzhe de Lill Lyrics: Klod Zhozef Ruzhe de Lill 1792. Singer: Mirey Mate
Comments: 9 Downloads: 20487

TextCommentsDownload  La Marsellesa - Spanish
Music: Klod Zhozef Ruzhe de Lill 1792. Singer: Hipolito Lazaro Performed in 1936ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 18543

TextCommentsDownload  La Unidad Popular - Afghani
"To arms, my friend: miner, student, peasant, blacksmith ..."
Afghani version of the Chilean revolutionary song
Music: Serkhio Ortega
Comments: 3 Downloads: 20304

TextCommentsDownload  La Unidad Popular - German
GDR version of revolutionary song
Music: Serkhio Ortege Singer: Hannes Wader
Comments: 1 Downloads: 19223

TextCommentsDownload  La Unidad Popular - Spanish
Very famous chilean revolution song
Music: Serkhio Ortega Lyrics: Serkhio Ortega 1970. Singer: Quilapayn Performed in 1973ã.
Comments: 9 Downloads: 38311

TextCommentsDownload  La Unidad Popular - Spanish and Russian
"To arms, my friend: miner, student, peasant, blacksmith ..."
Title translation "United people"
The best Chilean anti-pinochet revolutionary song
Music: Serkhio Ortega Lyrics: perevod T. Ogurtsovoy Singer: ansambl Grenada
Comments: 5 Downloads: 21879

TextCommentsDownload  Labour's call - English
Irish labour song
Comments: 4 Downloads: 19654

TextCommentsDownload  Lenin e Stalin - Italian
A very melodic italian song, really sounds like a love serenade. But Lenin and Stalin also can be heared in it.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 20172

TextCommentsDownload  Lied der Partei - German
East German communist song, mentions Lenin an Stalin
Lyrics: Luis Fruenberg (Luis Fryunberg) 1950. Singer: Ernst Bush
Comments: 0 Downloads: 21391

TextCommentsDownload  Lied vom kleinen Trompeter Pesnya o malenkom barabashike
Music: W.Wallroth Lyrics: W.Wallroth 1925. Singer: DDR
Comments: 0 Downloads: 22049

TextCommentsDownload  Linke Marsch - German
"Left march" "Du hast das Wort, rede, Genosse Mauser! "
German labour song
Music: G.Eysler Lyrics: V.Mayakovskiy 1918. Singer: Ernst Bush
Comments: 8 Downloads: 37927

TextCommentsDownload  Linker Marsch - Nemetskiy
"Du hast das Wort, rede, Genosse Mauser!"
Music: G. Eysler Lyrics: V. V. Mayakovskiy 1918. Singer: Erich - Weinert - Ensemble unserer Nationalen Volksarme Performed in 1976ã.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 21041

TextCommentsDownload  L' Internationale
Music: P. Degeyter Lyrics: Ezhen Pote Singer: Jean Yanne
Comments: 1 Downloads: 20025

TextCommentsDownload  L' Internationale - French
"Debout! les damnes de la terre..."
One more French version
Music: P. Degeyter Lyrics: Ezhen Pote
Comments: 0 Downloads: 18866

TextCommentsDownload  L'Internazionale - Italian
Italian version, sang twice according to national tradition
Music: P.Degeyter Lyrics: E. Pote Singer: Coro Le Camice Rosse
Comments: 0 Downloads: 18273

TextCommentsDownload  L'Internazionale - Italian
Very melodic italian version
Music: P.Degeyter Lyrics: E. Pote Singer: F.Fosca,E.Lombardelli
Comments: 1 Downloads: 31280

TextCommentsDownload  March of the 26th of July - Spanish
On 26th of July Fidel Castro began armed resistance against fascist regime of Batista, supported by american imperialists
Music: Agustin Diaz Cartaya Lyrics: Agustin Diaz Cartaya 1960.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 17069

TextCommentsDownload  March of the 26th of July - Spanish&Rus
"March, cubans, happiness of the Motherland will be a reward to you..."
On 26th of July Fidel Castro began armed resistance against fascist regime of Batista, supported by american imperialists
Music: Agustin Diaz Cartaya Lyrics: S.Bolotina i T.Sikorskoy 1960. Singer: M. Magomaev
Comments: 0 Downloads: 24313

TextCommentsDownload  Marsh 26 iyulya
"v drugom ispolnenii."
Music: A.Kartayya Lyrics: Russk.tekst S.Bolotina i T.Sikorskoy. . 1960. Singer: Ans. pesni i estradniy orkestr Vsesoyuznogo radio. Dirizher A.ndrusenko. Solist Yu.Yakushev. Performed in 1963ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 19545

TextCommentsDownload  Marsh 26 iyulya - Marcha del 26 de Julio - Ispanskiy (instrumentalniy)
Music: Agustin Diaz Cartaya Lyrics: Agustin Diaz Cartaya 1960. Singer: Orquesta Sinfunica Nacional, d
Comments: 0 Downloads: 18231

TextCommentsDownload  Marsh veselikh rebyat - Nemetskiy (Marsch der fröhlichen Jugend)
Music: I. Dunaevskiy Lyrics: V.Lebedev-Kumach 1934.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 24890

TextCommentsDownload  matrosen von kronstadt
1926. Singer: DDR
Comments: 0 Downloads: 20013

TextCommentsDownload  Matrosi iz Kronshtadta (Matrosen von Kronstadt) na nemetskom yazike
Music: K Korchmaryov Lyrics: Gelmut Shinkel 1926. Singer: Ernst Bush
Comments: 1 Downloads: 32791

TextCommentsDownload  Mavra Korakia / Mavra Korakya
Music: S. Pokrass Singer: Khor Tanosv Mikrutsikosa
Comments: 0 Downloads: 24738

TextCommentsDownload  Miedzynarodowka - Internationale - Polish
Polish version
Music: P.Degeyter Lyrics: E. Pote
Comments: 5 Downloads: 35615

TextCommentsDownload  Missisipi - English
"We must keep fighting until we're dying"
One of the most known songs of Paul Robeson
Music: Oskar Khammershteyn ²² 1927. Singer: Pol Robson
Comments: 1 Downloads: 31678

TextCommentsDownload  Molodaya gvardiya (Original na nemetskom yazike) Die Junge Garde des Proletariats
Singer: Khannes Vader (Hannes Wader)
Comments: 0 Downloads: 19498

TextCommentsDownload  Moscow - Beijing
"Russian and Chinese are brothers forever!"
Unusial version that does not mention Stalin and Mao
Music: V. Muradeli Lyrics: M. Vershinina 1949.
Comments: 2 Downloads: 21256

TextCommentsDownload  Moscow Beijing (Female Vocal)
Music: V.Muradeli Lyrics: M.Vershinin 1949.
Comments: 2 Downloads: 19530

TextCommentsDownload  Moscow summer nights
Chinese version of the great soviet song, sounds ogreat
Music: V. Solovev-Sedoy 1957.
Comments: 4 Downloads: 19010

TextCommentsDownload  Moscow-Beijing
"Russian and Chinese are brothers forever!"
Song about friendship between Mao and Stalin
Music: V. Muradeli Lyrics: M. Vershinin 1949. Singer: KrAPPSA, sol. K. Gerasimov. Performed in 1950ã.
Comments: 5 Downloads: 52983

TextCommentsDownload  Moskovskie okna (na estonskom yazike)
Music: T. Khrennikov Lyrics: M.Matusovskiy 1956. Singer: Georg Ots
Comments: 3 Downloads: 21567

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