Alphabetical list Songs, starting on Y, total : 97
   Y en eso llego Fidel
Music: Carlos Puebla Lyrics: Carlos Puebla Singer: Carlos Puebla
Comments: 1 Downloads: 18024
  Ya - demobilizovanniy
Music: Arkadiy Ostrovskiy Lyrics: Ilya Fradkin 1947. Singer: Leonid Utyosov Performed in 1947ã.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 18443
  Ya - grazhdanin Sovetskogo Soyuza
Lyrics: Evgeniy Evtushenko 1971. Singer: Muslim Magomaev Performed in 1976ã.
Comments: 3 Downloads: 17948
  Ya - grazhdanin Sovetskogo Soyuza 
...dorozhe net strani moey rodnoy...
Music: D. Pokrass Lyrics: M. Vershinin Singer: A. Martinov Performed in 1975ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 20549
  Ya - kamenshik
"Svoy kazhdiy noviy den truda ya nachinayu rano"
Music: Boris Terentev Lyrics: A.Sobolev Singer: Yan Kratov,Evgeniy Maksimenko
Comments: 1 Downloads: 18093
  Ya - Zemlya
Music: V. Muradeli Lyrics: E. Dolmatovskiy Singer: L. Zikina
Comments: 3 Downloads: 24118
  Ya - Zemlya
Music: A.Abramov Lyrics: I.Shaferan Singer: Mayya Kristalinskaya
Comments: 11 Downloads: 17816
  Ya - Zemlya
Music: V. Muradeli Lyrics: E. Dolmatovskiy 1963. Singer: sauntrek iz k/f Mechte navstrechu
Comments: 8 Downloads: 20990
  Ya beru s soboy v dorogu 
"Ya beru s soboy v dorogu lish vsego - na den khleba i nemnogo H2O..."
Singer: Oleg Anofriev
Comments: 4 Downloads: 15319
  Ya diplomat
Music: Ya.Frenkel Lyrics: Ya.Ziskend Singer: Iosif Kobzon
Comments: 1 Downloads: 17051
   Ya etot gorod stroyu 
"...ya v gorode etom ne prosto zhivu, ya etot gorod stroyu..."
Music: A.Mazhukov Lyrics: L.Oshanin Singer: Leonid Serebrennikov
Comments: 0 Downloads: 13798
  Ya idu po doroge 
"Ya idu po doroge ot morya do morya, ya idu po doroge, kupayas v prostore"
Music: E. Khanok Lyrics: A. Prokofev
Comments: 3 Downloads: 15119
  Ya idu po zemle
Music: Andrey Babaev Lyrics: Sergey Ostrovoy Singer: A.Vedernikov
Comments: 1 Downloads: 17056
  Ya kupil garmoshku novuyu
Music: E.Kuznetsov Lyrics: L.Shishko 1950. Singer: Vladimir Nechaev
Comments: 22 Downloads: 18367
  Ya lechu 
Comments: 0 Downloads: 12606
  Ya lyublyu gori Uchzhi, lyublyu reku Vantsyuan
Music: Lyu Chanan Lyrics: Chzhen Nan 1960. Singer: Li Shuantszyan
Comments: 4 Downloads: 12758
  Ya lyublyu tebya , zhizn - vetnamskiy 
"Ya lyublyu tebya, zhizn, i khochu chtobi luchshe ti stala..."
Music: E. Kolmanovskiy Lyrics: K. Vanshenkin 1956.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 21293
  Ya lyublyu tebya zhizn 
"...i nadeyus, chto eto vzaimno"
Music: E. Kolmanovskiy Lyrics: K. Vanshenkin Singer: Georg Ots
Comments: 0 Downloads: 25859
  Ya lyublyu tebya, Moskva - kitayskiy 
"Moskva - lyubov moya, ti budesh v serdtse zhit vsegda..."
Singer: Lyao Chanyun
Comments: 0 Downloads: 13303
  Ya lyublyu tebya, Rossiya 
Singer: Nikolay Slichenko
Comments: 0 Downloads: 13225
   Ya lyublyu tebya, zhizn 
"Ya lyublyu tebya, zhizn, i khochu, chtobi luchshe ti stala..."
Music: Eduard Kolmanovskiy Lyrics: Konstantin Vanshenkin 1958. Singer: Dmitriy Gnatyuk
Comments: 0 Downloads: 20295
  Ya o Rodine poyu
Music: Serafim Tulikov Lyrics: Nikolay Dorizo 1981. Singer: KAPP SA
Comments: 3 Downloads: 14466
  Ya pomnyu v Vyazme stariy dom
Music: M. Tabachnikov Lyrics: K. Simonov 1961. Singer: M. Reshetin
Comments: 0 Downloads: 22026
  Ya poyu o Moskve
Music: Serafim Tulikov Lyrics: Yuriy Polukhin Singer: Aleksandr Rozum
Comments: 0 Downloads: 17680
  Ya sebya ne mislyu bez Rossii
Music: A.Dolukhanyan Lyrics: M.Lisyanskiy 60. Singer: Artur Eyzen
Comments: 1 Downloads: 20267
  Ya shagayu po Moskve
Music: Andrey Petrov Lyrics: Gennadiy Shpalikov 1968. Singer: Eduard Khil
Comments: 0 Downloads: 21855
  Ya shagayu po Moskve 
"Bivaet vsyo na svete khorosho..."
Music: A. Petrov Lyrics: G. Shpalikov 1963. Singer: Lidiya Klement Performed in 1964ã.
Comments: 2 Downloads: 14960
  Ya shagayu po Moskve(marsh)
Performed in 1977ã. Comments: 0 Downloads: 18454
  Ya slavlyu partiyu (na ukr yazike) 
Music: Vladimir Vermenich Lyrics: Aleksandr Novitskiy 1960. Singer: Ukrainskiy narodniy khor pod ruk. Grigoriya Veryovki. sol. Vasiliy Zavgorodniy Performed in 1960ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 14347
  Ya Soldat - Kitayskiy
Music: neizvesten Lyrics: neizvesten 1960. Singer: Soldatskiy khor Kitaya
Comments: 1 Downloads: 14029
  Ya tebya nikogda ne zabudu 
"…A kogda otsluzhu, vse ravno ya naveki ostanus soldatom."
Music: Eduard Kolmanovskiy Lyrics: Konstantin Vanshenkin 1968. Singer: Aleksandr Chepurnoy Performed in 1983ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 18706
  Ya tebya nikogda ne zabudu (Proshanie slavyanki)
Music: E.Kolmanovskiy Lyrics: K.Vanshenkin 1968. Singer: Aleksey Steputenko
Comments: 0 Downloads: 21395
  Ya toroplyus na svidane s taygoy 
"Tisyachi, tisyachi, tisyachi kilometrov, Tyanutsya, tyanutsya podo mnoy.Po oblakam protiv solntsa i vetra Ya toroplyus na svidane s taygoy."
1982. Singer: VIA Leysya pesnya
Comments: 0 Downloads: 13015
  Ya vernus k tebe Rossiya
Music: E.Kolmanovskiy Lyrics: L.Oshanin Singer: A.Eyzen
Comments: 2 Downloads: 21147
  Ya vernus k tebe, Rossiya
Music: E.Kolmanovskiy Lyrics: L.Oshanin 1964. Singer: Boris Gmirya
Comments: 0 Downloads: 15723
  Ya veryu, druzya
Music: O.Feltsman Lyrics: V.Voynovich 1961. Singer: KAPP SA im.Aleksandrova
Comments: 0 Downloads: 21977
  Ya veryu, druzya
Music: O. Feltsman Lyrics: V. Voynovich 1961. Singer: G. Neef Performed in 1967ã.
Comments: 2 Downloads: 21648
  Ya veryu, druzya - marsh 
Music: Oskar Feltsman 1961. Performed in 1969ã.
Comments: 3 Downloads: 20359
  Ya vspomnil dvadtsatie godi
Music: I Lyuban Lyrics: P. Kudryavtsev Singer: Yuriy Yakushev i Yuriy Elnikov
Comments: 3 Downloads: 18570
  Ya zhil v takie vremena
Music: Aleksandr Belash Lyrics: Nikolay Ribalko 1975. Singer: Anatoliy Mokrenko
Comments: 2 Downloads: 14872
Classical, very well known, russian folk sailor s song.
Music: narodnaya Singer: Kuznetsov, Popkov, Danilov Performed in 1940ã.
Comments: 9 Downloads: 18780
Singer: Gos. ork. nar. instr. SSSR p/u P.I. Alekseeva Performed in 1939ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 16675
Singer: V.Kuznetsov (bayan), Performed in 1961ã.
Comments: 8 Downloads: 16299
Singer: KAPPSA im. Aleksandrova
Comments: 1 Downloads: 16892
"Ekh, yablochko, kuda ti kotishsya?.. :-)))"
Singer: Orlovskoe trio bayanistov: Anatoliy Kochergin, Mikhail Repka, Viktor Mikheichev Performed in 1986ã.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 19055
Singer: Ansambl bayanistov muz. samodeyatelnosti Krasnoznam. Baltflota pod upr. A. M. Chukhontseva Performed in 1939ã.
Comments: 3 Downloads: 15205
  Yablochko (krasnoarmeyskie chastushki) 
"Poyavilis partizani v shapkakh s lentami - zatryaslo Kolchaka s interventami!..."
Singer: Akadem. khor russkoy pesni Vsesoyuznogo radio
Comments: 9 Downloads: 23180
"Budem nashu yablonku okhranyat"
Music: E. Tilicheeva Lyrics: O. Visotskaya 1955. Singer: Khor Detskogo sada 1-y sittsenabivnoy fabriki (Moskva), muzikalniy rukovoditel Kolosova Performed in 1955ã.
Comments: 8 Downloads: 14927
  Yan Frenkel.Vstupitelnoe slovo s plastinki "Sovetskie kompozitori - Armii"
1970. Singer: Yan Frenkel Performed in 1970ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 13381
  Yankee go home 
Music: Carlos Puebla Lyrics: Carlos Puebla Singer: Carlos Puebla
Comments: 0 Downloads: 15424
  Yaroslavskaya storonka
Music: A.Dolukhanyan Lyrics: M.Lisyanskiy Singer: Vladimir Bunchikov i Vladimir Nechaev
Comments: 1 Downloads: 20478
  Yarostniy stroyotryad 
Music: A. Pakhmutova Lyrics: N. Dobronravov 1976. Singer: A.Gradskiy Performed in 1976ã.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 18003
  Yarostniy stroyotryad Iz kinofilma MOYa LYuBOV NA TRETEM KURSE 
"Radostniy stroy gitar.Yarostniy stroyotryad.Slovno stepnoy pozhar,Pesen kostri goryat."
Music: A. Pakhmutova Lyrics: N. Dobronravov 1976. Singer: A. Gradskiy Performed in 1976ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 25874
Music: Aleksandr Bilash Lyrics: M.Tkach Singer: Dmitriy Gnatyuk
Comments: 0 Downloads: 14497
  Yasnoi nochkoi 
Music: B. Mokrousov Lyrics: E. Dolmatovskiy
Comments: 1 Downloads: 27325
  Years pass
"...years fly away like birds, and we have no time to look behind..."
Song about life of communist
Music: M. Fradkin Lyrics: E. Dolmatovskiy 1958. Singer: I. Kobzon
Comments: 4 Downloads: 41267
  Years will pass
Song about young soviet workers
Music: V.Zakharov Lyrics: M.Isakovskiy 1952. Singer: Gos.Moskovskiy khor
Comments: 1 Downloads: 22220
  Yiyongjun Jinxingqu - Chinese
Chinese national anthem with lots of fanfares
Music: Ne Er Lyrics: Tyan Khan (russkiy tekst S. Bolotina i T. Sikorskoy) 1935.
Comments: 2 Downloads: 31367
  Yksinäinen Harmonikka - Odinokaya garmon
Music: B. Mokrousov Lyrics: Erkki Junkkarinen 1947.
Comments: 7 Downloads: 20958
  Yo tambien soy miliciano 
1969. Singer: Carlos Puebla Performed in 1969ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 15423
  You are the same as before
"...why i meet you again..."
Great lyrical song of the soviet cinema
Music: I. Dunaevskiy Lyrics: M. Isakovskiy 1948. Singer: iz k/f Kubanskie kazaki
Comments: 7 Downloads: 28981
  You march uncharted road
Pioneers sing about Motherland, building communism
Music: Yuriy Chichkov Lyrics: Vladimir Kotov Singer: Khor TsDKZh
Comments: 0 Downloads: 17820
  You must dream
"...the Lenin taught us to look forward..."
A common "Brezhnev's" song
Music: A. Pakhmutova Lyrics: Grebennikov, Dobronravov 1958. Singer: Kibkalo
Comments: 4 Downloads: 19719
  You show the path - Chinese
This recors is an official Hymn of the China Communist Party
Comments: 0 Downloads: 12989
  You won't kill us with a sharp sword
"We deafeated enemy and will do that again and again!"
A common song of the WW II
Music: Dm. i Dan. Pokrass Lyrics: V. Lebedev-Kumach 1937. Singer: Profsoyuzniy APP pri VTsSPS p/u I. G. Litsvenko. Solisti: A. Kusleev i N. Shaydamov Performed in 1941ã.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 32217
  You won't kill us with a sharp sword
"We deafeated enemy and will do that again and again!"
Modern, quality version of the famous pre-WW2 song
Music: Dm. i Dan. Pokrass. Lyrics: Vasiliy Lebedev-Kumach 1936. Singer: AP MOPVO
Comments: 3 Downloads: 16094
  Young eagles learn to fly
"...nothing can frighten them..."
Pioneer chorus sings this song
Music: A. Pakhmutova Lyrics: N. Dobronravov 1965. Singer: BDKh TsT i VR p/u V. Popova
Comments: 2 Downloads: 27342
  Young eagles learn to fly
"...nothing can frighten them..."
One more version of the song
Music: A. Pakhmutova Lyrics: N. Dobronravov 1965. Singer: Lev Polosin i Boris Kuznetsov
Comments: 0 Downloads: 21728
  Young musician
“...Killed by enemy bullet, he fell to the ground..."
Song about the young hero
Music: V. Vallrot Lyrics: V.Vallrot/M. Svetlov (perevod) 1930. Singer: Ansambl im. V.Lokteva Performed in 1975ã.
Comments: 7 Downloads: 28958
  Young naturalists' march
"how interesting it is to study in our Country..."
One more pioneer song about their happy childhood
Music: I. Dunaevskiy Lyrics: M. Matusovskiy 1953. Singer: Khor TsDDZh p/u S.Dunaevskogo Performed in 1955ã.
Comments: 4 Downloads: 25788
  Young sailor going home - Hebrew
Soviet song in Hebrew translated by Shaul Reznik
2002. Singer: Sh. Reznik
Comments: 0 Downloads: 13928
  Young sailors
"Foe attacked our land, we leave for fight "
Song about soviet sailors that will crush the enemy
Music: Yu. Milyutin Lyrics: V. Gusev 1943. Singer: Georgiy Vinogradov, dzhaz-ork. VRK p/u A. Tsfasmana. Performed in 1943ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 25234
"...because everyone is young now in our young beautiful county..."
One of the first songs about Komsomol
Music: Matvey Blanter Lyrics: Yuriy Dantsiger i Yuriy Dolin 1936. Singer: khor VR
Comments: 0 Downloads: 32011
"We'll go to battle for Lenin's ideas..."
Revolutionary song from the early 1930s
Music: Marian Koval Lyrics: Ilya Frenkel 1931.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 13315
  Youth believes in miracles
"...but only in those, that we can make ourselves..."
Good song about achevements of modern science
Music: Pavel Aedonitskiy Lyrics: Edmund yodkovskiy 1958. Singer: Viktor Besedin Performed in 1959ã.
Comments: 2 Downloads: 23261
  Youth marching over planet
One more solidarity song by Muradeli
Music: Vano Muradeli Lyrics: Sergey Mikhalkov 1964. Singer: Yuriy Mazurok
Comments: 1 Downloads: 18643
  Youth song
Song about happy life in the counry of Socialism
Music: Semyon Zaslavskiy Lyrics: Grigori Gridov 1937. Singer: khor VR Performed in 1954ã.
Comments: 7 Downloads: 16681
  Youth song from “Volga-Volga”
"Our road to the future is wide and bright...”
Cheerful komsomol song
Music: I.Dunaevsky Lyrics: V. Lebedev-Koumach 1937. Singer: from the movie “Volga-Volga”
Comments: 4 Downloads: 20205
  yshov soldat za Vladu Rad (Shyol soldat za vlast sovetov) - na ukr yazike 
Music: Anatoliy Pashkevich Lyrics: Dmitriy Lutsenko Singer: Gos. Cherkasskiy ukrainskiy narodniy khor pod rukovodstvom Anatoliya Pashkevicha. Solist V. Zakharov
Comments: 0 Downloads: 18044
  YuAGagarin - O polete, o sebe
Lyrics: Yuriy Alekseevich Gagarin 1961. Singer: Yuriy Alekseevich Gagarin
Comments: 2 Downloads: 17364
  YuAGagarin - O polze kosmicheskikh poletov chelovechestvu
Lyrics: Yuriy Alekseevich Gagarin Singer: Yuriy Alekseevich Gagarin
Comments: 0 Downloads: 16283
  YuAGagarin - O predpoletnoy podgotovke
Lyrics: Yuriy Alekseevich Gagarin Singer: Yuriy Alekseevich Gagarin
Comments: 0 Downloads: 15867
  YuAGagarin - O prizemlenii
Lyrics: Yuriy Alekseevich Gagarin 1961. Singer: Yuriy Alekseevich Gagarin Performed in 1961ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 18301
  Yubileyniy marsh
Music: M.Ippolitov-Ivanov Singer: Orkestr MO SSSR
Comments: 5 Downloads: 19211
  YuGagarin o molodezhnom festivale molodezhi i studentov v khelsinki 
Singer: Yu.Gagarin
Comments: 1 Downloads: 16551
  YuLevitan - Govorit Moskva!
Comments: 1 Downloads: 19068
  Yunie boytsi 
"V derevne ryadom fashistskiy vor..."
Music: V. Kochetov Lyrics: A. Barto 1938. Singer: Zhenskiy ans. VRK p/u I.Kuvikina. G.B.Orentlikher (f-no) Performed in 1938ã.
Comments: 4 Downloads: 13022
  Yunie michurintsi 
"Mi, yunie michurintsi, do solnishka vstaem..."
Music: Yu.Levitin Lyrics: O.Fadeeva 1954. Singer: Viktoriya Ivanova. Zhenskiy khor i orkestr p/u Yuriya Silanteva. Performed in 1958ã.
Comments: 3 Downloads: 19643
Music: V. Kuldyaev Lyrics: V. Kuldyaev 1965. Singer: Uralskiy GRNKh Performed in 1965ã.
Comments: 3 Downloads: 13922
"Sobiraytes pod znamena, pod znamena Ilicha..."
Music: M.Koval Lyrics: I.Frenkel 1931. Singer: Detskiy khor TsDDZh. Ruk. S.O.Dunaevskiy.
Comments: 5 Downloads: 17606
  Yunost mira
Music: A.Vertinskiy Lyrics: P.Antokolskiy 1944. Singer: A.Vertinskiy
Comments: 1 Downloads: 13574
  Yunost moya 
"Yunost moya, ti gori - ne sgoray! Yunost moya, ti druzey sobiray!"
Music: Pavel Ermishev Lyrics: Lev Oshanin 1981. Singer: Tamara Gverdtsiteli Performed in 1981ã.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 17745
  Yunost strani 
S plakatami, znamenami, moguchimi kolonnami, po ulitse prokhodit molodezh
Music: A. Lepin Lyrics: V. Zakharov Singer: Khor i ork. VPK p. u. L. Pyatigorskogo
Comments: 0 Downloads: 19096
  Yunost verit v chudesa 
"A ti tverdish, chto na svete ne bivaet chudes. Nu chto tebe otvetit? Oni na svete est. Chudes na svete stolko, chto i vsekh ne schest."
Music: P. Aedonitskiy Lyrics: E.Iodkovskiy 1958. Singer: Moskovskiy khor molodezhi i studentov, dirizhyor Boris Tevlin
Comments: 1 Downloads: 19756
  Yuriy Alekseevich Gagarin 
"Dokumentalnie zapisi"
1961. Performed in 1961ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 16356
  Yuriy Gagarin Nasha Zemlya -prekrasna 
Singer: Yuriy Gagarin
Comments: 0 Downloads: 13541
  Yuzhniy gorod moy 
"Kak rosa s travoy, kak moryak s volnoy, serdtsem ya s toboy, yuzhniy gorod moy!"
Music: G. Ponomarenko Lyrics: G. Georgiev. 1975. Singer: Lyudmila Zikina i Orkestr nar. instr. Performed in 1975ã.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 15140
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