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Songs, starting on E, total : 145


TextCommentsDownload  E Pusep - o nalyote na Berlin
1976. Performed in 1976ã.
Comments: 4 Downloads: 13113

TextCommentsDownload  E Pusep - o perelyote Molotova v Vashington
1976. Performed in 1976ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 12952

TextCommentsDownload  E Pusep - o poiskakh ekipazha Sigizmunda Levanevskogo
1976. Performed in 1976ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 13096

TextCommentsDownload  Each fourth
"Each fourth from Byelorussia had fallen on the War"
Beautiful song
Music: Tikhon Khrennikov Lyrics: Mikhail Matusovskiy Singer: E.Nesterenko
Comments: 7 Downloads: 24775

TextCommentsDownload  Early-early
Wife sings about her husband, fallen while defending Motherland
Music: Matvey Blanter Lyrics: Aleksey Surkov 1938. Singer: Nadezhda Obukhova, f-no M. Sakharov. Performed in 1946ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 21241

TextCommentsDownload  Ech, Jablotschko
Singer: Oktoberklub
Comments: 0 Downloads: 18569

TextCommentsDownload  Edem, brattsi, prizivatsya
Music: Vasiliy Solvyov-Sedoy Lyrics: Aleksandr Churkin 1938. Singer: Vladimir Kandelaki, f-no A. Kapulskiy. Performed in 1938ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 17834

TextCommentsDownload  Edem, edem v armiyu
Music: B. Aleksandrov Lyrics: V. Tatarinov Singer: I. Bukreev i P. Bogachev KAPPSA
Comments: 0 Downloads: 18847

TextCommentsDownload  Edem, edem v lagerya
Music: S. Kats Lyrics: V. Dragunskiy 1958. Singer: Khor ans. im. V.Lokteva MGDP i shkoln. Performed in 1958ã.
Comments: 2 Downloads: 18506

TextCommentsDownload  Edet paren
Music: Valeriy Grigorenko Lyrics: Yuriy Polukhin 1970. Singer: Khor russkoy pesni (Kutuzova)
Comments: 14 Downloads: 16045

TextCommentsDownload  Edet pogranichnik
Music: Vano Ilich Muradeli (Muradov) Lyrics: A.Godov Singer: Ivan Semenovich Bukreev
Comments: 3 Downloads: 17504

TextCommentsDownload  Edet v lager nash otryad
Music: S.Stempnevskiy. Lyrics: V.Semernin 1959. Singer: Khor ans. MGDP p/u V.Lokteva
Comments: 2 Downloads: 18617

TextCommentsDownload  Edut novoseli
Music: E.Rodigin Lyrics: N.Solokhina 1954. Singer: Muzhskaya gruppa Uralskogo Xora, solist P.Titar, V Perminov i G. Vekshin , bayani Performed in 1960ã.
Comments: 8 Downloads: 24951

TextCommentsDownload  Edut po Berlinu nashi kazaki
Music: Dm. i Dan. Pokrass Lyrics: Tsezar Solodar 1945. Singer: Ivan Shmelev. Performed in 1946ã.
Comments: 6 Downloads: 46849

TextCommentsDownload  Efreytor v otpuske (Efreytor v otpusku)
"Oy, ne volnuy ti, tovarish efreytor..."
Music: Sigizmund Kats Lyrics: Aleksey Nedogonov Singer: Georgiy Vinogradov
Comments: 16 Downloads: 17313

TextCommentsDownload  Egerskiy marsh
Singer: Obr. dukh. ork. Lengarnizona p.u. Vasileva
Comments: 0 Downloads: 33621

TextCommentsDownload  Ego zarili v shar zemnoy
Music: M.Karminskiy Lyrics: S.Orlov
Comments: 3 Downloads: 17357

TextCommentsDownload  Ei babam (Song about Lenin) - Turkmenian
Very exotik central asian folk song about Lenin
Music: Sukhan Kuliev Lyrics: Nurberdi Pomm 1939. Singer: Obed. kolkh. ans.Turkmenii na VSKhV p/u bakhshi S.Dzhaparova, sol. Geldi Muradov, Gich-Geldi Amanov Performed in 1939ã.
Comments: 7 Downloads: 15503

TextCommentsDownload  Einheitsfront - Russian
Can be translated as "United front"
Russian version by chorus
Music: G.Eysler Lyrics: B.Brekht 1934. Singer: ansambl Verasi
Comments: 1 Downloads: 18863

TextCommentsDownload  Einheitsfront - Different languages
Can be translated as "United front"
Famous labour song in English, Russian and German languages
Music: Eysler Lyrics: Brekht 1934.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 20704

TextCommentsDownload  Einheitsfront - German
Can be translated as "United front"
A german vesion of the revolutionary song, guitar
Music: G.Eysler Lyrics: B.Brekht 1934. Singer: Hannes Wader
Comments: 9 Downloads: 39412

TextCommentsDownload  Einheitsfront - German
Can be translated as "United Front"
Old "ebonyte" record
Music: G. Eysler Lyrics: B. Brekht 1934. Singer: Ernst Bush Performed in 1936ã.
Comments: 16 Downloads: 22220

TextCommentsDownload  Einheitsfront - German & Russian
Can be translated as "United front"
In German and Russian by Ernst Bush
Music: Eysler Lyrics: Brekht 1934. Singer: Ernst Bush
Comments: 0 Downloads: 20617

TextCommentsDownload  Einheitsfrontlied
Music: Brecht Lyrics: Eisler 1934. Singer: Ernst Bush (Ernst Busch)
Comments: 0 Downloads: 25020

TextCommentsDownload  Einheitsfrontlied Pesnya Edinogo fronta - nemetskiy
"Ti voydesh v nash ediniy rabochiy front, potomu chto rabochiy ti sam..."
Music: Gans Eysler (Hanns Eisler) Lyrics: Bertolt Brekht (Bertolt Brecht) 1934. Singer: Ernst Bush (Ernst Busch) Performed in 1960ã.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 17513

TextCommentsDownload  Ekh , u nas na Volge
"Tam za vlast sovetov dralsya s belyakami stariy parokhodik Vanya kommunist.."
Music: L. Shvarts Lyrics: E. Dolmatovskiy 1957. Performed in 1957ã.
Comments: 9 Downloads: 18501

TextCommentsDownload  Ekh Vanya Vanya
"Rasskazhu rebyata pesnyu vam odnu, kak poshel v soldati Vanya na voynu"
Music: Konstantin Listov Lyrics: Lev Oshanin 1948. Singer: KAPPSA solist G. Vinogradov Performed in 1948ã.
Comments: 11 Downloads: 20307

TextCommentsDownload  Ekh vi saltsi udalie
Music: narodnaya Lyrics: narodnie Singer: Ansambl p/u A. V. Aleksandrova. Performed in 1936ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 14016

TextCommentsDownload  Ekh, dorogi
"Ekh, dorogi, pil da tuman, / Kholoda, trevogi da stepnoy buryan..."
Music: Anatoliy Novikov Lyrics: Lev Oshanin 1945. Singer: Georg Ots
Comments: 1 Downloads: 20519

TextCommentsDownload  Ekh, chereshnya ukrainskaya
"lunnoy mayskoyu nochkoy shli bakuntsi vpered a v vesnyanskom sadochke soloveyko poet"
Music: K. Listov Lyrics: O. Kolichev 1939. Singer: Georgiy Vinogradov Performed in 1939ã.
Comments: 18 Downloads: 23168

TextCommentsDownload  Ekh, dorogi
"...pil da tuman, kholoda, trevogi, da stepnoy buryan..."
Music: A. Novikov Lyrics: L. Oshanin 1945. Singer: Dmitriy Golovin. Performed in 1956ã.
Comments: 3 Downloads: 20990

TextCommentsDownload  Ekh, dorogi
"...pil da tuman, kholoda, trevogi, da stepnoy buryan..."
Music: A. Novikov Lyrics: L. Oshanin 1945. Singer: VIA Poyushie gitari
Comments: 1 Downloads: 20774

TextCommentsDownload  Ekh, dorogi
Music: Anatoliy Novikov Lyrics: Lev Oshanin 1945. Singer: Muslim Magomaev
Comments: 0 Downloads: 24824

TextCommentsDownload  Ekh, dorogi ( yaponskiy )
"...pil da tuman, kholoda, trevogi, da stepnoy buryan..."
Music: A. Novikov Lyrics: L. Oshanin 1946. Singer: kvartet Boni Dzyaks (Yaponiya)
Comments: 0 Downloads: 18167

TextCommentsDownload  Ekh, dorogi (Ach, ihr Wege) na nemetskom yazike
Music: A. Novikov Lyrics: Zigmunt Khermlin i Ernst Bush 1945. Singer: Ernst Bush Performed in 1967ã.
Comments: 5 Downloads: 24463

TextCommentsDownload  Ekh, dorogi - kitayskiy
"Nam dorogi eti pozabit nelzya. ..."
Music: A. Novikov Lyrics: L. Oshanin 1945.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 17265

TextCommentsDownload  Ekh, khorosho
"Ekh, khorosho v strane sovetskoy zhit!"
Music: I. Dunaevskiy Lyrics: V. Shmidtgof 1936. Singer: I. Shmelev i khor Performed in 1950ã.
Comments: 2 Downloads: 24839

TextCommentsDownload  Ekh, khorosho
Music: I. Dunaevskiy Lyrics: V. Shmidtgof 1937. Singer: Detskiy khor Metropolitena im. Kaganovicha i ork. GABT p/u I. Dunaevskogo. Performed in 1937ã.
Comments: 4 Downloads: 37662

TextCommentsDownload  Ekh, khorosho
Music: I. Dunaevskiy Singer: Ork. p. u. B. S. Shermana
Comments: 0 Downloads: 16127

TextCommentsDownload  Ekh, khorosho
... v strane sovetskoy zhit...
Music: I. Dunaevskiy Lyrics: V. Shmitgof Singer: Det. Zheleznodor. Ansambl p.u. S. O. Dunaevskogo
Comments: 0 Downloads: 18857

TextCommentsDownload  Ekh, rebyata, zhit okhota
"Krepko plyashetsya, rebyata, potomu chto zhizn krepka. Ekh!.."
Music: V.G. Zakharov Lyrics: A.T. Tvardovskiy 1949. Singer: Khor im. Pyatnitskogo S russkim narodnim orkestrom p/u V.V. Khvatova Performed in 1949ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 15921

TextCommentsDownload  Ekh,ukhnem na kitayskom
Music: narodnaya Lyrics: narodnie Singer: Kitayskiy khor
Comments: 0 Downloads: 13875

TextCommentsDownload  Ekhal nash Vanyusha
"Beliy svet on ves obezdil, khrabro s nemtsem voeval..."
Music: K. Massalitinov Lyrics: I. Olkhovskiy Singer: Voronezhskiy RNKh p/u K.Massalitinova Performed in 1945ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 13276

TextCommentsDownload  Ekhal ya iz Berlina
Music: I.Dunaevskiy Lyrics: L.Oshanin 1945. Singer: KAPP SA, sol. N. Gres
Comments: 4 Downloads: 22965

TextCommentsDownload  Ekhal ya iz Berlina
Music: I. Dunaevskiy Lyrics: L. Oshanin 1945. Singer: L.Lyadova i N.Panteleeva
Comments: 0 Downloads: 21514

TextCommentsDownload  Ekhal ya iz Berlina
Music: I.Dunaevskiy Lyrics: L.Oshanin 1945. Singer: KAPPSA solist A.A.Sirovatko-Zolotarev Performed in 1953ã.
Comments: 5 Downloads: 23980

TextCommentsDownload  Ekipazh odnaya semya
"Nam nuzhni takie korabli na more...I togda voda nam kak zemlya..."
Music: V.Pleshak Lyrics: Yu.Pogorelskiy 1970. Singer: Ansambl pesni i plyaski Severnogo Flota Performed in 1980ã.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 14577

TextCommentsDownload  El aparecido
Music: Viktor Khara Lyrics: Viktor Khara 1967. Singer: Viktor Khara
Comments: 0 Downloads: 16926

TextCommentsDownload  El cantor
Music: Din Rid Lyrics: Din Rid 1978. Singer: Din Rid
Comments: 2 Downloads: 17836

TextCommentsDownload  El derecho de vivir en paz (Pravo zhit v mire)
Music: Víctor Jara Lyrics: Víctor Jara 1973. Singer: Víctor Jara Performed in 1973ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 16545

TextCommentsDownload  El derecho de vivir en paz-ispanskiy
"Tio Ho, nuestra cancion es fuego de puro amor...cadena que hara triunfar el derecho de vivir en paz."
1973. Singer: Viktor Khara
Comments: 0 Downloads: 16225

TextCommentsDownload  El Frente Unido - Spanish
Can be translated as "United front"
Spanish version of the revolutionary song
Music: Eysler Lyrics: Brekht 1934. Performed in 1937ã.
Comments: 7 Downloads: 21762

TextCommentsDownload  El Madrid de Noviembre - Spanish
Song about spanish Civil war of 1936-1938
Comments: 0 Downloads: 16398

TextCommentsDownload  El pendón morado
Comments: 0 Downloads: 16701

TextCommentsDownload  El pueblo unido jamas sera vencido!
Music: Serkhio Ortega Lyrics: Serkhio Ortega 1970. Singer: Inti-Ilimani
Comments: 4 Downloads: 23588

TextCommentsDownload  El Quinto Regimiento (Pyatiy polk) - Ispanskiy
"...el partido comunista fundó el Quinto Regimiento"
Comments: 1 Downloads: 16760

TextCommentsDownload  Elegia al Che Guevara
Singer: Quilapayin
Comments: 3 Downloads: 17212

TextCommentsDownload  Elochnaya
Music: M. Blanter Lyrics: V. Lebedev-Kumach 1937. Singer: Sofya Golemba. Khor i simf. ork. VRK p/u B. Shermana. Performed in 1940ã.
Comments: 2 Downloads: 21574

TextCommentsDownload  Elochnaya pesenka
"I rodnoy tovarish Stalin vstretit s nami Noviy god"
Music: M. Rober Lyrics: Z. Aleksandrova 1938. Singer: Mariya Petrovna Maksakova, khor o ork VRK Performed in 1938ã.
Comments: 10 Downloads: 19578

TextCommentsDownload  Elsi bi parni vsey zemli
Music: Vasiliy Solovev-Sedoy Lyrics: Evgeniy Dolmatovskiy 1957. Singer: Nikolay Kondratyuk Performed in 1961ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 22951

TextCommentsDownload  Elu, armastan sind (Ya lyublyu tebya, zhizn)
"ikka uuesti sinusse armun"
Music: E. Kolmanovskiy Lyrics: K. Vanshenkin Singer: Georg Ots
Comments: 2 Downloads: 23611

TextCommentsDownload  En el Valle del Yuro
"Caramba, estoy de mala: mataron al Che Guevara. (Chert vozmi, mne plokho: ubili Che Gevaru.)"
Lyrics: Enrique San Martín 1969. Singer: Rolando Alarcón Performed in 1969ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 17540

TextCommentsDownload  Enisey - brat polyarnikh morey
"... Do polyarnikh morey ti nesyosh, Enisey, slavu gorduyu russkoy zemli..."
Music: Sergey Kaydan-Dyoshkin Lyrics: V.Frolov 1948. Singer: A.Gusev
Comments: 7 Downloads: 19677

TextCommentsDownload  Eniseyskie zharki
"... Nad shirokim Eniseem podnimaetsya tuman, uplivaet noch na sever, v Ledovitiy okean..."
Music: Yuriy Saulskiy Lyrics: V.Geraskin 1965. Singer: Oleg Anofriev i Aleksandra Strelchenko Performed in 1965ã.
Comments: 7 Downloads: 14953

TextCommentsDownload  Entgegen dem kuhlenden Morgen
Music: D.Shostakovich Lyrics: B.Kornilov 1936.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 24747

TextCommentsDownload  Enthusiasts march
"...nothing can stop us, not ice, nor skies..."
Version of the famous song in better quality
Music: I.Dunaevskiy Lyrics: A. D Aktil 1940. Singer: iz k/f Svetliy put Performed in 1940ã.
Comments: 3 Downloads: 47964

TextCommentsDownload  Enthusiasts march
"...nothing can stop us, not ice, nor skies..."
Later version that differs from "classical" text
Music: I. Dunaevskiy Lyrics: A. D Aktil 1940. Performed in 1955ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 28343

TextCommentsDownload  Enthusiasts' march
"...nothing can stop us, not ice, nor skies..."
A cheerful, optimistic song from the movie "Bright path". A really great song.
Music: I. Dunaevsky Lyrics: A. D'Actille 1940. Singer: from movie "Bright path" Performed in 1940ã.
Comments: 9 Downloads: 67312

TextCommentsDownload  Enthusiasts' march
"...nothing can stop us, not ice, nor skies..."
Soundtrack from movie "Bright path"
Music: I. Dunaevskiy Lyrics: A. D'aktil 1940. Singer: L. Orlova Performed in 1940ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 26835

TextCommentsDownload  Entire country is singing with us
"Go forward with courage, our eagles..."
A song about Soviet Army and USSR
Music: M. Blanter Lyrics: V. Lebedev-Kumach
Comments: 3 Downloads: 17359

TextCommentsDownload  Entire Country is singing with us
"March forward, sons of the Red Army..."
Cheerful "mobilizing" march of the pre-WW2 Red Army
Music: Matvey Blanter Lyrics: Vasiliy Lebedev-Kumach 1936. Singer: Evgeniy Tolstov i khor VR Performed in 1938ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 35099

TextCommentsDownload  Entire planet becomes younger
Cheerful, optimistic song of the 60s.
Music: A.Pakhmutova Lyrics: S. Grebennikov, N. Dobronravov 1959. Singer: Khor VR
Comments: 4 Downloads: 15729

TextCommentsDownload  Enver Hoxha Tungjatjeta
Comments: 0 Downloads: 18555

TextCommentsDownload  Epee Enver Hoxha
1970. Performed in 1970ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 16535

TextCommentsDownload  Erevanskoe utro
Music: Orbelyan Lyrics: Balasan Singer: Karapetyan
Comments: 0 Downloads: 15808

TextCommentsDownload  Erich Honecker - Rücktrittsrede Erich Honecker
Lyrics: Erich Honecker 1989. Singer: Erich Honecker Performed in 1989ã.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 17036

TextCommentsDownload  Ernesto Che Gevara - Zhizn vo imya revolyutsii
Comments: 1 Downloads: 13390

TextCommentsDownload  Ernesto Che Guevara
Rock-n-roll about Che
Singer: Wickeda
Comments: 10 Downloads: 18990

TextCommentsDownload  Ernst Telman – rech 1502 1928
1928. Singer: Ernst Telman Performed in 1928ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 16977

TextCommentsDownload  Eshelonnaya
Music: A. V. Aleksandrov Lyrics: Osip Kolichev Singer: KAPP SA
Comments: 7 Downloads: 24295

TextCommentsDownload  Eshelonnaya (Pesnya pro Voroshilova)
Music: A. V. Aleksandrov Lyrics: O. Kolichev 1935. Singer: Ansambl p/u A. V. Aleksandrova Performed in 1939ã.
Comments: 10 Downloads: 19772

TextCommentsDownload  Eshyo vishe Krasniy Styag - Koreyskiy
Singer: Gosudarstvenniy Zasluzhenniy khor Koreyskoy Narodnoy Armii
Comments: 0 Downloads: 13624

TextCommentsDownload  Eshyo vishe, eshyo silnee!
Singer: Ansambl elektronnoy muziki Pochkhonbo
Comments: 0 Downloads: 31894

TextCommentsDownload  Eskadriliya Normandiya
Music: M.Fradkin Lyrics: E.Dolmatovskiy 1971. Singer: E.Flaks
Comments: 3 Downloads: 18351

TextCommentsDownload  Eskadrilya Normandiya
"V nebesakh mi letali odni, mi teryali druzey boevikh, nu a tem komu vipalo zhit- nado pomnit o nikh i druzhit..."
Music: M.Fradkin Lyrics: E.Dolmatovskiy Singer: V.Troshin
Comments: 2 Downloads: 15121

TextCommentsDownload  Eskadron idet na vraga
"Ne rosoyu krovavoy vishli reki na berega. Boy suroviy i praviy, eskadron idyot na vraga..."
1976. Performed in 1976ã.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 14312

TextCommentsDownload  Esli b mog tovarish Lenin na Rossiyu poglyadet
"I za vse dela spasibo Lenin - Stalinu skazal..."
Music: A.Koposova Lyrics: A.Salnikova 1951. Singer: Voronezhskiy russkiy narodniy khor i orkestr narodnikh instrumentov pod upr. K.I.Massalitinova Performed in 1951ã.
Comments: 2 Downloads: 16892

TextCommentsDownload  Esli bi parni vsey zemli
Music: V.Solovev-Sedoy Lyrics: E.Dolmatovskiy 1957. Singer: Mark Bernes
Comments: 1 Downloads: 23044

TextCommentsDownload  Esli bi parni vsey zemli
Music: V.Solovev-Sedoy Lyrics: E. Dolmatovskiy 1957. Singer: Georg Ots
Comments: 3 Downloads: 18635

TextCommentsDownload  Esli mi amerikantsi-Si somos americanos-ispanskiy
"Esli mi amerikantsi,ne budem smotret na granitsakh...Si somos americanos no miraremos fronteras..."
Singer: Viktor Khara i gruppa Kilapayun
Comments: 0 Downloads: 13123

TextCommentsDownload  Esli otets geroy
"Kogda okonchilas voyna, on ne vernulsya chtob uvidet sina..."
Music: A. Pakhmutova Lyrics: S. Grebennikov/N. Dobronravov 1963. Singer: Yuriy Gulyaev Performed in 1967ã.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 19626

TextCommentsDownload  Esli Partiya reshit - mi sdelaem
Singer: KNDR
Comments: 0 Downloads: 12851

TextCommentsDownload  Esli pesnya pechalno poetsya (Rekviem na smert narkoma Ordzhonikidze)
Music: I. Dunaevskiy Lyrics: V. Lebedev-Kumach 1937. Singer: L. Khachaturov (?) Performed in 1937ã.
Comments: 5 Downloads: 16398

TextCommentsDownload  Esli pet nam o Rodine
Music: Aleksandr Dolukhanyan. Lyrics: Vadim Semernin 1960. Singer: Detskiy khor
Comments: 7 Downloads: 22899

TextCommentsDownload  Esli Rodinu ti lyubish
"... Ey ne lest nuzhna, a pravda..."
Music: Serafim Tulikov Lyrics: Nikolay Dorizo 1976. Singer: Dmitriy Gnatyuk Performed in 1976ã.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 17918

TextCommentsDownload  Esli somknuti tesno ryadi
"Rodina zhdyot, tovarishi zhdut - podviga zhdut tvoego."
Music: Vladimir Olovnikov Lyrics: Mikhail Svetlov 1962. Singer: Dets.khor, ork. p/u Yu.Belzatskogo Performed in 1962ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 18796

TextCommentsDownload  Esli sprosyat po sekretu
Music: A.Kholminov Lyrics: B.Gaykovich, Yu.Polukhin 1959. Singer: G.Dudarev, ansambl p/u V.Knushevitskogo,
Comments: 0 Downloads: 18328

TextCommentsDownload  Esli zavtra voyna
Music: Dm. i Dan. Pokrass Lyrics: V. Lebedev-Kumach 1938. Singer: ikh k/f "Esli zavtra voyna" Performed in 1938ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 29927

TextCommentsDownload  Esli zavtra voyna
Music: Dm. i Dan. Pokrass Lyrics: V. Lebedev-Kumach 1938. Singer: ikh k/f "Esli zavtra voyna" Performed in 1938ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 27475

TextCommentsDownload  Esli zavtra voyna
Music: Dm. i Dan. Pokrass Lyrics: V. Lebedev-Kumach 1938. Singer: KAPPSA Performed in 1970ã.
Comments: 5 Downloads: 33446

TextCommentsDownload  Est gorod na Volge
Music: Pavel Aedonitskiy Lyrics: L.Shipakhina 1960. Singer: Evgeniy Kibkalo
Comments: 0 Downloads: 20618

TextCommentsDownload  Est mestechko v Krimu
Music: D. Kabalevskiy Lyrics: V. Shestakov 1935. Singer: Detskiy khor TsDDZh Semyona Dunaevskogo
Comments: 2 Downloads: 19832

TextCommentsDownload  Est mestechko v Krimu
"I Krimskie zori, i sinee more - mi vas ne zabudem vovek!"
Music: Dmitriy Kabalevskiy Lyrics: Nikolay Shestakov 1935. Singer: Detskiy khor TsDDZh p/u Semyona Dunaevskogo Performed in 1939ã.
Comments: 5 Downloads: 18636

TextCommentsDownload  Est na severe khoroshiy gorodok
Music: Tikhon Khrennikov Lyrics: Viktor Gusev 1942. Singer: khor Performed in 1942ã.
Comments: 5 Downloads: 24258

TextCommentsDownload  Est na severe khoroshiy gorodok
Music: Tikhon Khrennikov Lyrics: Viktor Gusev 1942. Singer: Kr. APP SA im. A.Aleksandrova
Comments: 16 Downloads: 24695

TextCommentsDownload  Est na severe khoroshiy gorodok
"V nochenki moroznie, v yasnie denki V boy vikhodyat groznie krasnie polki...."
Music: Tikhon Khrennikov Lyrics: Viktor Gusev 1942. Singer: Kola Beldi Performed in 1977ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 16870

TextCommentsDownload  Est na severe khoroshiy gorodok - kitayskiy
"Mi zakhvatchikov-fashistov razobem.."
Music: Tikhon Khrennikov Lyrics: Viktor Gusev 1942.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 21092

TextCommentsDownload  Est takaya partiya
Music: B. Aleksandrov Lyrics: S. Benke Singer: Ansambl imeni Aleksandrova
Comments: 6 Downloads: 19546

TextCommentsDownload  Est takaya partiya
Music: B.Aleksandrov Lyrics: S.Benke Singer: Ansambl imeni A.V. Aleksandrova, solist A. Sergeev
Comments: 2 Downloads: 17599

TextCommentsDownload  Est takaya zemlya
Music: N. Kutuzov Lyrics: V. Semernin Singer: A. Rozum, Akademicheskiy khor russkoy pesni VR p.u. N. Kutuzova
Comments: 0 Downloads: 17699

TextCommentsDownload  Est u revolyutsii nachalo
Music: Vano Muradeli Lyrics: Yuriy Kamenetskiy
Comments: 13 Downloads: 30558

TextCommentsDownload  Est v kudryavoy roshe
"Stalinskoe slovo yarche vsekh ogney..."
Music: A. Koposov Singer: Voronezhskiy RNKh p/u K.Massalitinova
Comments: 2 Downloads: 15803

TextCommentsDownload  Estafeta
"Chest komandi ne uronim -vsekh obgonim, vsekh obgonim..."
Music: Lyudmila Lyadova Lyrics: G.Khodosov 1956. Singer: isp L.Lyadova, M.Vdovenko,G.Ostrovskaya. Performed in 1956ã.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 18458

TextCommentsDownload  Eta pesnya o Nyom
"...Eta pesnya o nyom i o vernikh druzyakh, o druzyakh o ego i tovarishakh, a druzya u nego - eto tseliy narod... boevie druzya posedeli v boyakh..."
1933. Performed in 1933ã.
Comments: 3 Downloads: 13896

TextCommentsDownload  Eto bilo pod Moskvoy
Music: Sigizmund Kats Lyrics: Vadim Malkov 1947. Singer: Vladimir Bunchikov i Vladimir Nechaev Performed in 1953ã.
Comments: 7 Downloads: 21240

TextCommentsDownload  Eto govorim mi
"Nebo nado mnoy, nebo nado mnoy, kak sambrero, kak sambrero, bereg zolotoy, bereg zolotoy Varadero. Kuba daleka, Kuba daleka, Kuba ryadom, Kuba ryadom. Eto govorim, eto govorim mi."
Music: G. Movsesyan Lyrics: L. Oshanin 1978. Singer: VIA Plamya Performed in 1978ã.
Comments: 2 Downloads: 17056

TextCommentsDownload  Eto idet molodezh
Music: I. Dunaevskiy Lyrics: M. Matusovskiy 1954. Singer: Bolshoy khor VR
Comments: 4 Downloads: 14890

TextCommentsDownload  Eto mi
Music: A.Pakhmutova Lyrics: Yu.Vizbor, M.Kusurgashev Singer: Evgeniy Kibkalo
Comments: 6 Downloads: 19498

TextCommentsDownload  Eto russkaya zemlya
Music: A. Polyachek Lyrics: F. Savinov 1949. Singer: Sergey Lemeshev
Comments: 1 Downloads: 19928

TextCommentsDownload  Eto russkoe slovo - Moskva
Music: T. Khrennikov Lyrics: V. Gusev 1944. Singer: V. Zakharov, M. Mikhaylov
Comments: 1 Downloads: 19004

TextCommentsDownload  Eto ti nasha molodost
"Eto ti, nasha molodost, molodost, molodost, ozarila ognyami tayozhnuyu dal..."
Singer: VIA Muzika
Comments: 2 Downloads: 13333

TextCommentsDownload  Eto tvoy gorod, paren
...s gordoy sudboy Avrori i s Leninskim imenem svoim...
Music: G. Nosov Lyrics: Avramenko Singer: V. Matusov, V. Kopilov
Comments: 0 Downloads: 19722

TextCommentsDownload  Eto v boy idut matrosi!
Music: B.Terentev Lyrics: N.Flerov 1944. Singer: P.Kirichek
Comments: 5 Downloads: 21115

TextCommentsDownload  Eto vot po - nashemu
"V starinu mi peli tolko o nuzhde i gore gorkom. Zhil bez radosti narod, a teper naoborot."
Music: V.Levashov Lyrics: B.Danilovich 1960. Singer: Gos. narodniy khor im. Pyatnitskogo.God ispolneniya tozhe primerniy. 1956 -1960.
Comments: 4 Downloads: 14127

TextCommentsDownload  Eto vse Rossiya
Music: Yu.Milyutin Lyrics: A.Fatyanov 1958. Singer: A.Grigorev
Comments: 0 Downloads: 16986

TextCommentsDownload  Etot bolshoy mir
"Esli chto-to ya zabudu, vryad li zvyozdi primut nas."
Music: V. Chernisheva Lyrics: R. Rozhdestvenskiy 1973. Singer: Gennadiy Belov Performed in 1973ã.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 15841

TextCommentsDownload  Evening Capital
"Moscow sings, shines by lights..."
Famous song from movie "We've met somewhere..."
Music: Anatoliy Lepin Lyrics: Evgeniy Dolmatovskiy 1954. Singer: Lyudmila Tselikovskaya i khor
Comments: 0 Downloads: 32750

TextCommentsDownload  Evening in port
One of the best songs of WW2
Music: V.Solovev-Sedoy Lyrics: A.Churkin 1942. Singer: BDKh, solisti S.Paramonov, V.Nikolaev Performed in 1975ã.
Comments: 2 Downloads: 27635

TextCommentsDownload  Evening in port
One of the best songs of the WW2 by Red Army Choir
Music: V. Solovev-Sedoy Lyrics: A. Churkin 1942. Singer: Sol. E.Belyaev, B.Shapenko, ans. im. Aleksandrova
Comments: 3 Downloads: 25985

TextCommentsDownload  Evening party song
"...we meet today to celebrate a great day..."
Soviet people sang that on holiday party
Music: Boris Mokrousov Lyrics: Mikhail Isakovskiy 1947. Singer: G. Abramov i V. Bunchikov
Comments: 1 Downloads: 22979

TextCommentsDownload  Evenings in Moscow countryside
Sometimes it is called “Moscow summer nights”
This song is famous both in the USSR and outside the country.
Fist published on International Youth Festival in Moscow in 1956.
Music: V. Solovev-Sedoy Lyrics: M. Matusovskiy 1957. Singer: V.Troshin
Comments: 49 Downloads: 51112

TextCommentsDownload  Evenings in Moscow countryside
Sometimes it is called “Moscow summer nights”
Unusual version of a famous song by folk chorus im. Pyatnickogo
Music: V. Solovev-Sedoy 1957. Singer: Khor im. Pyatnitskogo
Comments: 2 Downloads: 21786

TextCommentsDownload  Everyone is singing about spring
"Young spring songs fly before the birds..."
Song about spring, youth and love
Music: A.Ostrovskiy Lyrics: V.Kharitonov Singer: V.Eliseev i V.Selivanov
Comments: 5 Downloads: 22628

TextCommentsDownload  Everything around is fine
Song about happy life of the Soviet pioneers
Music: I. Dunaevskiy Lyrics: L. Nekrasova
Comments: 1 Downloads: 20256

TextCommentsDownload  Ex-soldier
"I came back from war to build new life..."
Song about reconstruction of what was ruined by the fascists...
Music: Yuliya Zapolskaya Lyrics: Naum Labkovskiy 1947. Singer: Leonid Utyosov
Comments: 3 Downloads: 24883

TextCommentsDownload  Ey, gryanem silnee!
Music: Isaak Dunaevskiy Lyrics: Vas. Lebedev-Kumach 1937. Singer: Artisti kinofilma
Comments: 1 Downloads: 18794

TextCommentsDownload  Ey, kapitani!
Music: R. Boyko Lyrics: V. Semernin 1970. Singer: BDKh Performed in 1970ã.
Comments: 8 Downloads: 14194

TextCommentsDownload  Ey, rebyata!
"I lyubomu tak namilim sheyu – budet pomnit nas!"
Music: Vasiliy Riskov Lyrics: Leonid Kukso 1970. Singer: Yuriy Bogdanov, Vasiliy Labkovskiy, Anatoliy Pinevich, Aleksey Steputenko Performed in 1970ã.
Comments: 6 Downloads: 16552

TextCommentsDownload  Ey, sedlayte, khloptsi, koney
Music: obr. A. V. Aleksandrov Lyrics: V. I. Lebedev-Kumach 1942. Singer: Ans. p/u A. V. Aleksandrova Performed in 1942ã.
Comments: 9 Downloads: 17803

TextCommentsDownload  Ey, trubach
"Shli vpered boevie chasti, ya smotrela im dolgo vsled..."
Music: A. Lepin Lyrics: M. Svetlov 1941. Singer: Zoya Fedorova Performed in 1941ã.
Comments: 3 Downloads: 19518

TextCommentsDownload  Ey, trubach molodenkiy!
"Nashu molodost boevuyu nikogda ne sognut dugoy, ne poydyom mi na mirovuyu revolyutsii mirovoy!"
Music: Georgiy Portnov Lyrics: Mikhail Svetlov 1941. Singer: APP LVO p/u V.Muradyana Performed in 1970ã.
Comments: 3 Downloads: 18061

TextCommentsDownload  Ey, ukhnem
Music: Russkaya narodnaya pesnya Singer: Pol Robson Performed in 1949ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 16034

TextCommentsDownload  Ey, ukhnem!
"Ey, ukhnem!"
Music: Narodnaya Lyrics: Narodnie Singer: KAPPSA im. Aleksandrova i A. Eyzen Performed in 1970ã.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 18651

TextCommentsDownload  Ey, ukhnem!
"...Mi po berezhku idyom, pesni solnishku poyom."
Music: Russkaya narodnaya Singer: F.I. Shalyapin Performed in 1902ã.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 17696

TextCommentsDownload  Ey, zapevay, devchata, chastushki
Music: Sigizmund Kats Lyrics: Anatoliy Sofronov Singer: E.Semenkina, A.Frolova i L.Lazareva
Comments: 1 Downloads: 15810

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