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Songs, starting on L, total : 277


TextCommentsDownload  L Comintern - Spanish
"Our goal - USSR worldwide"
Spanish version of the Comintern (Communist International) Anthem
Music: G.Eysler Lyrics: Texto en Español: Salvador Chardi 1929.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 19201

TextCommentsDownload  L' Internationale - French
"Debout! les damnes de la terre..."
International communist anthem in original (French) language
Music: P. Degeyter Lyrics: Ezhen Pote
Comments: 0 Downloads: 36318

TextCommentsDownload  La Adelita
"Legko na serdtse ot pesni veseloy ;-)"
Singer: br. Zayzar v soprovozhdenii orkestra maryachi
Comments: 12 Downloads: 21241

TextCommentsDownload  La brigada Garibaldi - Italian
Live and melodic Italian song. XII Interbrigade (Italian) fought against faschists in Spain
Comments: 0 Downloads: 18859

TextCommentsDownload  La consigna (Lozung)
Music: Karlos Mekhia Godoy Lyrics: Karlos Mekhia Godoy 1979.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 15402

TextCommentsDownload  La Cucaracha - Tarakan
Music: muzika narodnaya Lyrics: U etoy pesni mnogo variantov, 1912. Singer: Zebda
Comments: 5 Downloads: 21056

TextCommentsDownload  La era esta pariendo un corazon
Song from cuban site about Che, very melodic
Singer: Silvio Rodriguez
Comments: 2 Downloads: 15865

TextCommentsDownload  La Internacional - Spanish
Spanish version of the International Communist Anthem
Music: P. Degeyter Lyrics: Ezhen Pote 1974. Singer: Quilapayun
Comments: 3 Downloads: 31128

TextCommentsDownload  La internacional-Spanish
"!A la lucha,proletarios!!"
Music: P. Degeyter Lyrics: E. Rote 1871.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 17722

TextCommentsDownload  La Joven Guardia - Spanish
Spanish revolutionary song
Comments: 1 Downloads: 15722

TextCommentsDownload  La Marseillaise
Music: Claude-Joseph Rouget de l’Isle Lyrics: Claude-Joseph Rouget de l’Isle 1792. Singer: Mirey Mate Performed in 1980ã.
Comments: 5 Downloads: 19121

TextCommentsDownload  La Marseillaise (arrHBerlioz)
"Aux armes citoyens !"
Music: Klod Zhozef Ruzhe de Lill (aranzhirovka - Gektor Berlioz) Lyrics: Klod Zhozef Ruzhe de Lill 1792. Singer: Roberto Alanya (tenor), khor armii Frantsii, Parizhskie smeshanniy i detskiy khori, orkestr londonskogo teatra Kovent - Garden, dirizhyor Bertran de Biyi Performed in 2003ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 22193

TextCommentsDownload  La Marseillaise (Marseleza)
Music: Ruzhe de Lill, obr A.V. Aleksandrova Lyrics: Ruzhe de Lill 1792. Singer: Ansambl imeni A.V. Aleksandrova, dir. B.A. Aleksandrov
Comments: 0 Downloads: 25744

TextCommentsDownload  La Marseillaise - Frantsuzskiy
Music: Klod Zhozef Ruzhe de Lill Lyrics: Klod Zhozef Ruzhe de Lill 1792. Singer: Fedor Ivanovich Shalyapin
Comments: 1 Downloads: 40603

TextCommentsDownload  La Marseillaise - French
Great song of the great Revolution
Music: Klod Zhozef Ruzhe de Lill Lyrics: Klod Zhozef Ruzhe de Lill 1792. Singer: Mirey Mate
Comments: 9 Downloads: 19633

TextCommentsDownload  La Marseillaise - kitayskiy
Music: Klod Zhozef Ruzhe de Lill Lyrics: Klod Zhozef Ruzhe de Lill 1792.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 18527

TextCommentsDownload  La Marseillaise - Muzika
"Allons enfants de la Patrie / Le jour de gloire est arrivé ! ..."
Music: Klod Zhozef Ruzhe de Lill 1792. Singer: Orchestre de la Garde republicaine (?)
Comments: 0 Downloads: 20782

TextCommentsDownload  La Marsellesa - Spanish
Music: Klod Zhozef Ruzhe de Lill 1792. Singer: Hipolito Lazaro Performed in 1936ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 17698

TextCommentsDownload  La Marsellesa Socialista
Music: Claude-Joseph Rouget de l’Isle Lyrics: ? Singer: ?
Comments: 0 Downloads: 15949

TextCommentsDownload  La Unidad Popular - Afghani
"To arms, my friend: miner, student, peasant, blacksmith ..."
Afghani version of the Chilean revolutionary song
Music: Serkhio Ortega
Comments: 3 Downloads: 19571

TextCommentsDownload  La Unidad Popular - German
GDR version of revolutionary song
Music: Serkhio Ortege Singer: Hannes Wader
Comments: 1 Downloads: 18489

TextCommentsDownload  La Unidad Popular - Spanish
Very famous chilean revolution song
Music: Serkhio Ortega Lyrics: Serkhio Ortega 1970. Singer: Quilapayn Performed in 1973ã.
Comments: 9 Downloads: 37217

TextCommentsDownload  La Unidad Popular - Spanish and Russian
"To arms, my friend: miner, student, peasant, blacksmith ..."
Title translation "United people"
The best Chilean anti-pinochet revolutionary song
Music: Serkhio Ortega Lyrics: perevod T. Ogurtsovoy Singer: ansambl Grenada
Comments: 5 Downloads: 21029

TextCommentsDownload  Labour reserve march
"We sing a song about our Great Leader and our heroic labour..."
Cheerful song about Stalin and labour
Music: Matvey Blanter Lyrics: Mikhail Isakovskiy i Aleksey Surkov 1947. Singer: Vladimir Bunchikov i Vladimir Nechaev. Performed in 1951ã.
Comments: 4 Downloads: 25663

TextCommentsDownload  Labour song
"Let us double, triple production to make our country prosperious..."
Cheerful labour song that inspires to work
Music: Oskar Feltsman Lyrics: Naum Olev Singer: Nikolay Solovyov
Comments: 0 Downloads: 22595

TextCommentsDownload  Labour's call - English
Irish labour song
Comments: 4 Downloads: 18830

TextCommentsDownload  Lagernaya proshalnaya
Zavtra utrom otryadnoe znamya nas iz lesa domoy povedet...
Music: A. Khachaturyan Lyrics: N. Vladimirskiy Singer: Khor i orkestr TsDKZh p.u. S. O. Dunaevskogo
Comments: 0 Downloads: 17766

TextCommentsDownload  Land remembers Lenin
Folklore song about Lenin
Music: A. Novikov Lyrics: L. Oshanin Singer: khor im. Pyatnitskogo
Comments: 3 Downloads: 17498

TextCommentsDownload  Las Compañías de Acero - Spanish
A cheerful, marching spanish revolutionary song
Music: Carlos Palacio Lyrics: Luis de Tapia Singer: Quicu Pi de la Serra
Comments: 0 Downloads: 16208

TextCommentsDownload  Last fighting
"Last fighting is the hardest one..."
From movie "Liberation"
Music: M.Nozhkin Lyrics: M.Nozhkin 1975. Singer: Mikhail Nozhkin
Comments: 3 Downloads: 26071

TextCommentsDownload  Last landing
Song sbout soviet marines
Music: V.Makhlyankin Lyrics: Sergey Grebennikov 1970. Singer: Yuriy Gulyaev
Comments: 0 Downloads: 19013

TextCommentsDownload  Lastochka - Kasatochka
This WW2 song is very close to russian traditional music
Music: E. Zharkovskiy Lyrics: O. Kolichev 1948. Singer: Ansambl KBF Performed in 1948ã.
Comments: 3 Downloads: 20976

TextCommentsDownload  Lastochka-kasatochka
Cheerful soldier's song by Utesov
Music: E. Zharkovskiy Lyrics: O. Kolichev 1948. Singer: L. Utesov Performed in 1948ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 21185

TextCommentsDownload  Lastochka-kasatochka
Music: Zharkovskiy Lyrics: Kolichev 1948. Singer: O.Razumovskiy, vokalniy oktet, ap658 Performed in 1951ã.
Comments: 2 Downloads: 18067

TextCommentsDownload  LBKrasin-rech o borbe s razrukhoy na transporte
"Nash boevoy klik seychas kak mozhno bolshe poleznoy raboti..."
Lyrics: L.B.Krasin 1919. Singer: L.B.Krasin Performed in 1919ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 15668

TextCommentsDownload  Le Chant du départ
"Opyanennie krovyu i vlastyu, pust trepeshut teper palachi"
1794. Singer: KAPPSA
Comments: 0 Downloads: 20749

TextCommentsDownload  Le drapeau rouge(Red banner/Krasnoe znamya)-French
"Le voilà, le voilà, regardez"
Comments: 0 Downloads: 18307

TextCommentsDownload  Le drapeau rouge(Red banner/Krasnoe znamya)-French
Comments: 0 Downloads: 17832

TextCommentsDownload  Leader of our team
Song about how pioneers spend their free time
Music: A. Pakhmutova Lyrics: N. Dobronravov 1962.
Comments: 5 Downloads: 18099

TextCommentsDownload  Lebedev-Kumach - iz rechi na sezde
1946. Singer: V.I.Lebedev-Kumach Performed in 1946ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 16024

TextCommentsDownload  Legenda o Tbilisi
"na gruzinskom yazike"
Music: N.Gabuniya Lyrics: A.Gelovani Singer: VIA Mziuri, solist Mayya Dzhabua
Comments: 2 Downloads: 16087

TextCommentsDownload  Legendarnaya troyka
Music: N.Polikarpov Lyrics: S.Krasikov 1973. Singer: E.Labkovskiy Performed in 1973ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 18794

TextCommentsDownload  Legendary Sevastopol
Heroico-patriotic song about Sevastopol - main base of Soviet Black Sea Fleet
Music: V. Muradeli Lyrics: P. Gradov 1944. Singer: Ans. pesni i plyaski ChF VMF SSSR Performed in 1983ã.
Comments: 18 Downloads: 47171

TextCommentsDownload  Legende vom toten Soldaten Legenda o mertvom soldate - nemetskiy
"Chetire goda dlilsya boy, a mir ne nastupal..."
Music: Bertolt Brecht / Ernst Busch Lyrics: Bertold Brekht (Bertolt Brecht) 1918. Singer: Ernst Bush (Ernst Busch) Performed in 1967ã.
Comments: 2 Downloads: 17607

TextCommentsDownload  Legends will tell
"We built our happiness ourselves"
Songs about achievements of Soviet People
Music: G.Movsesyan Lyrics: V.Gin 1977. Singer: I.Kobzon
Comments: 2 Downloads: 26197

TextCommentsDownload  Lenin
"Den osenniy, kak den vesenniy. Mi vpervie zakhodim v klass. I vstrechaet nas v klasse Lenin, I s ulibkoy glyadit na nas..."
Music: Yuriy Chichkov Lyrics: Vadim Semernin Singer: Detskiy khor IKhV
Comments: 1 Downloads: 19809

TextCommentsDownload  Lenin (dramaticheskaya simfoniya, sochinenie 16) Chast I
"Vremya! Snova leninskie lozungi razvikhr! Nam li rastekatsya slyoznoy luzheyu? Lenin i teper zhivee vsekh zhivikh — nashe znane, sila i oruzhie!"
Music: Vissarion Yakovlevich Shebalin Lyrics: Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovskiy 1931. Singer: Solisti teatrov, Khorovaya kapella p/r A. Yurlova, Simfonicheskiy orkestr VR p/u A. Gauka Performed in 1965ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 16330

TextCommentsDownload  Lenin (dramaticheskaya simfoniya, sochinenie 16) Chast I
"Vremya! Snova leninskie lozungi razvikhr! Nam li rastekatsya slyoznoy luzheyu? Lenin i teper zhivee vsekh zhivikh — nashe znane, sila i oruzhie!"
Music: Vissarion Yakovlevich Shebalin Lyrics: Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovskiy 1931. Singer: Solisti teatrov, Khorovaya kapella p/r A. Yurlova, Simfonicheskiy orkestr VR p/u A. Gauka Performed in 1965ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 16539

TextCommentsDownload  Lenin (dramaticheskaya simfoniya, sochinenie 16) Chast II
Music: Vissarion Yakovlevich Shebalin Lyrics: Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovskiy 1931. Singer: Solisti teatrov, Khorovaya kapella p/r A. Yurlova, Simfonicheskiy orkestr VR p/u A. Gauka Performed in 1965ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 16472

TextCommentsDownload  Lenin (dramaticheskaya simfoniya, sochinenie 16) Chast III
"Nam kazalos, v kommunizmovi zatoni tolko volni sluchaya zakinut nas, yulya... Kommunizma prizrak po Evrope riskal..."
Music: Visarion Yakovlevich Shebalin Lyrics: Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovskiy 1931. Singer: teatrov, Khorovaya kapella p/r A. Yurlova, Simfonicheskiy orkestr VR p/u A. Gauka Performed in 1965ã.
Comments: 2 Downloads: 16202

TextCommentsDownload  Lenin (poema)
...uzhe nachinayut kazat nogotochki burzhui iz lapok svoikh pushistikh...
Lyrics: V. Mayakovskiy Singer: Anton Shvarts
Comments: 0 Downloads: 17154

TextCommentsDownload  Lenin - 3rd Communist Internationale
"Some countries have Soviets nowdays and soon we'll see victory of communism all over the world!"
Speech about past and future of international communist movement
Lyrics: Vladimir Ilich Lenin 1919. Performed in 1919ã.
Comments: 2 Downloads: 20944

TextCommentsDownload  Lenin - About antisemitism
"...capitalists support antisemitism to turn worker's anger on jews instead of capitalists..."
Lenin offers to fight antisemitism and strengthen worker's solidarity
Lyrics: Vladimir Ilich Lenin 1919. Performed in 1919ã.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 23086

TextCommentsDownload  Lenin - About food tax
"This will encourage farmers to harvest more food and will help rising our light industry"
Lenin's speech on New Economic Policy
Lyrics: Vladimir Ilich Lenin 1921. Performed in 1921ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 20369

TextCommentsDownload  Lenin - About transportation problems
"we must rebuild transportation system then industry will breathe again and starvations will end..."
Speech about fight against economical crisis
Lyrics: Vladimir Ilich Lenin 1920. Performed in 1920ã.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 19000

TextCommentsDownload  Lenin - German
An expressive germansong about Lenin
Music: G.Eysler Lyrics: Johannes R. Becher Singer: Ernst Bush
Comments: 0 Downloads: 16540

TextCommentsDownload  Lenin - How to save workers
from capitalist oppression
"Our enemies say: they won't be able to survive without us, they cannot organize work"
Lenin speaks about labour discipline and hard work needed to rise economy
Lyrics: Vladimir Ilich Lenin 1920. Performed in 1920ã.
Comments: 2 Downloads: 19794

TextCommentsDownload  Lenin - In memory of Y. M. Sverdlov
"Memory about comrade Sverdlov will serve as example of revolutionary work..."
Lenin speaks about Y.M. Sverdlov
Lyrics: Vladimir Ilich Lenin 1919. Performed in 1919ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 16818

TextCommentsDownload  Lenin - On conversation with Bela Kun
"Hungarian revolution now goes on communst rails..."
Lenin about Hungarian revolution
Lyrics: Vladimir Ilich Lenin 1919. Performed in 1919ã.
Comments: 3 Downloads: 16395

TextCommentsDownload  Lenin - On labour discipline
"When working men unite around best of our class, then victory is ours!"
Lenin offers to strengthen labour discipline to fight capitalism
Lyrics: Vladimir Ilich Lenin 1920. Performed in 1920ã.
Comments: 4 Downloads: 17993

TextCommentsDownload  Lenin - Soviets and civilian people
"...those fake "civilians" must be arrested, and all other honest people must be rewarded and encouraged to work"
People, who are not Party members, can help us to build the Soviets
Lyrics: Vladimir Ilich Lenin 1921. Performed in 1921ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 20189

TextCommentsDownload  Lenin - To the Red Army warriors
"Capitalists of England, France and USA attacked Russia to destroy new socialist Soviet rule..."
Lenin offers to unite efforts to defeat capitalist intervention
Lyrics: Vladimir Ilich Lenin 1919. Performed in 1919ã.
Comments: 10 Downloads: 19880

TextCommentsDownload  Lenin - What does "Soviet rule" mean
"The first time in the world labourers drive the state politics...."
Lenin speech describing what new Soviet rule gives to labourers
Lyrics: Vladimir Ilich Lenin 1919. Performed in 1919ã.
Comments: 13 Downloads: 43458

TextCommentsDownload  Lenin e Stalin - Italian
A very melodic italian song, really sounds like a love serenade. But Lenin and Stalin also can be heared in it.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 19463

TextCommentsDownload  LENIN i ROSSIYa
Music: N. Polikarpov Lyrics: N. Polikarpov 1973.
Comments: 2 Downloads: 16182

TextCommentsDownload  Lenin i vesna
"Shagayut ryadom Lenin i Vesna!"
Music: Rostislav Boyko Lyrics: Evgeniy Karasyov 1978. Singer: Khor ans. im. V.Lokteva Performed in 1978ã.
Comments: 5 Downloads: 18454

TextCommentsDownload  Lenin in Shushenskoe
"...he works for people's happiness..."
Song about Lenin
Music: V. Muradeli Lyrics: Yu. Kamenetskiy Singer: L. Zikina
Comments: 1 Downloads: 19600

TextCommentsDownload  Lenin is always with you
"Lenin is always alive, Lenin is always with you..."
Perhaps the most well known song about V. I. Lenin
Music: S. Tulikov Lyrics: L. Oshanin 1955. Singer: E. Nesterenko, Krasnoznamyonniy ansambl
Comments: 7 Downloads: 30318

TextCommentsDownload  Lenin is always with you
"Lenin is always alive, Lenin is always with you..."
Instrumental version of the well known song about V. I. Lenin
Music: S. Tulikov Lyrics: L. Oshanin 1955.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 44626

TextCommentsDownload  Lenin is with us
"...and we are sure we go the right way..."
Poor, "brezhnevs" song about Lenin
Music: A. Novikov Lyrics: M. Vershinin Singer: E. Raykov, Yu. Mazurok
Comments: 2 Downloads: 19478

TextCommentsDownload  Lenin lived here
"...our Great Leader comrade Lenin lived here..."
Song about Lenin and places he had been
Music: B.Terentev Lyrics: A. Fatyanov 1960. Singer: Kr. APP SA, sol. L. Kharitonov
Comments: 7 Downloads: 19205

TextCommentsDownload  Lenin mountains
"When you ll come to the Lenin mountains..."
A good song about Moscow
Music: Yu. Milyutin Lyrics: E. Dolmatovskiy 1949. Singer: V. Nechaev Performed in 1953ã.
Comments: 2 Downloads: 25379

TextCommentsDownload  Lenin mountains
"When you ll come to the Lenin mountains..."
A good song about Moscow
Music: Yu. Milyutin Lyrics: E. Dolmatovskiy 1949. Singer: G. Vinogradov Performed in 1953ã.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 30546

TextCommentsDownload  Lenin mountains
"When you'll come to the Lenin mountains..."
The oldest version of the song, MGU haven't been built yet.
Music: Yu. Milyutin Lyrics: E. Dolmatovskiy 1949. Singer: I. Shmelev
Comments: 1 Downloads: 21701

TextCommentsDownload  Lenin Partiya Narod /na ukrainskom yazike/
"Leninu slava Partii slava, slava v vekakh narodu Sovetskomu slava"
Music: Ivan Slyota Lyrics: Nikolay Singaivskiy 1979. Singer: Poleskiy ansambl Lenok g.Zhitomir Solisti Genadiy Poznyakov i Viktor Gavrish Performed in 1982ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 16853

TextCommentsDownload  Lenin s nami
Music: Boris Terentev Lyrics: Nikolay Flerov 1960. Singer: Yuriy Elnikov, Sergey Yakovenko
Comments: 1 Downloads: 19291

TextCommentsDownload  Lenin s nami
"Slishat gori, dolini i reki. Slishit kazhdaya travka v puti. Lenin s nami. On s nami na veki. On v surovoy borbe v peredi"
Music: A.Novikov Lyrics: M. Vershinin 1960. Singer: Gosudarstvenniy russkiy narodniy khor imeni Pyatnitskogo. Khud. rukovoditel Valentin Levashov.
Comments: 6 Downloads: 21669

TextCommentsDownload  Lenin s nami
"Podnimalos v boyakh, na kamnyakh barrikad i na machtakh Avrori oktyabrskoe znamya..."
Music: V. Muradeli Lyrics: E. Dolmatovskiy 1960. Singer: Aleksey Korolyov. Ansambl pesni VRiT, khud. ruk. A. Andrusenko Performed in 1960ã.
Comments: 3 Downloads: 18660

TextCommentsDownload  Lenin s nami
"Slishat gori, dolini i reki. Slishit kazhdaya travka v puti. Lenin s nami. On s nami naveki, A v surovoy borbe vperedi."
Music: A. Novikov Lyrics: M. Vershinin 1960. Singer: Detskiy khor instituta khudozhestvennogo vospitaniya
Comments: 0 Downloads: 18698

TextCommentsDownload  Lenin s youth is marching
"...we are marching in columns saluting to the Motherland..."
Song of the Soviet Pioneria
Music: Zinoviy Kompaneets Lyrics: Olga Visotskaya 1975. Singer: BDKh p/u V.Popova
Comments: 1 Downloads: 18315

TextCommentsDownload  Lenin v serdtse u nas
Music: A Pakhmutova Lyrics: Grebennikov-Dobronravov 1957. Singer: Det. khor. g.Kaliningrada Moskovskoy obl. Dir. A.Chmiryov. Simf. ork. VR. Dir. A.Birchanskiy.
Comments: 3 Downloads: 17312

TextCommentsDownload  Lenin vsegda s toboy
Music: S. Tulikov Lyrics: L. Oshanin 1955. Singer: V.Anisimov
Comments: 11 Downloads: 41190

TextCommentsDownload  Lenin will help you
"...when you have no answer Lenin will help you..."
Song offers to study Lenin's works
Music: Kolmanovskiy Lyrics: Evtushenko Singer: Yakovlev
Comments: 5 Downloads: 24194

TextCommentsDownload  Lenin zhiv
Music: L.Tauts Lyrics: Olga Visotskaya Singer: detskiy khor
Comments: 1 Downloads: 19840

TextCommentsDownload  Lenin zhiv v soldatskom serdtse
Music: B Aleksandrov Lyrics: S Benke Singer: KAPPSA Sergeev
Comments: 4 Downloads: 16488

TextCommentsDownload  Lenina imya s nami vsegda
Glyanu l na vole, prostori bolshie, vizhu l kak volni sineyut morskie...
Music: Nosov Lyrics: Churkin Singer: Khramtsov i khor Lenradio
Comments: 0 Downloads: 18356

TextCommentsDownload  Lenina mechti
Music: S. Zaslavskiy Lyrics: A. Sofronov 1957. Singer: A. Kusleev Performed in 1960ã.
Comments: 7 Downloads: 18437

TextCommentsDownload  Leningrad
...gorod sdat nelzya, chto mi ne mozhem sdatsya, chto sdes mi nasmert budem dratsya...
Lyrics: Chetverikov Singer: Art. Politseymako
Comments: 0 Downloads: 18471

TextCommentsDownload  Leningrad (marsh)
Music: V. Runov 1949. Singer: Orkestr MVD SSSR p/u F.I.Nikolaevskogo. Performed in 1949ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 20414

TextCommentsDownload  Leningrad holiday song
Cheerful song about Leningad
Music: Veniamin Basner Lyrics: Yu.Pritsker 1967. Singer: Khor malchikov len.kapelli p/u F.Kozlova Performed in 1967ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 19068

TextCommentsDownload  Leningrad is marching and singing
"Heart is beating for Motherland and singing about Stalin..."
A good pre-WWII song about Stalin was written for elections in 1938
Music: P.Belov Lyrics: L.Entelisa 1938. Singer: Nikolay Pechkovskiy Performed in 1938ã.
Comments: 2 Downloads: 18430

TextCommentsDownload  Leningrad moy (Leningradskaya pesenka)
Music: Anatoliy Lepin Lyrics: Pavel Shubin 1943. Singer: Anatoliy Aleksandrovich Performed in 1960ã.
Comments: 2 Downloads: 19529

TextCommentsDownload  Leningradskaya 7 simfoniya DShostakovicha
Music: D.Shostakovich 1942.
Comments: 2 Downloads: 27659

TextCommentsDownload  Leningradskaya zastolnaya
Music: I.Lyuban Lyrics: P.Shubin Singer: V.Matusov i V.Kopilov
Comments: 4 Downloads: 25192

TextCommentsDownload  Leningradskaya zemlya
Perviy luchik, yasno solnishko zorku yarkuyu zazhglo...
Music: V. Sorokin Lyrics: V. Suslov Singer: T. Strelkova
Comments: 0 Downloads: 16470

TextCommentsDownload  Leningradskaya zemlya
Moy lyubimiy kray ottsovskiy, leningradskaya zemlya...
Music: Ya. Dubravin Lyrics: V. Suslov Singer: N. Kopilov
Comments: 0 Downloads: 16759

TextCommentsDownload  Leningradskie malchishki
"Mi ikh ne zabili, devchonok, malchishek,chya zhizn molodaya za nas otdana..."
Music: I.Shvarts Lyrics: V.Korostilyov 1958. Singer: Mziuri.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 19850

TextCommentsDownload  Leningradskie nochi
Singer: Leonid Utesov
Comments: 1 Downloads: 14639

TextCommentsDownload  Leningradskiy metronom
Music: Veniamin Basner Lyrics: M. Matusovskiy 1977. Singer: Detskiy khor Leningradskogo Radio
Comments: 1 Downloads: 24131

TextCommentsDownload  Leningradskiy vecher
"Vecher siney parchoy ukril s golovoy Leningrad..."
Music: I. Lozovskogo Lyrics: V. Shishko 1959. Singer: O. Tezelashvili Performed in 1959ã.
Comments: 2 Downloads: 14128

TextCommentsDownload  Leningradskoe tango
Music: S. Solovev Lyrics: G. Goppe 1957. Singer: Nina Ushepovskaya i instrumentalniy kvintet pod upr. S. Soloveva Performed in 1957ã.
Comments: 3 Downloads: 13980

TextCommentsDownload  Leningradskoe utro
"Zanimaysya, utro molodoe, s golubim tumanom nad Nevoy"
Music: Viktor Voloshinov Lyrics: Aleksandr Churkin 1948. Singer: P.Zakharov, A.Kalashnikov, ork. p/u A.Dolgova
Comments: 3 Downloads: 18241

TextCommentsDownload  Leningradtsi
"Im bilo vsego lish trinadtsat, no bili oni - Leningradtsi!"
Music: Isaak Shvarts Lyrics: Vadim Korostilyov 1970. Singer: gruppa malchikov, det.khor Len. RTV Performed in 1970ã.
Comments: 3 Downloads: 18196

TextCommentsDownload  Leningradtsi
"Im bilo vsego lish trinadtsat, no bili oni - Leningradtsi!"
Music: Isaak Shvarts Lyrics: Vadim Koros Singer: detskiy ansaml Mziuri
Comments: 4 Downloads: 13868

TextCommentsDownload  Leninskaya gvardiya
Music: B Aleksandrov Lyrics: M Khotimskiy Singer: L Kharitonov
Comments: 0 Downloads: 16198

TextCommentsDownload  Leninskie gori
"Moskva-stolitsa, moya Moskva..."
Music: Yu.Milyutin Lyrics: E.Dolmatovskiy 1949. Singer: G.Vinogradov, orkestr p/u E.Zablotskogo Performed in 1951ã.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 22682

TextCommentsDownload  Leninskie gori - kitayskiy
"Mi vspomnim nashi godi molodie, i nashikh pesen gordie slova..."
Music: Yu. Milyutin Lyrics: E. Dolmatovskiy 1953.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 19773

TextCommentsDownload  Leninskie tropi
Comments: 0 Downloads: 15498

TextCommentsDownload  Leninskie zvyozdi
Yarko svetyat zvezdi drevnego Kremlya...vozhd, rodimiy Stalin, truditsya dlya nas...
Music: F. Kozitskiy Lyrics: A. Mashistov Singer: Khor malchikov Gos. khorovogo uchilisha p. u. A. V. Sveshnikova
Comments: 0 Downloads: 20355

TextCommentsDownload  Leninskiy dubok
Music: F. Tsaryov Lyrics: Lyudmila Fedorovna Valskaya Singer: Gos. uralskiy russkiy nar. kho
Comments: 1 Downloads: 16504

TextCommentsDownload  Leninskiy portret
"I vnov stoim pered potrtretom sredi glubokoy tishini"
Lyrics: Konstantin Vanshenkin 1960.
Comments: 5 Downloads: 17490

TextCommentsDownload  Leninskiy priziv
Music: S.Chernetskiy Singer: Otd.pokaz.orkestr MO SSSR, dir
Comments: 0 Downloads: 22297

TextCommentsDownload  Leninskiy vek
Music: A. Dolukhanyan Lyrics: V. Pukhnachev 1967. Singer: A Eyzen
Comments: 2 Downloads: 19725

TextCommentsDownload  Lenin’s star
“...it’s near my heart...”
A kids’ song
Music: Yuriy Chichkov Lyrics: Konstantin Ibryaev 1980. Singer: BDKh p/u V.Popova, solo-Karina Ayrapetyan Performed in 1980ã.
Comments: 5 Downloads: 18590

TextCommentsDownload  Lenin’s truth
“...Our land told us these words...”
One of many songs about Lenin
1980. Singer: K. Ayrapetyan i Lola Semenina
Comments: 3 Downloads: 16086

TextCommentsDownload  Lenin’s truth
"Lenin's truth - free and bright world of labour..."
Second part of the trilogy
Music: V. Gerchik Lyrics: M. Kravchuk 1980.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 15815

TextCommentsDownload  Leonid Oshanin rasskazivaet ob istorii sozdaniya Gimna demokraticheskoy molodezhi
Singer: L.Oshanin
Comments: 1 Downloads: 14083

TextCommentsDownload  LEP-500
Music: A.Pakhmutova Lyrics: N.Dobronravov 1960. Singer: Yu.Puzirev i N.Dobronravov
Comments: 2 Downloads: 26662

TextCommentsDownload  Les Nouveaux Partisans (Novie partizani)
Music: Dominique Grange Lyrics: Dominique Grange 1968. Performed in 1968ã.
Comments: 2 Downloads: 16955

TextCommentsDownload  Lesnaya pesnya
"Oy, berezi i sosni, partizanskie sestri"
Music: Vladimir Olovnikov Lyrics: A. Rusak 1950. Singer: Khor BelTRK Performed in 1970ã.
Comments: 8 Downloads: 16564

TextCommentsDownload  Lesnoy marsh
Music: Yuriy Chichkov. Lyrics: P. Sinyavskiy. 1976. Singer: Bolshoy detskiy khor.
Comments: 6 Downloads: 22900

TextCommentsDownload  Lesom-perelesochkom
"Mchites, koni bistrie! Vzveytes, sabli ostrie, i rubite s plech, na-skaku, vrazhi golovi!"
Music: Mark Fradkin Lyrics: Mark Fradkin 1944. Singer: Khor malchikov p/u A.V.Sveshnikova
Comments: 6 Downloads: 17422

TextCommentsDownload  Let s go
March from movie "Maxim Perepelitsa", 1950-s
Music: V. Solovev-Sedoy Lyrics: M. Dudin 1954.
Comments: 21 Downloads: 30627

TextCommentsDownload  Let s go
"Higher rise our banner, commanders lead us, let s go, soldiers..."
From the soviet movie "Maxim Perepelitsa"
Music: V. Soloviev-Sedoy Lyrics: M.Dudin 1954. Singer: from movie "Maxim Perepelitsa
Comments: 23 Downloads: 32674

TextCommentsDownload  Let the song fly onver the sea
"Motherland sends us to explore the high seas..."
A good song about heroism of soviet polar explorers
Music: Venedikt Pushkov Lyrics: A. Apsolon 1937. Performed in 1937ã.
Comments: 8 Downloads: 52008

TextCommentsDownload  Let the song fly over the sea
"Motherland sends us to explore the high seas..."
A good song about heroism of soviet polar explorers, classical version
Music: Venedikt Pushkov Lyrics: A.Apsolon 1937. Singer: L. Utesov
Comments: 0 Downloads: 23368

TextCommentsDownload  Let the song fly over the sea
"Motherland sends us to explore the high seas..."
Original soundtrack from movie
Music: Venendikt Pushkov Lyrics: Andrey Apsolon 1936. Singer: Aleynikov Petr i dr. Performed in 1936ã.
Comments: 2 Downloads: 21250

TextCommentsDownload  Let the sun be forever
“...Let the sun be forever, let the sky be forever, let my mum be forever...”
A very optimistic song from pioneer childhood
Music: A. Ostrovskiy Lyrics: L. Oshanin 1962.
Comments: 6 Downloads: 25147

TextCommentsDownload  Let the sun be forever
“...Let the sun be forever, let the sky be forever, let my mum be forever...”
One more version of the song
Music: A. Ostrovskiy Lyrics: L. Oshanin 1962. Singer: Tamara Miansarova
Comments: 0 Downloads: 22529

TextCommentsDownload  Let us love our Motherland - Korean
A well-made patriotic song.
Music: KNDR 2001.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 13703

TextCommentsDownload  Let us remember
"...how we fought bandits on the Far East..."
Song about marshal Blucher, later accused in treason and executed
Music: A. V. Aleksandrov Lyrics: S. Alimov 1929. Singer: Ansambl p/u A. V. Aleksandrova. Solisti: V. Pankov i G. Babaev. Performed in 1937ã.
Comments: 2 Downloads: 24825

TextCommentsDownload  Let us sing a loud song
"We are going to the war for our Motherland, on call of the dear Stalin..."
Just something
Music: Z. Dunaevskiy Lyrics: I. Dobrovolskiy 1941. Singer: Ivan Shmelev, Semyon Shadilov i Ansambl pesni i plyaski NKVD. Performed in 1941ã.
Comments: 2 Downloads: 22212

TextCommentsDownload  Let us smoke together
"Once we'll remember these hard days..."
A great song of the WW2
Music: M. Tabachnikov Lyrics: I. Frenkel 1943. Singer: K. Shulzhenko
Comments: 7 Downloads: 43254

TextCommentsDownload  Let us smoke together
"Once we'll remember these hard days..."
A great song of the WW2 by Red Army Choir
Music: M. Tabachnikov Lyrics: I. Frenkel 1943. Singer: Ans. im. Aleksandrova
Comments: 1 Downloads: 22435

TextCommentsDownload  Letchiki-piloti, bombi-pulemeti
Music: L.Shvarts Lyrics: A.Gaydar 1940. Singer: saundtrek
Comments: 0 Downloads: 21183

TextCommentsDownload  Leteli na front samolyoti
Music: Lev Shvarts. Lyrics: Mikhail Isakovskiy. 1947. Singer: BDKh.
Comments: 3 Downloads: 20012

TextCommentsDownload  Leti v Moskvu, solovushko
Music: D. Vasilev-Buglay Lyrics: Ya. Shvedov 1949. Singer: khor russkoy pesni kolkhoza Borets Bronnitsk. r-na Mosk. obl. p/u V. P. Pobedinskogo, ans. bayanistov
Comments: 2 Downloads: 17914

TextCommentsDownload  Leti v Moskvu, solovushko
"Poy pesnyu velichalnuyu vozhdyu Otchizni - Stalinu"
Music: N. Khlopkov Lyrics: Ya. Shvedov 1949. Singer: Gos. Uralskiy nar. Khor p/u N. Khlopkova Performed in 1950ã.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 17296

TextCommentsDownload  Leti, veterok
Music: V.Loktev Lyrics: A.Prishelets 1950. Singer: Khor i ork. ansamblya p/u V.Lokteva
Comments: 4 Downloads: 18257

TextCommentsDownload  Letite golubi - kitayskiy
"Letite, golubi, letite, v luchakh zari i v groznoy mgle.."
Music: Isaak Dunaevskiy Lyrics: Mikhail Matusovskiy 1950.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 13727

TextCommentsDownload  Letite, golubi
Music: Isaak Dunaevskiy Lyrics: Mikhail Matusovskiy 1951. Singer: Bolshoy detskiy khor Performed in 1977ã.
Comments: 3 Downloads: 24197

TextCommentsDownload  Letite, golubi
"Letite, golubi, letite, dlya vas nigde pregradi net!"
Music: Dunaevskiy Isaak Lyrics: Matusovskiy Mikhail 1951. Singer: Mosk. khor molodyozhi i studentov, v sopr. f-no Performed in 1970ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 20191

TextCommentsDownload  Letite, golubi
"Letite, golubi, letite, dlya vas nigde pregradi net!"
Music: Isaak Dunaevskiy Lyrics: Mikhail Matusovskiy 1951. Singer: I, Arkhipova, Akademicheskiy Bolshoy khor i Bolshoy simf. orkestr TsT i VR, dir. V.Fedoseev Performed in 1975ã.
Comments: 4 Downloads: 16730

TextCommentsDownload  Letite, golubi - yaponskiy
"Letite, golubi, letite, v luchakh zari i v groznoy mgle.."
Music: Isaak Dunaevskiy Lyrics: Mikhail Matusovskiy 1950.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 13607

TextCommentsDownload  Letite, golubi! (muzikalnaya kompozitsiya)
Music: Isaak Dunaevskiy 1951. Singer: Otd. pok. ork. MO SSSR
Comments: 5 Downloads: 15447

TextCommentsDownload  Letnyaya chernomorskaya
"Pered nami ot kraya do kraya otkrivaet prostori strana!"
Music: Yu. Slonov Lyrics: A. Kovalenkov 1938. Singer: Art. MALEGOT a B.O.Geft, f-no E.B.Senkevich Performed in 1938ã.
Comments: 4 Downloads: 19407

TextCommentsDownload  Lets go, girls
"Let us do that ..."
Song that inspires women t owork for Motherland
Music: I. Dunaevskiy Lyrics: V. Lebedev-Kumach 1937. Singer: Khor i orkestr BT p/u I. Dunaevskogo.
Comments: 5 Downloads: 28144

TextCommentsDownload  Letyat pereletnie ptitsi
"Ne nuzhno mne solntse chuzhoe, chuzhaya zemlya ne nuzhna"
Music: M. Blanter Lyrics: M. Isakovskiy 1948. Singer: L. Kostritsa
Comments: 2 Downloads: 21745

TextCommentsDownload  Letyat perelyotnie ptitsi
Music: Matvey Blanter Lyrics: Mikhail Isakovskiy 1948. Singer: Vladimir Bunchikov Performed in 1949ã.
Comments: 47 Downloads: 40034

TextCommentsDownload  Letyat samolyoti k Rostovu
Music: P.Gutin Lyrics: V.Zhak Singer: Valentin Budilin
Comments: 1 Downloads: 18489

TextCommentsDownload  Levitan - Evening report of events on 30 october 1942
One more common day of war passed
1942. Singer: Yu. Levitan Performed in 1942ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 20684

TextCommentsDownload  Levitan - Germany capitulates
Soviet Radio broadcast
1945. Singer: Yu. Levitan Performed in 1945ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 48049

TextCommentsDownload  Levitan - operativnaya svodka za 5 maya 1943 goda
"nashi voyska ovladeli zheleznodorozhnim uzlom Krimskoe.."
1943. Singer: Yu.B.Levitan Performed in 1943ã.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 16755

TextCommentsDownload  Levitan - Order to Red Army on 9 May1945
"Great Patriotic War against fascist agressors victoriously ended!"
Levitan, the most famous soviet radio dictor reads Stalin's order to Red Army - Victory!
Lyrics: Yuriy Borisovich Levitan 1945. Performed in 1945ã.
Comments: 20 Downloads: 28700

TextCommentsDownload  Levitan - Red army deblocaded Leningrad
The largest siege in the human history had ended
1943. Singer: Yu. Levitan Performed in 1943ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 35582

TextCommentsDownload  Levitan - Red Army liberated Belgrade
Soviet Radio broadcast
1944. Singer: Yu. Levitan Performed in 1944ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 19164

TextCommentsDownload  Levitan - Red Army liberated bulgarian capital Sofia
Soviet Radio broadcast
1944. Singer: Yu. Levitan Performed in 1944ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 19668

TextCommentsDownload  Levitan - Red Army reached pre-war Soviet border
Soviet Radio news broadcast
1944. Singer: Yu. Levitan Performed in 1944ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 19962

TextCommentsDownload  Levitan - Red Army summary on 22 june 1941
First news report after Germany attacked USSR
1941. Singer: Yu. Levitan Performed in 1941ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 22420

TextCommentsDownload  Levitan - Soviet Army occupied Berlin
Soviet radio report on occupation of the fascist capital
Lyrics: Yuriy Borisovich Levitan 1945. Singer: Levitan Performed in 1945ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 37997

TextCommentsDownload  Levitan - Soviet Radio broadcast on Germany attacks USSR
Famous radio broadcast, that divided life of all soviet people between "before" and "after"
1941. Singer: Yuriy Levitan
Comments: 5 Downloads: 32703

TextCommentsDownload  Levitan - Victory near Stalingrad
"Last news! Troops of Don Front have just destroyed fascist forces, surrounded in Stalingrad!"
Soviet radio on success in Stalingrad, german 6th army and parts of 4th pz army destroyed.
Lyrics: Yuriy Borisovich Levitan 1943. Performed in 1943ã.
Comments: 2 Downloads: 48854

TextCommentsDownload  Levitan vspominaet o svoey rabote v voennie godi
Comments: 0 Downloads: 15981

TextCommentsDownload  Levitan-ozvuchka ispitaniya atomnoy vodorodnoy bombi(fragment)
"shar prevrashaetsya v svetyashiysya kupol..."
1955. Singer: Yu.B.Levitan Performed in 1955ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 16536

TextCommentsDownload  Levitan-Stikh o Staline k 25-etiyu Oktyabrskoy revolyutsii
Lyrics: K. Simonov 1942. Singer: Yu.Levitan Performed in 1942ã.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 19297

TextCommentsDownload  Leysya pesnya na prostore
Music: Venedikt Pushkov Lyrics: A.Apsolon 1936. Singer: Mikhail Mikhaylov Performed in 1948ã.
Comments: 10 Downloads: 24529

TextCommentsDownload  Leysya, pesnya, na prostore
"Shturmovat dalyoko more posilala nas strana..."
Music: V.Pushkov Lyrics: A.Apsolon 1937. Singer: Leonid Shumskiy
Comments: 2 Downloads: 20395

TextCommentsDownload  Leytenant ne zabud
Salonnaya pesnya s patrioticheskimi slovami pro moryakov
Music: O.Strok Lyrics: B.Timofeev Singer: Konstantin Sokolskiy
Comments: 7 Downloads: 19040

TextCommentsDownload  Lidiya Ruslanova vspominaet
Singer: L.A. Ruslanova
Comments: 0 Downloads: 16616

TextCommentsDownload  Lied über Stalin (Pesnya o Staline)
"Das Lied über Stalin, dem alle vertrauen, zu dem wir in Liebe und Freundschaft erglühn."
Music: F. Sabo (Ferencz Szabo) Lyrics: M.Inyushkin / Erich Weinert 1937. Singer: Khor GDR
Comments: 4 Downloads: 19285

TextCommentsDownload  Lied der Arbeitslosen Stempellied Pesnya bezrabotnogo Shtempelnaya - nemetskiy
"Povodom k sozdaniyu pesni yavilas strashnaya polosa bezrabotitsi vo vremya mirovogo ekonomicheskogo krizisa, nachavshayasya v 1929 g. Togda bezrabotnie dolzhni bili otmechatsya na birzhe truda, gde prostavlyalsya shtempel v kartu bezrabotnogo."
Music: Gans Eysler (Hanns Eisler) Lyrics: David Weber (= Robert Gilbert) 1929. Singer: Ernst Bush (Ernst Busch), Studioorchester Dirigent Hanns Eisler Performed in 1929ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 19079

TextCommentsDownload  Lied der Arbeitslosen Stempellied Pesnya bezrabotnogo Shtempelnaya - nemetskiy
"Povodom k sozdaniyu pesni yavilas strashnaya polosa bezrabotitsi vo vremya mirovogo ekonomicheskogo krizisa, nachavshayasya v 1929 g. Togda bezrabotnie dolzhni bili otmechatsya na birzhe truda, gde prostavlyalsya shtempel v kartu bezrabotnogo."
Music: Gans Eysler (Hanns Eisler) Lyrics: David Weber (= Robert Gilbert) 1929. Singer: Ernst Bush (Ernst Busch) Performed in 1964ã.
Comments: 2 Downloads: 16138

TextCommentsDownload  Lied der Bergarbeiter Gornyatskaya - nemetskiy
"Wir graben unsre Gräber... Mi kopaem nashi mogili..."
Music: Gans Eysler (Hanns Eisler) Lyrics: Anna Gmeyner 1932. Singer: Ernst Bush (Ernst Busch), Studioorchester Dirigent Hanns Eisler Performed in 1932ã.
Comments: 7 Downloads: 15373

TextCommentsDownload  Lied der Bergarbeiter Gornyatskaya - nemetskiy
"Wir graben unsre Gräber... Mi kopaem nashi mogili..."
Music: Gans Eysler (Hanns Eisler) Lyrics: Anna Gmeyner 1932. Singer: Ernst Bush (Ernst Busch)
Comments: 0 Downloads: 15273

TextCommentsDownload  Lied Der Internationalen Brigade -German
Song of XI Interbrigade (German) that fought against the faschists in Spain
Lyrics: Erich Weinert Singer: Ernst Bush
Comments: 2 Downloads: 16498

TextCommentsDownload  Lied der Internationalen Brigaden Pesnya internatsionalnikh brigad - nemetskiy
"Vorwärts, Internationale Brigade! Hoch die Fahne der Solidarität! Vpered, internatsionalnie brigadi! Vishe znamya solidarnosti!"
Music: Karlos Palasio (Carlos Palacio) Lyrics: Erikh Vaynert (Erich Weinert) 1936. Singer: Ernst Bush (Ernst Busch) Performed in 1937ã.
Comments: 2 Downloads: 17636

TextCommentsDownload  Lied der Internationalen Brigaden Pesnya internatsionalnikh brigad - nemetskiy
"Vorwärts, Internationale Brigade! Hoch die Fahne der Solidarität! Vpered, internatsionalnie brigadi! Vishe znamya solidarnosti!"
Music: Karlos Palasio (Carlos Palacio) Lyrics: Erikh Vaynert (Erich Weinert) 1936. Singer: Ernst Bush (Ernst Busch)
Comments: 0 Downloads: 16871

TextCommentsDownload  Lied der Partei - German
East German communist song, mentions Lenin an Stalin
Lyrics: Luis Fruenberg (Luis Fryunberg) 1950. Singer: Ernst Bush
Comments: 0 Downloads: 20555

TextCommentsDownload  Lied der Roten Flieger Pesnya krasnikh letchikov - russkiy
"Bankirov stan za rubezhami opyat gotovit nam udar, mi vpishem v nebo virazhami: Krepi ediniy front truda!..."
Music: Gans Eysler (Hanns Eisler)
Comments: 8 Downloads: 17006

TextCommentsDownload  Lied der Volksfront Pesnya Narodnogo fronta - nemetskiy yazik
"Was einst geschlecht sich um geschlecht in heißem kampf errang... Narodniy front - koalitsiya kommunistov, sotsialistov i vsekh demokraticheskikh sil, sozdannaya dlya borbi s fashizmom v Ispanii v 1936 g."
Music: Viktor Tomilin (obrabotka Kurt Greiner-Pol) Lyrics: Erikh Vaynert (Erich Weinert) 1937. Singer: Karl-Heinz Weichert, Hermann Hähnel, Männerchor und Blasorchester Leitung: Heinz Arenz Performed in 1967ã.
Comments: 2 Downloads: 16309

TextCommentsDownload  Lied der Volksfront Pesnya Narodnogo fronta - nemetskiy yazik
"Was einst geschlecht sich um geschlecht in heißem kampf errang... Narodniy front - koalitsiya kommunistov, sotsialistov i vsekh demokraticheskikh sil, sozdannaya dlya borbi s fashizmom v Ispanii v 1936 g."
Music: Viktor Tomilin Lyrics: Erikh Vaynert (Erich Weinert) 1937. Singer: Ernst Bush (Ernst Busch)
Comments: 2 Downloads: 16360

TextCommentsDownload  Lied der Volkspolizei (Wir sind aus dem Volke geboren)
Music: Guido Masanetz Lyrics: Werner Ludwig 1973. Singer: ork. MVD GDR+Khor Berlin.radio
Comments: 2 Downloads: 16211

TextCommentsDownload  Lied der Werktätigen Pesnya trudyashikhsya Bivshiy gimn Kominterna
"Bivshiy gimn Kominterna s novimi slovami, napisannimi Kherlminom v 1950-e godi."
Music: G. Eysler (Hanns Eisler) Lyrics: Khermlin (Stephan Hermlin) Singer: Ernst Bush (Ernst Busch)
Comments: 0 Downloads: 18974

TextCommentsDownload  Lied der Werktätigen Pesnya trudyashikhsya Bivshiy gimn Kominterna - nemetskiy
"Bivshiy gimn Kominterna s novim tekstom S. Khermlina, napisannim posle voyni. Vozmozhni varianti nazvaniya pesni: Brüder, seid bereit ili Arbeiterlied."
Music: G. Eysler (Hanns Eisler) Lyrics: Khermlin (Stephan Hermlin) Singer: Ernst Bush (Ernst Busch)
Comments: 2 Downloads: 17408

TextCommentsDownload  Lied vom Fünfjahresplan Pesnya o pyatiletke - nemetskiy yazik
"Nemetskiy variant sovetskoy Pesni o pyatiletke. Eta pesnya peredavalas Lyudvigom Rennom v 1930 v Moskvu."
Music: sovetskaya pesnya (obrabotka Andre Asriel) Lyrics: Lyudvig Renn (Ludwig Renn) na osnove sovetskoy pesni 1930. Singer: Karl-Heinz Weichert i Chor des Stephan-Hermlin-Ensembles der PädagogischenHochschule Potsdam Instrumentalgruppe Leitung: Manfred Grüttner
Comments: 2 Downloads: 16954

TextCommentsDownload  Lied vom kleinen Trompeter Pesnya o malenkom barabashike
Music: W.Wallroth Lyrics: W.Wallroth 1925. Singer: DDR
Comments: 0 Downloads: 21398

TextCommentsDownload  Lied vom Knueppelchen
Music: Narodnie Lyrics: Narodnie Singer: Hannes Wader Performed in 1977ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 15790

TextCommentsDownload  Lied vom Vaterland — Pesnya o Rodine
"Ich möchte dieses Land nie mehr verlieren, es ist mein Mutter- und mein Vaterland. Hier schaff ich selber, was ich einmal werde. Hier geb ich meinem Leben einen Sinn. Hier hab ich meinen Teil von unsrer Erde. Der kann so werden, wie ich selber
Music: Reiner Böhm Lyrics: Reinhold Andert 1971. Singer: Oktoberklub Performed in 1971ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 17245

TextCommentsDownload  Life becomes better, life becomes more i
"Let us shout to the Stalin: "Thank you, dear Leader!"
Song describing the achievments of Socialism
Music: A. V. Aleksandrov Lyrics: V. Lebedev-Kumach 1936. Singer: Ansambl p/u A. Aleksandrova. Performed in 1936ã.
Comments: 5 Downloads: 37518

TextCommentsDownload  Light shine in our village
"...love of Stalin bring that lights here..."
Farmers thank Stalin for providing electricity to their village
Music: V. Lipatov Lyrics: N. Gleyzarov 1951. Singer: N. Grishanov i I. Shashkov
Comments: 0 Downloads: 33777

TextCommentsDownload  Lights on the road
Soviet students graduated from university and leave Leningrad to work where Motherland will send them to
Music: V. Solovev-Sedoy Lyrics: A. Khazin Singer: V. Kopilov i V. Matusov
Comments: 0 Downloads: 17486

TextCommentsDownload  Lights, lights...
Lovely song about Moscow lights
Music: Anatoliy Lepin Lyrics: Evgeniy Dolmatovskiy 1957. Singer: Kapitolina Lazarenko
Comments: 0 Downloads: 21023

TextCommentsDownload  Linakhamari
Music: Ya.Frenkel Lyrics: I.Shaferan 1967. Singer: V. Dvoryaninova
Comments: 0 Downloads: 22570

TextCommentsDownload  Linke Marsch - German
"Left march" "Du hast das Wort, rede, Genosse Mauser! "
German labour song
Music: G.Eysler Lyrics: V.Mayakovskiy 1918. Singer: Ernst Bush
Comments: 8 Downloads: 37008

TextCommentsDownload  Linker Marsch - Nemetskiy
"Du hast das Wort, rede, Genosse Mauser!"
Music: G. Eysler Lyrics: V. V. Mayakovskiy 1918. Singer: Erich - Weinert - Ensemble unserer Nationalen Volksarme Performed in 1976ã.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 20351

TextCommentsDownload  Liricheskaya
"...nastroenie zavisit i ot pochti polevoy. sizhu li ya v okope idu li v boy..."
Music: neizvesten Lyrics: neizvesten 1960. Singer: V k/f ispolnyaet M. Pugovkin Performed in 1960ã.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 13051

TextCommentsDownload  Liricheskaya pesenka
Music: Yu. Milyutin Lyrics: E. Dolmatovskiy 1941. Singer: Vera Krasovitskaya
Comments: 0 Downloads: 27357

TextCommentsDownload  liricheskaya pesnya
Music: I. Dunaevskiy Lyrics: V. Lebedev-Kumach 1938. Singer: S. Preobrazhenskaya
Comments: 0 Downloads: 21534

TextCommentsDownload  Liricheskaya shakhterskaya
Music: Martinov F.,Biryukov Yu.Martinov F.,Biryukov Yu. Lyrics: Makhalov V. 1960. Singer: Shakhova Lyudmila,Volodina Tamara,Kalashnikov Fedor
Comments: 1 Downloads: 13124

TextCommentsDownload  Lisaveta
"...after victory i'll return to you on a battle horse..."
Soldier sings about his wife
Music: N. Bogoslovskiy Lyrics: Dolmatovskiy 1942. Singer: iz k/f Aleksandr Parkhomenko Performed in 1942ã.
Comments: 5 Downloads: 27452

TextCommentsDownload  Listen, Leningrad
Lyrical song about second russian capital, Leningrad
Music: Solovev-Sedoy Lyrics: A. Churkin 1963. Singer: G. Ots
Comments: 3 Downloads: 41961

TextCommentsDownload  Literaturnaya kompozitsiya Rekviem ( 10 stikh - Pomnite)
"Pomnite, cherez veka, cherez goda, - Pomnite!!! - Ubeyte voynu, proklyanite voynu, POMNITE!!!"
Lyrics: Robert Rozhdestvenskiy Singer: Robert Rozhdestvenskiy
Comments: 0 Downloads: 20363

TextCommentsDownload  Lithuanian castle
Song of the prisoners-revolutioneers
Music: Narodnaya 1907.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 14380

TextCommentsDownload  Lizaveta
Music: Nikita Bogoslovskiy. Lyrics: Evgeniy Dolmatovskiy. 1942. Singer: Vitaliy Vlasov.
Comments: 8 Downloads: 28312

TextCommentsDownload  Lizaveta
Music: N. Bogoslovskiy Lyrics: Dolmatovskiy 1943. Singer: Pyotr Kirichek
Comments: 3 Downloads: 42762

TextCommentsDownload  Lizaveta
Music: N. Bogoslovskiy Lyrics: Dolmatovskiy 1942. Singer: ? Performed in 1942ã.
Comments: 4 Downloads: 25969

TextCommentsDownload  Lizaveta
Music: N. Bogoslovskiy 1942. Performed in 1942ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 20144

TextCommentsDownload  Lizhnaya pesenka iz op-ti Dorogi k schastyu
Music: Isaak Dunaevskiy Singer: Sergey Moroz, Lyudmila Belobragina
Comments: 0 Downloads: 21304

TextCommentsDownload  Lizhnaya pesnya
Music: Mikhail Starokadomskiy Lyrics: Zoya Aleksandrova Singer: Khor TsDDZh p/u S. Dunaevskogo, Performed in 1957ã.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 19308

TextCommentsDownload  Lo Eterno
Good song about Comandante from author of famous Hasta Siempre
Music: K. Puebla Singer: K. Puebla
Comments: 2 Downloads: 15820

TextCommentsDownload  Lob der Dialektik Khvala dialektike - nemetskiy
"To, chto prochno, neprochno... Pobezhdenniy segodnya pobeditelem stanet zavtra."
Music: Gans Eysler (Hanns Eisler) Lyrics: Bertolt Brekht (Bertolt Brecht) 1930. Singer: Ernst Bush (Ernst Busch)
Comments: 1 Downloads: 16052

TextCommentsDownload  Lodochka
Music: Khrennikov Lyrics: Matusovskiy 1954.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 23017

TextCommentsDownload  Lodochka
"Plila, kachalas lodochka po Yauze-reke"
Music: Tikhon Khrennikov Lyrics: Mikhail Matusovskiy 1954. Singer: Tolkunova Valentina, ork. Yu.Silanteva Performed in 1975ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 23544

TextCommentsDownload  Lodochka
"Berezi podmoskovnie shumeli vdaleke..."
Music: T.Khrennikov Lyrics: M.Matusovskiy 1954. Singer: Vokalniy oktet Krasnoznamennogo ansamblya, T.Khrennikov (f-no). Performed in 1955ã.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 23189

TextCommentsDownload  Lone light
Really great WW2 song about love and friendship
Music: narodnaya Lyrics: M. Isakovskiy 1944. Singer: V.Nechaev Performed in 1947ã.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 43704

TextCommentsDownload  Lone light
Really great WW2 song about love and friendshipþ One more version
Music: narodnaya Lyrics: M. Isakovskiy 1944.
Comments: 2 Downloads: 16996

TextCommentsDownload  Lone light
Really great WW2 song about love and friendshipþ by Red Army Choir
Music: narodnaya Lyrics: M. Isakovskiy 1944. Singer: Ans. im. Aleksandrova
Comments: 4 Downloads: 18664

TextCommentsDownload  Lone light
Really great WW2 song about love and friendship. Unusual version
Music: Matvey Blanter Lyrics: Mikhail Isakovskiy 1944. Singer: Solomon Khromchenko
Comments: 0 Downloads: 19337

TextCommentsDownload  Long live Stalin
"Long live Stalin, who leads us from one victory to another one..."
One more song spreading cult of Stalin
Music: M. Starokadomskiy Lyrics: A. Gatov 1937. Singer: Pyotr Kirichek i Solomon Khromchenko. f-no N. Shtilman. Performed in 1937ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 19631

TextCommentsDownload  Long live youth
“And words about our Motherland rise to the skies...”
Song about youth and socialism
Music: S.Kats Lyrics: A.Sofronov 1948. Singer: G.Abramov V.Bunchikov Performed in 1950ã.
Comments: 2 Downloads: 20983

TextCommentsDownload  Look at Us - Korean
March of the Korea People's Army
2003. Singer: KNDR
Comments: 0 Downloads: 13328

TextCommentsDownload  Looking to the blue lakes
"I call you Russia, my only one..."
Song about Russia from movie "Shadows disappear at noon"
Music: L. Afanasev Lyrics: I. Shaferan 1971. Singer: T. Sinyavskaya
Comments: 2 Downloads: 21282

TextCommentsDownload  Looking to the blue lakes
"I call you Russia, my only one..."
Great variant by Olga Voronets
Music: Leonid Afanasev Lyrics: Igor Shaferan 1971. Singer: Olga Voronets
Comments: 0 Downloads: 18708

TextCommentsDownload  Los campesinos - Spanish
Song of spanish antifascists
Music: Enrique Casal, Karlos Palasio (Carlos Palacio) Lyrics: Antonio Aparicio, Erikh Vaynert (Erich Weinert) 1936.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 15999

TextCommentsDownload  Los Campesinos Lied der Internationalen Brigaden Krestyane Pesnya internatsionalnikh brigad - ispanskiy i nemetskiy
"Somos los campesinos, Hoy somos los soldados... Mi - krestyane, no segodnya mi - soldati... Vorwärts, Internationale Brigade!.. Vpered, internatsionalnie brigadi!.."
Music: Enrique Casal, Karlos Palasio (Carlos Palacio) Lyrics: Antonio Aparicio, Erikh Vaynert (Erich Weinert) 1936. Singer: Ernst Bush (Ernst Busch)
Comments: 0 Downloads: 16600

TextCommentsDownload  Los gallos (Gallo rojo, gallo negro)
Music: Chicho Sánchez Ferlosio Singer: Rolando Alarcón Performed in 1969ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 15502

TextCommentsDownload  Los quatro generales Mamita mia - ispanskiy nemetskiy
"Los cuatro generales, mamita mía, que se han alzado. Para la nochebuena, mamita mía, serán ahorcados... Chetire generala, mamita mía, kotorie podnyalis. V noch pod rozhdestvo, mamita mía, budut povesheni..."
Music: Na melodiyu narodnoy pesni XIX veka Los cuatros muleros (Chetire pogonshika mulov) Lyrics: nemetskiy tekst Ernst Bush (Ernst Busch) 1936. Singer: Ernst Bush (Ernst Busch) Performed in 1938ã.
Comments: 3 Downloads: 15878

TextCommentsDownload  Los quatro generales Mamita mia - nemetskiy
Music: Na melodiyu narodnoy pesni XIX veka Los cuatros muleros (Chetire pogonshika mulov) Lyrics: Ernst Bush (Ernst Busch) 1936. Singer: Ernst Bush (Ernst Busch) Performed in 1963ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 15577

TextCommentsDownload  Los quatro generales The four insurgent generals - ispanskiy angliyskiy
Music: Na melodiyu narodnoy pesni XIX veka Los cuatros muleros (Chetire pogonshika mulov) 1936. Singer: Pol Robson (Paul Robeson)
Comments: 1 Downloads: 16135

TextCommentsDownload  Love, Komsomol and spring
Just one more youth song
Music: A. Pakhmutova Lyrics: N.Dobronravov 1978. Singer: BDKh p/u Viktora Popova, zapevaet Igor Manashirov
Comments: 18 Downloads: 34520

TextCommentsDownload  Lovely eyes
"There is no limit, no end to our spring"
Song about love and happy life in USSR
Music: T. Khrennikov Lyrics: E. Dolmatovskiy 1952. Singer: V. Nechaev
Comments: 1 Downloads: 22967

TextCommentsDownload  Lovely friend, harmonica
Soviet sailors' song
Music: K. Listov Lyrics: V. Tikhonov 1944. Singer: Daniil Demyanov, K. Listov (akkordeon). Performed in 1944ã.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 20550

TextCommentsDownload  Lovely tourist
Pioneer song of Stalin's era
Music: Evgeniy Zharkovskiy Lyrics: Sergey Mikhalkov 1939. Singer: khor p/u G.Struve Performed in 1939ã.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 19358

TextCommentsDownload  Lovely wind
"Who loves joy, will laugh! Who want, will achieve! Who search, will find! ..."
Legendary song of the legendary composer
Music: Isaak Dunaevskiy Lyrics: Vasiliy Lebedev-Kumach 1936. Singer: Vladimir Bunchikov
Comments: 2 Downloads: 88968

TextCommentsDownload  Lovely wind
"Who loves joy, will laugh! Who want, will achieve! Who search, will find! ..."
Legendary song of the legendary composer
Music: I.Dunaevskiy Lyrics: V. Lebedev-Kumach 1937. Singer: K. Krasheninnikova, V. Sateeva
Comments: 0 Downloads: 30656

TextCommentsDownload  Loyalty
Song about faith to Motherland
Music: Serafim Tulikov Lyrics: Mikhail Plyatskovskiy 1969. Singer: Ans. im. Aleksandrova
Comments: 4 Downloads: 20242

TextCommentsDownload  Luchshe nashego soldata ne poet nikto
Music: Aleksey Ekimyan Lyrics: Vladimir Kharitonov 1978. Singer: Gennadiy Belov
Comments: 2 Downloads: 19584

TextCommentsDownload  Ludzie walki i prazy
Music: Vladislav Shpilman Lyrics: Kazimir Vinkler Singer: Khor i orkestr Polskogo Radio p/u Ezhi Kolachkovskogo
Comments: 2 Downloads: 15445

TextCommentsDownload  Lullaby song
"...You won t know fear and pain, Stalin wil show you your way..."
Soviet mother s song
Music: M. Blanter Lyrics: M. Isakovskiy 1949. Singer: Sergey Lemeshev
Comments: 3 Downloads: 25230

TextCommentsDownload  Lullaby song
"Cruel war around us..."
song about mothers of WW2
Music: M. Blanter Lyrics: A. Kovalenkov 1944. Singer: Edit Utesova
Comments: 0 Downloads: 22411

TextCommentsDownload  Lunacharskiy AV- Rech o partiynosti literaturi
1924. Singer: A.V.Lunacharskiy Performed in 1924ã.
Comments: 2 Downloads: 16155

TextCommentsDownload  Lunacharsky - On people's education
Speech of A. Lunacharsky, first People's Comissar of Education
1919. Singer: A. Lunacharskiy
Comments: 0 Downloads: 16191

TextCommentsDownload  Lunokhod
"Strelki vremya otschitali na chasakh, I raketa poyavilas v nebesakh, Na Lunu odnim dikhanem perenes Vek dvadtsatiy vosem novenkikh koles.... Zavikhrilis pilyu mlechnie puti, Mozhet, eto ot tachanki ognevoy Doletaet do Luni poriv likhoy...."
Music: Semen Zaslavskiy Lyrics: Vladimir Kharitonov Singer: Vladimir Tsarskiy, Viktor Selivanov
Comments: 1 Downloads: 19773

TextCommentsDownload  Lyana
"Vse mi trudimsya kak nado, pervoy devushkoy v brigade — Lyana..."
Music: obrabotka L. Lyadovoy Lyrics: moldavskaya narodnaya 1951. Singer: Lyudmila Lyadova i Nina Panteleeva Performed in 1951ã.
Comments: 4 Downloads: 16354

TextCommentsDownload  Lyon moy , lyon
"Kuda menya znakomaya dorozhenka zovyot-na polyushko kolkhoznoe, tuda gde lyon tsvetyot..."
Music: E.Rodigin Lyrics: V.Bokov 1963. Singer: Gos. Uralskiy russkiy nar. khor (zhenskaya gruppa). Khud. ruk. B.Gibalin. Zapevaet A.Petrova. Duet bayanistov. Performed in 1963ã.
Comments: 2 Downloads: 20519

TextCommentsDownload  Lyotnaya zastolnaya
Mi, letchiki, bolshe na nebe zhivem, mi gosti na miloy zemle...
Music: K. Listov Lyrics: D. Demyanov Singer: Ork. VRK p. u. V. Knushevitskogo Performed in 1945ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 19769

TextCommentsDownload  Lyubimaya nasha sestra
"Stoit v bezmolvnom velichii v lesnom krayu obelisk. Rukoyu berezhnoy visechen na kamne devichiy lik..."
Music: Yuriy Chichkov Lyrics: Konstantin Ibryaev 1975. Singer: BDKh, solistki Larisa Stolyarzh i Irina Kirillova. Zapis po translyatsii s kontserta Yuriya Chichkova. Performed in 1975ã.
Comments: 8 Downloads: 21376

TextCommentsDownload  Lyubimets komsomola
Music: Ptichkin Lyrics: Tatarinov Singer: Silaev
Comments: 0 Downloads: 13338

TextCommentsDownload  Lyubimie, vspomnite nas
Music: Boris Aleksandrov Lyrics: Nikolay Dobronravov 1978. Singer: KAPPSA,sol.Evg.Belyaev
Comments: 1 Downloads: 18266

TextCommentsDownload  Lyubimiy gorod
Music: Nikita Bogoslovskiy Lyrics: Evgeniy Dolmatovskiy 1939. Singer: Muslim Magomaev
Comments: 3 Downloads: 27482

TextCommentsDownload  Lyubimiy gorod
Music: N. Bogoslovskiy Lyrics: E. Dolmatovskiy 1939. Singer: Efrem Flaks
Comments: 1 Downloads: 33970

TextCommentsDownload  Lyubimiy gorod
Music: Nikita Bogoslovskiy Lyrics: Evgeniy Dolmatovskiy 1939. Singer: Mark Bernes
Comments: 3 Downloads: 26998

TextCommentsDownload  Lyubimiy gorod
Music: N. Bogoslovskiy Lyrics: E. Dolmatovskiy 1939. Singer: Pol Robson, A. Erokhin (f-no), Performed in 1949ã.
Comments: 4 Downloads: 24882

TextCommentsDownload  Lyubimiy gorod
"...mozhet spat spokoyno i videt sni, i zelenet sredi vesni."
Music: N. Bogoslovskiy Lyrics: E. Dolmatovskiy 1939. Singer: Valeriy Chemodanov
Comments: 0 Downloads: 22824

TextCommentsDownload  Lyubimiy Stalin
Music: A. Novikov Lyrics: S. Alimov 1949. Singer: Vladimir Nechaev. Performed in 1951ã.
Comments: 4 Downloads: 24327

TextCommentsDownload  Lyubite Rossiyu
"Kogda vsya Rossiya nadela shineli, neredko bivalo soldat vspominal: pro belie roshi i livni kosie i mislenno detyam svoim zaveshal..."
Music: Serafim Tulikov Lyrics: O.Milyavskiy 1969. Singer: Lyudmila Georgievna Zikina Performed in 1969ã.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 23642

TextCommentsDownload  Lyubitel-ribolov
"Udalite, pozhaluysta, moyu predidushuyu vikladku, tam po oshibke v odnom fayle bili soedineni dve pesni: eta i Molodie sadovodi."
Music: M. Starokadomskiy Lyrics: A. Barto 1946. Singer: Detskiy khor p/u A.N.Chmireva
Comments: 2 Downloads: 14149

TextCommentsDownload  Lyublyu etot gorod rabochiy
Music: Yuriy Chichkov. Lyrics: Yuriy Polukhin. Singer: A.Elanskaya.
Comments: 6 Downloads: 17739

TextCommentsDownload  Lyublyu tebya Sibir
"Sibir, Sibir, lyublyu tvoi snega..."
Music: Lyudmila Lyadova Lyrics: L. Kondirev Singer: Stepan Mashinskiy
Comments: 5 Downloads: 23754

TextCommentsDownload  Lyublyu tebya, Moskva
Lyublyu s rassveta po Moskve proytis, lyubuyas utrom yasnim...
Music: B. Terentev Lyrics: E. Simakov Singer: Evg. Vladimirov
Comments: 0 Downloads: 17614

TextCommentsDownload  Lyublyu tebya, moy kray rodnoy
Music: G.Podelskiy Lyrics: I.Nazalevich, per. L.Smirnova 1963. Singer: Georg Ots i Viktor Gurev Performed in 1963ã.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 21434

TextCommentsDownload  Lyublyu Ural
"Ural Ural tvoi prostori"
Music: Ivan Shutov Lyrics: Filipp Golubnichiy Singer: Gosudarstvenniy Orenburgskiy russkiy narodniy khor
Comments: 9 Downloads: 18847

TextCommentsDownload  Lyublyu ya mashini poputnie
"... I samaya luchshaya v mire poputchitsa-pesnya povsyudu so mnoy!..."
Music: Bogdan Trotsyuk Lyrics: Yakov Khelemskiy 1960. Singer: Vladimir Nechaev Performed in 1961ã.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 20734

TextCommentsDownload  Lyubomu sport pomozhet
Music: Yuriy Chichkov Lyrics: Yakov Khaletskiy 1974. Singer: BDKh, solisti V.Nikolaev, O.Kasyanov Performed in 1974ã.
Comments: 9 Downloads: 28451

TextCommentsDownload  Lyubov komsomol i vesna
"Zvenit otvagi kolokol, v doroge vse, kto molodi,nam karta pobed vruchena..."
Music: A.Pakhmutova Lyrics: N.Dobronravov. 1978. Singer: VIA Nadezhda,solist-I.Ivanov.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 26208

TextCommentsDownload  Lyubov i snayper
"Ya - snayper, i iz sta vozmozhnikh, vsyu sotnyu ya v mishen vobyu!..."
Music: I.Dunaevskiy Lyrics: L.Levin 1938. Singer: A.Menaker v sopr. simf. dzhaza teatra Miniatyur p/u V.P.Ulrikha Performed in 1938ã.
Comments: 5 Downloads: 16562

TextCommentsDownload  Lyubov k otchizne
Music: V.Levashov Lyrics: V.Lazarev 1973. Singer: Yu. Bogatikov Performed in 1973ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 17694

TextCommentsDownload  Lyubov moya
"... Za dalyokimi polyami ti zhivyosh, lyubov moya... "
Music: Platon Mayboroda Lyrics: Teren Masenko 1957. Singer: K.Ognevoy, khor Ukrradio Performed in 1957ã.
Comments: 4 Downloads: 17244

TextCommentsDownload  Lyubushka
Music: I. Shishov Lyrics: M. Isakovskiy 1937. Singer: N. K. Pechkovskiy Performed in 1937ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 14770

TextCommentsDownload  Lyubushka
Music: I. Shishov, instr. I. Furman Lyrics: M. Isakovskiy 1937. Singer: E. D. Kruglikova
Comments: 0 Downloads: 13246

TextCommentsDownload  Lyubushka
...ponaprasno lyubushke rebyata, pro lyubov, pro chuvstva govoryat...
Music: I. Shishkov Lyrics: M. Isakovskiy 1936. Singer: Solist GOLABT SSSR P. Kirichek. F-no Ya. Leonteva
Comments: 0 Downloads: 20575

TextCommentsDownload  Lyudt v sinikh shinelyakh
"Ne dadim mi na zemle rodnoy prigretsya, tem kto nam meshaet zhit"
1968. Singer: Khor moskovskoy militsii Performed in 1968ã.
Comments: 2 Downloads: 13577

TextCommentsDownload  L' Internationale
Music: P. Degeyter Lyrics: Ezhen Pote Singer: Jean Yanne
Comments: 1 Downloads: 19351

TextCommentsDownload  L' Internationale - French
"Debout! les damnes de la terre..."
One more French version
Music: P. Degeyter Lyrics: Ezhen Pote
Comments: 0 Downloads: 18212

TextCommentsDownload  L'estaca
Music: Lluís Llach Lyrics: Lluís Llach Singer: Lluís Llach
Comments: 0 Downloads: 18355

TextCommentsDownload  L'Internazionale - Italian
Italian version, sang twice according to national tradition
Music: P.Degeyter Lyrics: E. Pote Singer: Coro Le Camice Rosse
Comments: 0 Downloads: 17588

TextCommentsDownload  L'Internazionale - Italian
Very melodic italian version
Music: P.Degeyter Lyrics: E. Pote Singer: F.Fosca,E.Lombardelli
Comments: 1 Downloads: 30188

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