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Songs, starting on T, total : 286


TextCommentsDownload  Tabachnikov - Slovo avtora
Pervie pesni ya napisal zimoy 41-go goda...
Lyrics: M. Tabachnikov
Comments: 0 Downloads: 14963

TextCommentsDownload  Tachanka
Tachanka means "horse-mounted mobile machine-gun"
Song about Civil War 1918-1921
Music: K. Listov Lyrics: M. Ruderman 1937. Singer: Ans. im. A. V. Aleksandrova Performed in 1950ã.
Comments: 7 Downloads: 40216

TextCommentsDownload  Tachanka
Tachanka means "horse-mounted mobile machine-gun" Song about Civil War 1918-1921
Pioneer chorus
Music: K. Listov Lyrics: M. Ruderman 1936.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 25386

TextCommentsDownload  Tachanka
Music: K. Listov Lyrics: M. Ruderman 1936. Singer: Krasnoznamenniy ansambl Performed in 1954ã.
Comments: 5 Downloads: 42078

TextCommentsDownload  Tachanka
Music: K.Listov Lyrics: M.Ruderman Singer: Leonid Utesov
Comments: 4 Downloads: 24781

TextCommentsDownload  Tachanka
Music: I. Shamo Lyrics: V. Korkin 1978. Performed in 1978ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 19510

TextCommentsDownload  Tachanka
"Ekh,tachanka,rostovchanka,nasha gordost i krasa."
Music: K.Listov Lyrics: M.Ruderman 1936. Singer: VIA Poyushie gitari Performed in 1970ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 26453

TextCommentsDownload  Tachanka
"Ekh, tachanka-rostovchanka, nasha gordost i krasa, konarmeyskaya tachanka, vse chetire kolesa."
Music: K.Listov Lyrics: M.Ruderman 1936. Singer: Boris Rubashkin Performed in 1972ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 26051

TextCommentsDownload  Tachanka
Music: K.Listov Lyrics: M.Ruderman 1936. Singer: Oktoberklub
Comments: 3 Downloads: 24822

TextCommentsDownload  Tachanka
Music: K. Listov Lyrics: M. Ruderman 1937. Singer: Ansambl p/u A. V. Aleksandrova. Performed in 1938ã.
Comments: 3 Downloads: 23920

TextCommentsDownload  Tachanka
Music: K. Listov 1936. Singer: Otd.Pok. ork. MO SSSR Performed in 1986ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 19324

TextCommentsDownload  Tachanka
"Ekh, tachanka-rostovchanka, nasha gordost i krasa..."
Music: K. Listov Lyrics: M. Ruderman 1936. Singer: Boris Rubashkin Performed in 1972ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 21630

TextCommentsDownload  Tachanka
Music: Listov Lyrics: Ruderman 1937. Singer: Ork. shtaba LVO. Dir. V. Bichkov
Comments: 0 Downloads: 22056

TextCommentsDownload  Taezhnaya
Music: M.Ferkelman, L.Khodzha-Eynatov Lyrics: A. Churkin 1939. Singer: I. Zalevskiy, V. Baranov i dzhaz-ork. TsDKZh p/u Dm. Pokrass. Performed in 1939ã.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 17153

TextCommentsDownload  Taiga romantics
Cheerful song about exploration of Siberia
Music: Leonid Afanasev Lyrics: Boris Gaykovich 1960. Singer: Viktor Selivanov i Vasiliy Eliseev
Comments: 2 Downloads: 17468

TextCommentsDownload  Tak bivaet v dni voyni
"Kak ni stranno v dni voyni est minuti tishini"
Music: Andrey Petrov Lyrics: Mikhail Matusovskiy 1985. Singer: Nikolay Karachentsov Performed in 1985ã.
Comments: 2 Downloads: 17373

TextCommentsDownload  Tak ono i est
"Ekspeditor po navozu, vse na shee u kolkhoza, dvadtsat shtuk - vse na litso! Skolko stoit tam yaytso?"
Music: obr. M.Maksimova Lyrics: E. Klyushnikova 1961. Singer: A. Ustyuzhanina i A. Maksimova, V.Kukarin (byaan)
Comments: 1 Downloads: 12533

TextCommentsDownload  Take your coat, go home
Famous song about Victory in WW2
Music: V. Levashov Lyrics: B. Okudzhava 1975. Singer: E. Labkovskiy i Ans. Aleksandrova
Comments: 9 Downloads: 25898

TextCommentsDownload  Takoy u nas kharakter
"Mi vremya zrya ne tratim, nevedom nam pokoy, takoy u nas kharakter, osobenniy takoy"
Music: E.Ptichkin Lyrics: R.Rozhdestvenskiy 1979. Singer: Gurchenko L. M. Performed in 1979ã.
Comments: 4 Downloads: 17243

TextCommentsDownload  Takoyu svetloy kazhetsya zemlya
"Rastut na ney khleba, derevya i trava, i deti nezametno podrastayut"
Music: Yu. Chichkov Lyrics: M. Plyatskovskiy Singer: Valentina Tolkunova
Comments: 0 Downloads: 17213

TextCommentsDownload  Tales about Donbass
Miners' song about their beautiful life. Donbass is Ukrainian industrial center
Music: Z. Dunaevskiy Lyrics: S. Tsvang 1949. Singer: Shakhterskiy ans.pesni i plyaski p/u Z. Dunaevskogo Performed in 1949ã.
Comments: 2 Downloads: 15496

TextCommentsDownload  Talyanka
"Pulemet- Otets mne ,a Tachanka -Mat..."
Music: V.Zubkov Lyrics: B.Purgalin Singer: Dmitriy Romashkov ork. pod upr.O.Lundstrema
Comments: 0 Downloads: 14890

TextCommentsDownload  Tam vdali za rekoy
"Sotnya yunikh boytsov iz budennovskikh voysk na razvedku v polya poskakala..."
Music: A. Aleksandrov Lyrics: N.Kool
Comments: 0 Downloads: 21550

TextCommentsDownload  Tam vdali za rekoy
"... i besstrashno otryad poskakal na vraga, zavyazalas krovavaya bitva..."
Music: A.Aleksandrov (obrabotka) Lyrics: N.Kool Singer: Lev Polosin i Boris Kuznetsov, orkestr EMI VR i TsT p/u V.Mesherina
Comments: 2 Downloads: 24140

TextCommentsDownload  Tam vdali za rekoy
"Oni ekhali dolgo v nochnoy tishine, po shirokoy ukrainskoy stepi"
Music: A.Aleksandrov Lyrics: N.Kool Singer: Olga Sorokina Performed in 1971ã.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 19185

TextCommentsDownload  Tam vdali za rekoy - kitayskiy
"Tam, vdali, za rekoy, zasverkali ogni.."
Music: narodnaya , obrabotka - A. Aleksandrov Lyrics: N.Kool 1924. Singer: trio Blek Daks ( KNR )
Comments: 0 Downloads: 14545

TextCommentsDownload  Tam vdali, za pekoy
Music: Obpabotka A. V. Aleksandpova Lyrics: H. Kool 1980. Singer: Ans. im. A. V. Aleksandrova Performed in 1980ã.
Comments: 4 Downloads: 26077

TextCommentsDownload  Tam vdali, za rekoy Pesa na temu pesni grazhdanskoy voyni
Music: V.Poponov Singer: Russkiy narodniy orkestr khora im. Pyatnitskogo, dir. A.Shirokov
Comments: 0 Downloads: 15048

TextCommentsDownload  Tam, gde Volga serebritsya
Music: Yuriy Chichkov Lyrics: Yuriy Polukhin 1966. Singer: Viktor Selivanov i khor
Comments: 2 Downloads: 16668

TextCommentsDownload  Tam, v dali za rekoy
"Pesnya grazhdanskoy voyni."
Music: Obpabotka A. V. Aleksandpova Lyrics: N.Koolya Singer: Ansambl pesni Vsesoyuznogo radio. Dirizher A .Andrusenko. Performed in 1961ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 20772

TextCommentsDownload  Tam, v zemlyanke siroy
"Tam, v zemlyanke siroy zabivayu poroy o boyakh o voyne...."
Music: L. Shvarts Lyrics: E. Dolmatovskiy 1957. Performed in 1957ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 16642

TextCommentsDownload  Tanki bistrokhodnie
Music: M. Blanter Lyrics: Ya. Khelemskiy Singer: Krasnoznamenniy ansambl
Comments: 5 Downloads: 31334

TextCommentsDownload  Tankisti
"U nashikh tankistov osobaya stat..."
Music: D. Pokrass Lyrics: V. Lebedev-Kumach 1939. Singer: Art. Gos. filarmonii K. S. Kalinis i E. E. Abarenkov v sopr. bayanov art. Gos. filarmonii N. i F. Martinovikh Performed in 1939ã.
Comments: 7 Downloads: 16184

TextCommentsDownload  Tankists march
Good quality march
Music: S.Chernetskiy Singer: Orkestr shtaba LenVO Performed in 2000ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 29617

TextCommentsDownload  Tankist's story
Song - story about Great Patriotic War
Music: Anatoliy Lepin Lyrics: Aleksandr Tvardovskiy Singer: Georgiy Abramov
Comments: 0 Downloads: 25136

TextCommentsDownload  Tanya
Music: B.Fomin Lyrics: P.German Singer: Vladimir Troshin
Comments: 0 Downloads: 17490

TextCommentsDownload  Tashkent
Music: Aleksandr Dvoskin Lyrics: A.Kamtar 1959. Singer: B.Mavlyanov Performed in 1959ã.
Comments: 2 Downloads: 15489

TextCommentsDownload  Tatyana
Music: R. Shedrin Lyrics: K. Simonov 1960. Singer: Nikolay Ribnikov Performed in 1960ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 18989

TextCommentsDownload  Tauru skaņās kad viļņojas gaiss
"Mirdzot šķēpiem zeltsaules staros"
Music: Aranzhirovka – P. Mierleys 1917. Singer: Vokalniy ansambl pod upravleniem E. Rachevska Dukhovoy orkestr shtaba Pribaltiyskogo voennogo okruga, dirizher A. Danilov. Performed in 1971ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 17964

TextCommentsDownload  Tayga
"Kuda ni poydi, oboydi khot ves svet, a kraya na svete prekrasnee net."
Music: Yu. Milyutin Lyrics: V. Tipot 1947. Singer: V. Bunchikov i khor Performed in 1951ã.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 18523

TextCommentsDownload  Tayga tayga
Music: Boris Trotsyuk Lyrics: Vadim Semernin 1961. Singer: A. Rozum?
Comments: 6 Downloads: 16925

TextCommentsDownload  Tayga zolotaya
Music: Venedikt Pushkov. Lyrics: Aleksandr Prokofev. 1936. Singer: Gennadiy Kamenniy i Gos. Ork.
Comments: 8 Downloads: 16865

TextCommentsDownload  Tayga zolotaya
Music: V. Pushkov Lyrics: A. Prokofev 1936. Singer: Georgiy Vinogradov Performed in 1939ã.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 33035

TextCommentsDownload  Tayga zolotaya
"... Oy, veytes, dorogi, odna i drugaya, v razdolnie nashi kraya..."
Music: Venedikt Pushkov Lyrics: Aleksandr Prokofev 1936. Singer: Evgeniy Boytsov Performed in 1960ã.
Comments: 5 Downloads: 15721

TextCommentsDownload  Tayga zolotaya
"Zveni, zolotaya, shumi, zolotaya, moya zolotaya tayga"
Music: Venedikt Pushkov Lyrics: Aleksandr Prokofev 1936. Singer: Denis Korolev
Comments: 2 Downloads: 15222

TextCommentsDownload  Tayga zolotaya
"Zveni, zolotaya, shumi, zolotaya, moya zolotaya tayga..."
Music: V.Pushkov Lyrics: A.Prokofev 1936. Singer: I.Arkhipova, Akademicheskiy Bolshoy khor i Bolshoy simfonicheskiy orkestr TsT i VR, dir. V.Fedoseev Performed in 1975ã.
Comments: 5 Downloads: 13220

TextCommentsDownload  Tayozhnaya
"Evening covers river, ligtht wing flies over taiga"
Song about love in taiga. Taiga means giant forests of Siberia.
Music: V. Solovev-Sedoy Lyrics: V. Gusev 1938. Singer: A. Klesheva, orkestr p.u V.Knushevitskogo Performed in 1950ã.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 20129

TextCommentsDownload  Tbilisi Baku Erevan
Music: Boris Avetisov Lyrics: Mikhail Svetlov 1950. Singer: Vladimir Kandelaki
Comments: 1 Downloads: 20355

TextCommentsDownload  Tebe 19 let – Ise pedi sta dekaenya
1943. Singer: N. Papadopulu Performed in 1995ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 20613

TextCommentsDownload  Tebe prisyagayu, Otchizna
Music: B.Aleksandrov Lyrics: E.Mikhaylov Singer: Ansambl imeni Aleksandrova
Comments: 4 Downloads: 15429

TextCommentsDownload  Tebya ya polyubil, Moskva
"Vot, kakaya ti, Moskva, krasavitsa, dobraya, serdechnaya..."
Music: E.Roman, Lyrics: G.Registan 1957. Singer: Dzhika Petresku Performed in 1957ã.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 17100

TextCommentsDownload  Techet reka Volga
Music: Mark Fradkin Lyrics: Lev Oshanin 1962. Singer: Lyudmila Zikina
Comments: 15 Downloads: 38683

TextCommentsDownload  Techet reka Volga - kitayskiy
"Sredi khlebov spelikh , sredi snegov belikh , techyot moya Volga..."
Music: Mark Fradkin Lyrics: Lev Oshanin 1962.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 14392

TextCommentsDownload  Techet Volga
Music: M. Fradkin Lyrics: L. Oshanin 1962. Singer: L. Utesov
Comments: 0 Downloads: 21308

TextCommentsDownload  Tekstilniy gorodok
Music: Yan Frenkel Lyrics: Mikhail Tanich 1960. Singer: Raisa Nemenova
Comments: 10 Downloads: 22727

TextCommentsDownload  Telnyashka
Music: Boris Terentev Lyrics: Aleksandr Oyslender 1948. Singer: Vladimir Bunchikov
Comments: 4 Downloads: 19889

TextCommentsDownload  Telnyashka
Music: Yu.Slonov Lyrics: L.Dligach 1948. Singer: V.Troshinskiy, A.Bezverkhiy
Comments: 0 Downloads: 19085

TextCommentsDownload  Tem kto v more
"Vakhtu nesti, druzhbu berech, sinee more nashe sterech - takaya nasha sluzhba morskaya..."
Music: N.Bogoslovskiy Lyrics: L.Oshanin 1968. Singer: M.Mikhaylov Performed in 1968ã.
Comments: 3 Downloads: 17337

TextCommentsDownload  Temnaya noch
Music: N. Bogoslovskiy Lyrics: V.Agatov 1943. Singer: L.Utyosov Performed in 1950ã.
Comments: 3 Downloads: 21706

TextCommentsDownload  Temnaya noch
Music: N. Bogoslovskiy Lyrics: V. Agatov 1943. Singer: Krasnoznamenniy ansambl
Comments: 3 Downloads: 20243

TextCommentsDownload  Temnaya noch
Music: N. Bogoslovskiy Lyrics: V.Agatov 1943. Singer: I.Kozlovskiy Performed in 1944ã.
Comments: 16 Downloads: 20615

TextCommentsDownload  Temnaya noch
Music: N.Bogoslovskiy Lyrics: V.Agatov 1943. Singer: Vladimir Nechaev
Comments: 7 Downloads: 20246

TextCommentsDownload  Temnaya noch
Music: N. Bogoslovskiy Lyrics: V. Agatov 1943. Singer: M. Bernes Performed in 1943ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 41885

TextCommentsDownload  Temnaya noch
Music: N. Bogoslovskiy Lyrics: V. Agatov 1943. Singer: KAPPSA i G.Vinogradov Performed in 1946ã.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 20207

TextCommentsDownload  Temnaya noch
"Temnaya noch, tolko puli svistyat po stepi..."
Music: N. Bogoslovskiy Lyrics: V.Agatov 1943. Singer: M. Magomaev Performed in 1975ã.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 23378

TextCommentsDownload  Temnaya noch
Music: N. Bogoslovskiy Lyrics: V. Agatova 1943.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 17618

TextCommentsDownload  Temnaya noch
"Temnaya noch, tolko puli svistyat po stepi..."
Music: N Bogoslovskiy Lyrics: V. Agatov 1943. Singer: Nikolay Shukin Performed in 1967ã.
Comments: 3 Downloads: 18848

TextCommentsDownload  Temnaya noch - polskiy
"Temnaya noch, tolko puli svistyat po stepi..."
Music: N. Bogoslovskiy Lyrics: V. Agatov 1942. Singer: Chór Czejanda
Comments: 0 Downloads: 15336

TextCommentsDownload  Ten miles from St. Petersburg
Song about burial of victims of "bloody sunday" that started first russian revolution
Lyrics: P. K. Ediet 1905.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 14415

TextCommentsDownload  Teplushki
Music: A. Osnovikov Lyrics: F. Laube Singer: V. Troshin
Comments: 0 Downloads: 14685

TextCommentsDownload  Terskaya marching song
Song about Revolution
Music: Dm.i Dan.Pokrass Lyrics: Aleksey Surkov 1970. Singer: Yuriy Bogatikov Performed in 1970ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 25485

TextCommentsDownload  Tet-a-tet
1958. Singer: P. Rudakov i Ven. Nechaev Performed in 1958ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 15520

TextCommentsDownload  Textile workers' song - Chinese
One more melodic chinese song
Comments: 1 Downloads: 13957

TextCommentsDownload  Thank you, Great Leader
"Long live beloved Stalin, long live dear Stalin..."
One more song spreading cult of Stalin
Music: Boris Terentev Lyrics: Lev Oshanin 1948. Singer: V.Bunchikov i V.Nechaev Performed in 1948ã.
Comments: 6 Downloads: 34576

TextCommentsDownload  Thanks to Stalin
"..you are Father of all soviet farmers..."
One more collective farmers folklore song, sounds fine
Music: K. Massalitinov Lyrics: A. Salnikov 1949. Singer: Voronezhskiy RNKh p/u K.Massalitinova
Comments: 0 Downloads: 18827

TextCommentsDownload  Thanks to the Great Stalin
"Thanks to the Great Stalin for our happy days..."
Children sing a song about the "Great Teacher"
Music: L. Polovinkin Lyrics: I. Dobrovolskiy 1937. Singer: Detskiy khor Doma pionerov Stalinskogo r-na g. Moskvi p/u A. S. Stepanova. F-no T. L. Shabadash. Performed in 1937ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 15055

TextCommentsDownload  That's way to victory
"Hear the voice of youth: Lenin! Party! Komsomol!"
One of really moving youth songs
Music: A. Pakhmutova Lyrics: N. Dobronravov 1982. Singer: Kobzon-Rotaru-Leshenko
Comments: 1 Downloads: 40255

TextCommentsDownload  That's we,m youth
"We are those, who believes in bright future, who believes in strong will and are ready to build it..."
Marching song of the Soviet youth
Music: S. Tulikov Lyrics: L. Oshanin 1955. Singer: V. Bunchikov
Comments: 0 Downloads: 20054

TextCommentsDownload  The battle is going again
"And Lenin is young again, and new October is coming..."
A song about October Revolution in 1917
Music: A. Pakhmutova Lyrics: N. Dobronravov 1974. Singer: Iosif Kobzon, Moskovskiy khor molodyozhi i studentov p/u Borisa Tevlina
Comments: 36 Downloads: 66125

TextCommentsDownload  The battle is going again
"And Lenin is young again, and new October is coming..."
A song about October Revolution in 1917 sang by kids’ chorus
Music: A. Pakhmutova Lyrics: N. Dobronravov 1974. Singer: BDKh p/u V.Popova Performed in 1975ã.
Comments: 12 Downloads: 41430

TextCommentsDownload  The battle is going again
"And Lenin is young again, and new October is coming..."
A song about October Revolution in 1917
Music: A. Pakhmutova Lyrics: N. Dobronravov 1974. Singer: L. Smetannikov
Comments: 22 Downloads: 123796

TextCommentsDownload  The battle is going again - Hebrew
A jewish variant of the russian song about Lenin and October Revolution in 1917.
Music: A. Pakhmutova Lyrics: N.Dobronravov 1975. Singer: Shaul Reznik Performed in 2000ã.
Comments: 8 Downloads: 25899

TextCommentsDownload  The Baykal Beauty
Beautiful song about nature of Baikal, the deepest lake on earth
Music: A. Dolukhanyan Lyrics: M. Lisyanskiy 1960. Singer: E. Belyaev i Ans. im. Aleksandrova Performed in 1960ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 20044

TextCommentsDownload  The bells of the Moscow Kremlin
The clock on the Spasskaya Tower of the Kremlin plays this music every hour.
Comments: 4 Downloads: 56650

TextCommentsDownload  The best city in the world
"These words are about you, Moscow!"
One of the best soviet songs about Moscow
Music: A.Babadzhanyan Lyrics: L.Derbenev Singer: M. Magomaev
Comments: 10 Downloads: 46242

TextCommentsDownload  The birds are flying to the south
"And I stay with you, my beloved forever Motherland..."
A great song about Motherland
Music: M.Blanter Lyrics: M.Isakovskiy 1948. Singer: V.Bunchikov
Comments: 4 Downloads: 33044

TextCommentsDownload  The birds are flying to the south
"And I stay with you, my beloved forever Motherland..."
Later version of the famous song
Music: M.Blanter Lyrics: M.Isakovskiy 1948. Singer: I. Kobzon Performed in 1976ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 25016

TextCommentsDownload  The blue sphere spins
Song from well known movie of the 30s "Youth of Maxim"
Music: Shostakovich 1934. Singer: B. Chirkov
Comments: 9 Downloads: 52353

TextCommentsDownload  The Country elects
"I elect the sons of people, comrade Stalin is the first of them..."
Propaganda on the elections of the Highest Soviet in 1938
Music: Klimentiy Korchmarev Lyrics: Evgeniy Dolmatovskiy 1937. Singer: L. Khachaturov i A. Tkachenko Performed in 1937ã.
Comments: 2 Downloads: 14246

TextCommentsDownload  The east is red - Chinese
"The east becomes red - Mao had been born"
Thw most known song about Mao Tsedong
Comments: 2 Downloads: 35735

TextCommentsDownload  The Internationale - English
"Arise! Ye starvelings from yours slumbers..."
A modern version of the song by Billy Bregg.
Music: P. Degeyter Lyrics: Ezhen Pote 1871. Singer: Billi Bregg
Comments: 2 Downloads: 18549

TextCommentsDownload  The Internationale - English
"The International Soviets unites the human race"
Old english record with very original refrain
Music: P. Degeyter Lyrics: Ezhen Pote 1871. Performed in 1935ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 18892

TextCommentsDownload  The Internationale - English & French
"The Internationale unites the human race"
Bilingual version
Music: P. Degeyter Lyrics: Ezhen Pote 1871. Singer: Pete Seeger
Comments: 0 Downloads: 18414

TextCommentsDownload  The Internationale - English-Country
"Arise! Ye starvelings from yours slumbers..."
A very unusial version sounds like country.
Music: P. Degeyter Lyrics: Ezhen Pote 1871. Singer: Alistair Hulett, 1991
Comments: 2 Downloads: 31857

TextCommentsDownload  The Internationale - Instrumental
Orchestral version that's really moving
Music: P. Degeyter 1871.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 16103

TextCommentsDownload  The Internationale - Instrumental
Classical orchestral version
Music: P. Degeyter 1871.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 69125

TextCommentsDownload  The Internationale - Remix
An unusual remics on the Internationale theme
Music: P. Degeyter 1871.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 17005

TextCommentsDownload  The Kremlin stars are lighting in darkne
"A capital of a big and happy country is dancing today..."
Song about a holiday in Moscow and about happy life of soviet people
Music: Anatoliy Novikov Lyrics: Boris Dvorniy 1961. Singer: zhenskiy khor VR SSSR
Comments: 3 Downloads: 19019

TextCommentsDownload  The Land of the Vietnamese
"You can not slash in hand a breeze, not split the land of the Vietnamese, not split the land of the Vietnamese !"
Music: Evgeniy Krilatov 1985. Singer: Larisa Dolina Performed in 1985ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 16164

TextCommentsDownload  The Party rules
"Monolyte" song about Communist Party
Music: Vano Muradeli Lyrics: Sergey Mikhalkov 1952. Singer: Aleksandr Vedernikov
Comments: 4 Downloads: 25750

TextCommentsDownload  The Peat Bog Soldiers
Singer: Paul Robeson
Comments: 1 Downloads: 17734

TextCommentsDownload  The Peekskill story - English
Tale about how american workers fight vs the fascists
1949. Singer: The Weavers,H.Fast&P.Seeger
Comments: 0 Downloads: 18277

TextCommentsDownload  The Red Flag - English
English labour song
Lyrics: D. O'Konnel 1889.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 20534

TextCommentsDownload  The Saint War
"Arise, great country! Arise to deadly fight!"
This song appeared when Hitler attacked USSR in 1941 and became a symbol of Great Patriotic War (WW II) HAS ENGLISH TRANSLATION
Music: A. Aleksandrov Lyrics: V.Lebedev-Kumach 1941.
Comments: 162 Downloads: 158461

TextCommentsDownload  The Saint War
"Arise, the giant country! Arise for mortal fight!"
This song appeared when Hitler attacked USSR in 1941 and became a symbol of Great Patriotic War (WW II) Instrumental version
Music: A. Aleksandrov Lyrics: V.Lebedev-Kumach 1941.
Comments: 6 Downloads: 31591

TextCommentsDownload  The Sun Shines Brightly over the Black Sea
Good patriotic song
Music: Aleksandr Dolukhanyan Lyrics: Mark Lisyanskiy 1960. Singer: Ans. im. Aleksandrova
Comments: 2 Downloads: 25480

TextCommentsDownload  The tanks were rattling like a thunder
"...and here they carried young commander with head all broken outright..."
This very popular russian song HAS ENGLISH VARIANT OF TEXT
Music: Muzika narodnaya Lyrics: Neizvesten Singer: iz k/f Na voyne kak na voyne
Comments: 116 Downloads: 47292

TextCommentsDownload  The Whole Country was is Our Labour
One more great song about Labour
Music: Boris Terentev Lyrics: Vladimir Kharitonov 1960. Singer: Yuriy Zikov
Comments: 1 Downloads: 25202

TextCommentsDownload  There are many stars on the sky
"so many do s Stalin have to think about..."
A volklore Song about Stalin,one of the foolest songs on this site.
Comments: 2 Downloads: 29344

TextCommentsDownload  There march the Soldiers
Good song about WW2
Music: B. A. Aleksandrov Lyrics: A. Dostal 1970. Singer: Ans. im. Aleksandrova
Comments: 5 Downloads: 18620

TextCommentsDownload  There were four of us
"And and on what fromt are you fighting now?"
Sailor sing about hist friends and his home city, Odessa
Music: V. Solovev-Sedoy Lyrics: L. Davidovich 1944. Singer: Georgiy Abramov, dzhaz-orkestr p/u A. Tsfasmana
Comments: 0 Downloads: 23341

TextCommentsDownload  There will be apple trees on Mars
An optimistic song about space exploration
Music: V. Muradeli Lyrics: E. Dolmatovskiy 1963. Singer: Vladimir Troshin
Comments: 10 Downloads: 42078

TextCommentsDownload  There, over the river
"...a hundred of young warriors left for reconnaissance..."
A song about Civil War 1918-1921
Music: A. Aleksandrov Lyrics: N.Kool Singer: Gosudarstvenniy russkiy khor A. V. Sveshnikova
Comments: 20 Downloads: 27541

TextCommentsDownload  Thing in sea
"..i was sinking, and found a thing in sea that helped me to keep on surface..."
Humor story about sinking sailor that used german mine to keep on surface
Music: B. Mokrousov Lyrics: B. Mokrousov 1944. Singer: G. Abramov, A.Bernar (f-no) Performed in 1944ã.
Comments: 2 Downloads: 16974

TextCommentsDownload  This clouds mean storm
A song about Revolution
Music: Dm. i Dan. Pokrass Lyrics: A. Surkov 1935. Singer: L.Utesov
Comments: 4 Downloads: 23279

TextCommentsDownload  This is football
"...we are strong in our unity, our will..."
Sports patriotic march
Music: Isaak Dunaevskiy Lyrics: Mikhail Matusovskiy 1954. Singer: Georgiy Abramov i khor VR
Comments: 1 Downloads: 37574

TextCommentsDownload  This is our biography
"...this is our land, this is our biography..."
Song about revolutionary way of country
Music: A. Mazhukov Lyrics: O. Pisarzhevskaya i A.Monastirev
Comments: 1 Downloads: 21514

TextCommentsDownload  This is our dear Lenin
"Who is this daddy on the wall of our sunny room..."
Children s song about Lenin
Music: Khalik Zaimov Lyrics: L.Nekrasova Singer: detskiy khor
Comments: 2 Downloads: 19764

TextCommentsDownload  This russian word - Moscow
One good song from movie at "6 o'clock after the war"
Music: T. Khrennikov Lyrics: V. Gusev 1944. Singer: Samoylov Evg. i Lyubeznov Iv.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 16793

TextCommentsDownload  This song is a honor for me
"...this song was born in the first years of Soviets..."
A sample of late Soviet propaganda
Music: G. Movsesyan Lyrics: L. Oshanin Singer: I. Kobzon
Comments: 2 Downloads: 19362

TextCommentsDownload  Those, who love Soviet ruling
"Must fight for it..."
This record sounds like folk song and calls for fighting for Soviets
Music: obr. A. V. Aleksandrova Lyrics: S. Alimov 1937. Singer: Ansambl p/u A. V. Aleksandrova. Performed in 1937ã.
Comments: 2 Downloads: 14793

TextCommentsDownload  Three pilots on service
Song describes "advantages" of obsdolete U-2 plane.
Music: V. Solovev-Sedoy Lyrics: S. Fogelson Singer: V. Nechaev
Comments: 1 Downloads: 21883

TextCommentsDownload  Three tankists
"And the samurai were thrown down with our fire and steel..."
Song about a conflict between USSR and Japan
Music: br. Pokrass Lyrics: B.Laskin 1938. Singer: Yuriy Bogatikov
Comments: 21 Downloads: 93535

TextCommentsDownload  Three tankists
"And the samurai were thrown down with our fire and steel..."
Song about a conflict between USSR and Japan
Music: Dmitriy i Daniil Pokrass Lyrics: Boris Laskin 1938. Singer: Nikolay Kryuchkov s dzhaz-orkestrom p/u D. Ritsnera. Performed in 1939ã.
Comments: 8 Downloads: 29867

TextCommentsDownload  Three tankists
"And the samurai were thrown down with our fire and steel..."
Instrumental, marching version
Music: br. Pokrass 1938.
Comments: 7 Downloads: 16006

TextCommentsDownload  Three tankists - Hebrew
"...and samurais were repulsed by armour and fire..."
Soviet military song translated to Hebrew by Shaul Reznik
1938. Singer: Sh. Reznik
Comments: 0 Downloads: 17359

TextCommentsDownload  Three tankists - Peaceful variant
"...now soldiers do peaceful work..."
Unusual version of the song, maybe continuing the story
Music: Dm. i Dan. Pokrass Lyrics: B. Laskin 1948. Singer: I. Shmelev i A. Orfenov i Khor i orkestr pod upravleniem L. G. Yureva
Comments: 3 Downloads: 23525

TextCommentsDownload  Thunder from mountain heights - Korean
Traditionally cheerful and optimistic korean revolutionary song, sounds like soviet 70-s.
Music: KNDR 2001.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 17287

TextCommentsDownload  Ti - ne prosto gorod
Music: E. Kolmanovskiy Lyrics: Igorya Shaferana i Leonida Derbenyova 1970. Singer: Pavel Kravetskiy
Comments: 4 Downloads: 19057

TextCommentsDownload  Ti - moe zemnoe prityazhenie
"Do chego zhe trudnaya professiya-bit zhenoy kosmicheskogo letchika..."
Music: Ya.Frenkel Lyrics: E.Vnukov Singer: Iosif Kobzon
Comments: 0 Downloads: 15363

TextCommentsDownload  Ti - nasha armiya!
Music: Yuriy Chichkov Lyrics: Vladimir Firsov 1985. Singer: KAPPSA
Comments: 1 Downloads: 14526

TextCommentsDownload  Ti chelovek
"Pesnya iz televizionnogo filma Priklyucheniya Elektronika"
Music: Evgeniy Krilatov Lyrics: Yuriy Entin 1980. Singer: BDKh, solist Alyosha Fadeev Performed in 1980ã.
Comments: 3 Downloads: 14802

TextCommentsDownload  Ti idi, ne sverni i ne paday
Music: Evgeniy Ptichkin Lyrics: Evgeniy Karelov 1976.
Comments: 5 Downloads: 16671

TextCommentsDownload  Ti leti raketa nasha
Music: S Tulikov Lyrics: Alferov Singer: Khor Pyatnitskogo
Comments: 0 Downloads: 14968

TextCommentsDownload  Ti leti, veterok
Music: Vladimir Sergeevich Loktev Lyrics: Anton Ilich Prishelets (Khodakov) Singer: Ansambl Lokteva MGDP
Comments: 2 Downloads: 16902

TextCommentsDownload  Ti lyubimaya
"Ver, chto v nenaste pod svintsovoy tucheyu budesh dorogoy podrugoy, samoy luchsheyu!"
Music: A. Dolukhanyan Lyrics: G. Khodosov Singer: P. Kirichek i ork. st. art. Plastmass dir. M. Volovats
Comments: 6 Downloads: 16442

TextCommentsDownload  Ti mechtaesh o dalnikh poletakh
Music: Yan Frenkel Lyrics: Vladimir Voynovich 1968. Singer: M.Kristalinskaya, I.Kobzon
Comments: 19 Downloads: 15608

TextCommentsDownload  Ti menya dozhdis
"N-skiy garnizon na dva dolgikh goda stal mne domom..."
Music: I.Yakushenko Lyrics: I.Shaferan Singer: Gennadiy Belov
Comments: 0 Downloads: 16353

TextCommentsDownload  Ti menya, Papanya,ne zhuri
Music: V.Dmitriev Lyrics: S.Belikov 1969. Singer: Yu. Bogatikov Performed in 1969ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 17452

TextCommentsDownload  Ti moya nadezhda
Music: Aleksandra Pakhmutova Lyrics: Nikolay Dobronravov Singer: Lev Leshenko
Comments: 1 Downloads: 21577

TextCommentsDownload  Ti ne khmursya sine more
Music: A.Abramov Lyrics: N.Bukin Singer: Georgiy Abramov
Comments: 3 Downloads: 16619

TextCommentsDownload  Ti ne plach i ne goryuy
"A ti ne plach i ne goryuy, moya dorogaya, Esli v more utonu - znat, sudba takaya."
Music: Vlaislav Kladnitskiy (ukazano v titrakh filma)
Comments: 1 Downloads: 16444

TextCommentsDownload  Ti ne ver (Poputnaya pesnya shofyorov)
Music: Vasiliy Solovyov-Sedoy Lyrics: Solomon Fogelson Singer: Vladimir Nechaev i khor VR
Comments: 7 Downloads: 19872

TextCommentsDownload  Ti pesnyu, drug, ne toropi
"... davay spoem o tom, kak teplokhod po Volge plil pod vrazheskim ognem"
Music: A.G.Novikov Lyrics: V.Kharitonov Singer: V.Valaytis, khor
Comments: 3 Downloads: 14017

TextCommentsDownload  Ti pochashe soldatu pishi
Music: B. Terentev Lyrics: S. Benke Singer: A. Usmanov
Comments: 5 Downloads: 13436

TextCommentsDownload  Ti pomnish li, Volga
Music: B.Kiyanov Lyrics: A.Volskiy Singer: Nar. artistka SSSR Lyudmila Filatova, Rus. nar. orkestr RiT im. Andreeva
Comments: 0 Downloads: 12583

TextCommentsDownload  Ti pripomni Rossiya
"Ti pripomni Rossiya kak vse ºto bilo Kak polzhizni ushlo u tebya na boi"
Music: I.Kataev Lyrics: M.Ancharov 1971. Singer: Valentin Nikulin
Comments: 1 Downloads: 18077

TextCommentsDownload  Ti proshay, moya umnitsa
Music: Yuriy Chichkov Lyrics: Musa Dzhalil 1941. Singer: Khor malchikov MGKhU p/u V.Popova, solist Sasha Yudenkov Performed in 1982ã.
Comments: 3 Downloads: 15559

TextCommentsDownload  Ti prosti, proshay
"...V rudnikakh da v tsepyakh budem zoloto brat, v rudnikakh da v tsepyakh svoyu dolyu proklinat..."
1900. Singer: Aleksandr Pirogov. Vokalniy kvartet im. A. Pirogova i trio bayanistov. Performed in 1940ã.
Comments: 5 Downloads: 18552

TextCommentsDownload  Ti Rossiya moya
"Ti Rossiya moya-zolotie kraya..."
Music: S.Tulikov Lyrics: S.Ostrovoy 1961. Singer: Lyudmila Zikina.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 20564

TextCommentsDownload  Ti sam sebe vibral nelyogkuyu dolyu
Music: Gennadiy Gladkov Lyrics: Mikhail Plyatskovskiy 1970. Singer: Vladimir Makarov Performed in 1970ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 18460

TextCommentsDownload  Ti Sovetskaya slavnaya Ukraina (na ukrainskom yazike)
Music: A.Filippenko Lyrics: P.Tichina Singer: Khorovaya kapella Ukrainskogo ra
Comments: 0 Downloads: 13367

TextCommentsDownload  Ti u nas odna
"... Nasha pravda - eto Lenin! Nasha pesnya - eto ti, Rodina!..."
Music: Aleksandr Dolukhanyan Lyrics: Mark Lisyanskiy 1959. Singer: Vasiliy Shtefutsa i KAPPSA Performed in 1970ã.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 17833

TextCommentsDownload  Ti v khlebakh,zemlya
"Mi s toboy tovarish u rulya, a vokrug lyubimaya zemlya..."
Music: Valentin Makarov Lyrics: Ya.Shvedov Singer: P.Kirichek
Comments: 0 Downloads: 17294

TextCommentsDownload  Ti videl vsyo, morskoy solyoniy veter
"... Pokuda serdtse byotsya, poka silna ruka, moryak ne sdayotsya, on budet borotsya, pokuda serdtse byotsya v grudi u moryaka!..."
Music: Isaak Dunaevskiy Lyrics: V.Vinnikov, V.Krakht, V.Tipot 1947. Singer: N.Petrov, khor VR p/u I.Dunaevskogo Performed in 1947ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 16141

TextCommentsDownload  Ti vzoydi, vzoydi, solntse krasnoe
"Mi ne vori, da ne razboynichki. Ey, Stenki Razina, mi rabotnichki..."
Performed in 1939ã. Comments: 0 Downloads: 15068

TextCommentsDownload  Ti zveni,zveni zadorney,russkaya chastushka
Music: naigrish V.Rudenko Lyrics: M.Mordasova i M.Morozova. 1956. Singer: Gos.Voronezhskiy russkiy nar. khor.Khud. ruk. K.Massalitinov. Zapevaet M.Mardasova. Performed in 1956ã.
Comments: 3 Downloads: 13878

TextCommentsDownload  Ti, krilataya pesnya, sletay
Music: Nikolay Kryukov. Lyrics: Konstantin Simonov. 1943. Singer: Svetlana Rezanova.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 18489

TextCommentsDownload  Ti, razdole moyo
"K novoy zhizni zovu: ti prosnis, otzovis, raspakhni grud svoyu!"
Music: obrabotka S. Vasilenko Singer: Zasluzhennaya artistka RSFSR Galina Chizhova, Orkestr russkikh narodnikh instrumentov Novosibirskogo Radio p/u Ivana Gulyaeva
Comments: 1 Downloads: 17110

TextCommentsDownload  Tien quan ca - Gimn Sotsialisticheskoy Respubliki Vetnam
Music: Nguen Van Kao (Nguen Van Cao) Lyrics: Nguen Van Kao (Nguen Van Cao) 1945.
Comments: 4 Downloads: 16401

TextCommentsDownload  Tikhiy okean
Music: Nikita Bogoslovskiy. Lyrics: Mikhail Plyatskovskiy. 1980. Singer: Iosif Kobzon. Performed in 1980ã.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 17652

TextCommentsDownload  Tikhiy okean
Music: Aleksandr Izotov Lyrics: L.Ovsyannikova 1980. Singer: I.Kobzon
Comments: 2 Downloads: 13209

TextCommentsDownload  Tikhon Khrennikov o lyubimikh pesnyakh
1974. Singer: T.N. Khrennikov Performed in 1974ã.
Comments: 2 Downloads: 12677

TextCommentsDownload  Time forward!
This very famous theme is played at the beginning of te main russian news program "Vremya" (Time)
Music: G. Sviridov 1965.
Comments: 7 Downloads: 98372

TextCommentsDownload  Timorov's song
Song urges poineers to help Red Army
Music: M. Blanter Lyrics: Ya. Tayts 1942. Singer: BDKh TsT i VR p/u V. Popova Performed in 1971ã.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 20905

TextCommentsDownload  Timurovtsi
Music: Yuriy Chichkov Lyrics: Konstantin Ibryaev Singer: APP im.V.Lokteva, sol.Sveta Savochkina, Igor Grechishnikov
Comments: 6 Downloads: 19538

TextCommentsDownload  Tippereri (Angliyskaya soldatskaya pesnya)
Music: obr. A.V. Aleksandrova Lyrics: perevodchik neizvesten 1914. Singer: Ansambl p/u A.V. Aleksandrova, solist Oleg Razumovskiy Performed in 1945ã.
Comments: 13 Downloads: 20424

TextCommentsDownload  TIShINA
Music: Vasiliy Nikolaevich Lipatov Lyrics: Nikolay Valentinovich Gleyzarov 1950. Singer: Tamara Vasilevna Kravtsova Performed in 1954ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 16696

TextCommentsDownload  Tishina na granitse
Music: V. Pleshak Lyrics: G. Tsvetkov Singer: A. Troitskiy
Comments: 0 Downloads: 15755

TextCommentsDownload  Tishina za Rogozhskoy zastavoyu
Music: Yu.Biryukov Lyrics: A.Fatyanov 1957. Singer: Vladimir Nechaev
Comments: 5 Downloads: 17078

TextCommentsDownload  Tito-Rech o kholodnoy voyne
Singer: I.Tito
Comments: 0 Downloads: 15542

TextCommentsDownload  To barricades
"...the hour of battle is close, arise, people..."
Old russian revolutionary song
Comments: 1 Downloads: 20470

TextCommentsDownload  To beryozka, to ryabinka
Music: Zinoviy Kompaneets Lyrics: Yakov Shvedov 1948. Singer: Mikhail Mikhaylov
Comments: 5 Downloads: 20911

TextCommentsDownload  To City Leningrad
"...our happiness was born here..."
Song about beauty of Leningrad
Music: T.Markova Lyrics: B.Bryanskiy Singer: L. Utesov
Comments: 0 Downloads: 15900

TextCommentsDownload  To ne sokoli sizokrilie
"Prosheptal: Ostavte vi menya, ne teryayte vremya zrya! Pospeshite zhe, tovarishi, — vas na vole zhdut druzya..."
Music: narod Lyrics: narod Singer: Gosudarstvenniy Uralskiy russkiy narodniy khor, zapevaet E. Zhdanovskiy.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 13617

TextCommentsDownload  To the batte for Motherland
"...we are ready, comrade Voroshilov, we are ready, father Stalin..."
One more common pre-WW2 song
Music: Z. Kompaneets Lyrics: L. Oshanin 1939. Singer: Ansambl pesni i plyaski MVO p/u V.P.Pobedinskogo. Performed in 1940ã.
Comments: 28 Downloads: 26459

TextCommentsDownload  To the Far East
"... our road leads to the lands that need our work, to our dear, close Far East"
Soviet youth leaves European Eart of the USSR to explore and build Far East.
Music: Dm. i Dan.Pokrass Lyrics: E.Dolmatovskiy 1939. Singer: Emma Tsesarskaya i V. Serova Performed in 1939ã.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 37326

TextCommentsDownload  To the far planets!
Song about technological achievements of the Soviet County
Music: Serafim Tulikov Lyrics: Yuriy Polukhin 1962. Singer: E.Kibkalo i V.Otdelenov
Comments: 0 Downloads: 22764

TextCommentsDownload  To the fight
"...And wise Stalin leads us to the battle...
Marching song of the early WW2
Music: A. V. Aleksandrov Lyrics: A. Prokofev 1941. Singer: Ans. p/u A. Aleksandrova Performed in 1941ã.
Comments: 4 Downloads: 15820

TextCommentsDownload  To the new home
“Long road is now over, hello new land!”
Song about komsomol settlers in Kazakh steppes
Music: E. Rodigin Lyrics: N. Solokhina 1962. Singer: Pavel Titar
Comments: 15 Downloads: 40337

TextCommentsDownload  To the Stalin s birthday
"Lead us, our Leader, lead us for our pleasure..."
Something like "happy birthday, dear Stalin..."
Music: V. Muradeli Lyrics: A. Salnikov 1949. Singer: Vera Davidova Performed in 1949ã.
Comments: 2 Downloads: 21402

TextCommentsDownload  To the stars
"...on the star roads we can hear victoriuous song of the Earth..."
Song about Soviet cosmonauts
Music: Lyudmila Lyadova Lyrics: Georgiy Khodosov 1962. Singer: Vladimir Otdelenov
Comments: 1 Downloads: 17225

TextCommentsDownload  To the storm - Slovene
The song of the jugoslavian partisans of the WWII
Music: Karol Pahor Lyrics: Tone Seliškar 1943.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 12556

TextCommentsDownload  To those, who are at sea
"...song is loud, wave is calm and girlfriends will wait for them..."
Song about soviet sailors, fine sample of socialist realism
Music: N. Bogoslovskiy Lyrics: L. Oshanin 1949. Singer: L. Utesov
Comments: 0 Downloads: 17335

TextCommentsDownload  Tochno-tochno (Druzhki)
"Ot opushki do sela stezhka po lesu vela, toyu stezhkoyu-dorozhkoy kavaleriya proshla..."
Music: O.Sandler Lyrics: M.Aliger i M.Matusovskiy 1940. Singer: V.A.Bunchikov i V.A.Nechaev. Estradniy orkestr VRK. Performed in 1950ã.
Comments: 3 Downloads: 18401

TextCommentsDownload  Todor Zhivkov - Iz otcheta TsK Kh²² sezdu BKP
Lyrics: Todor Zhivkov 1981. Singer: Todor Zhivkov Performed in 1981ã.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 12473

TextCommentsDownload  Todor Zhivkov - Iz otchetnogo doklada TsK V²² sezdu BKP
Lyrics: Todor Zhivkov 1958. Singer: Todor Zhivkov Performed in 1958ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 15160

TextCommentsDownload  Todor Zhivkov - Iz rechi o kontrrevolyutsionnikh sobitiyakh
Lyrics: Todor Zhivkov 1958. Singer: Todor Zhivkov Performed in 1958ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 15208

TextCommentsDownload  Toimintamarssi(March of World democratic youth/Gimn demokraticheskoi molodhezi)-Suomi(Finnish)
"Lapset kaikkien kansain, rauha toiveemme on ainiaan"
Music: A. Novikov Lyrics: L. Oshanin (per. Antero Byman) 1951.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 12230

TextCommentsDownload  Tolko mir
"Bogatiri moguchie poyut, poyut nad tuchami: tolko mir, prochniy mir, svetliy mir!.."
Music: V. Bukin Lyrics: A. Sobolev Singer: Yuriy Yakushev
Comments: 0 Downloads: 16568

TextCommentsDownload  Tolko na fronte
Music: A. Ya. Lepin Lyrics: V. I. Lebedev-Kumach 1943. Singer: E. B. Flaks
Comments: 13 Downloads: 20198

TextCommentsDownload  Tolko na fronte
Music: A.Lepin Lyrics: V.Lebedev-Kumach Singer: A.Eyzen, orkestr GABT SSSR p/u M.Ermlera, Performed in 1976ã.
Comments: 4 Downloads: 19860

TextCommentsDownload  Tolko na fronte
"Kto skazal, chto nado brosit pesni na voyne? Posle boya serdtse prosit muziki vdvoyne..."
Music: Anatoliy Lepin Lyrics: Vasiliy Lebedev-Kumach 1943. Singer: Lev Polosin i Boris Kuznetsov
Comments: 0 Downloads: 19118

TextCommentsDownload  Tolko tak pobedim
Music: A. Pakhmutova Lyrics: N. Dobronravov 1983. Singer: BDKh, solist Oleg Krotov
Comments: 2 Downloads: 22989

TextCommentsDownload  Tolstoy AN - rech o natsizme
"Natsizm,kak v arabskoy skazke,vipustil na svobodu svirepogo dzhinna..."
1941. Singer: A.N.Tolstoy Performed in 1941ã.
Comments: 4 Downloads: 13172

TextCommentsDownload  Tommorow is ours(Zitrek je nas)-Czech
"Zitrek je nas,a nase sila vzdorna,nezmerna kridla lidstva rozpouta...."
Music: - Lyrics: - Singer: -
Comments: 0 Downloads: 15689

TextCommentsDownload  Tomorrow we'll be Soviet People
Cheerful children patriotic song
Singer: Pionerskiy khor
Comments: 4 Downloads: 14533

TextCommentsDownload  Tomsk waltz
Song about beautiful siberian city
Music: Vano Muradeli Lyrics: Vasiliy Pukhnachyov 1970. Singer: Aleksandr Rozum
Comments: 1 Downloads: 20810

TextCommentsDownload  Torzhestvennaya klyatva nemetskikh pionerov GDR
Performed in 1973ã. Comments: 1 Downloads: 12909

TextCommentsDownload  Torzhestvenniy marsh
Music: D.Shostakovich Singer: Orkestr MO SSSR
Comments: 3 Downloads: 19033

TextCommentsDownload  Torzhestvenniy marsh
Singer: Blok. DO VPA im. V. I. Lenina p. u. Cherkashina
Comments: 0 Downloads: 16037

TextCommentsDownload  Torzhestvenniy marsh
Music: D. Saliman-Vladimirov Singer: Dukh. ork. Voenno-polit. Akademii im. V. I. Lenina p.u. Cherkashina
Comments: 0 Downloads: 21230

TextCommentsDownload  Toska po dalekoy Rodine
"Gde-to daleko..."
Music: Tariverdiev M. Lyrics: Rozhdestvenskiy R. Singer: Kobzon I.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 20378

TextCommentsDownload  Toska po Rodine
Music: D. Shostakovich Lyrics: E. Dolmatovskiy 1949. Singer: G. Vinogradov i KA
Comments: 2 Downloads: 19655

TextCommentsDownload  Toska po rodine
Music: M. Fradkin Lyrics: V. Lazarev Singer: Boris Kuznetsov i Lev Polosin
Comments: 2 Downloads: 20813

TextCommentsDownload  Toska po Rodine
Music: A. Trofimov Singer: Orkestr Leningradskogo voennogo okruga
Comments: 0 Downloads: 19707

TextCommentsDownload  Toska po Rodine
"Kogda mi vdali ot Otchizni svoey..."
Music: M.Fradkin Lyrics: V. Lazarev Singer: M. Kristalinskaya
Comments: 0 Downloads: 15184

TextCommentsDownload  Toska po rodine
"Varyaga net, a mi ne v gore i pust ne raduetsya vrag: pred nim predstanet vnov na more neumirayushiy Varyag"
Music: A. Trofimov Singer: Russkiy khor F.P.Pavlova (solo g. Pavlov)
Comments: 5 Downloads: 18605

TextCommentsDownload  Toska po Rodine (iz kinofilma Vstrecha na Elbe)
"Slishen golos Otchizni rodimoy"
Music: Dmitriy Shostakovich Lyrics: Evgeniy Dolmatovskiy 1949. Singer: Nadezhda Andreevna Obukhova Performed in 1949ã.
Comments: 14 Downloads: 21039

TextCommentsDownload  Toska po Rodine (Sehnsuscht nach der Heimat) na nemetskom yazike
Music: D. Shostakovich Lyrics: E. Dolmatovskiy 1946. Singer: Ernst Bush Performed in 1967ã.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 17606

TextCommentsDownload  Toska po rodine - Marsh
"Plastinka firmi Stella Kontsert Rekord, ¹796"
Music: A. Trofimov Singer: Orkestr Leyb-Gvard³i Kavalergardskago polka Performed in 1913ã.
Comments: 2 Downloads: 20566

TextCommentsDownload  Toska po Rodine Sehnsucht nach der Heimat - nemetskiy
"Slishen golos Otchizni rodimoy ot svobodnikh prostorov vdali."
Music: D. Shostakovich Lyrics: E. Dolmatovskiy (nemetskiy tekst E. Bush) 1946. Singer: Ernst Bush (Ernst Busch)
Comments: 1 Downloads: 17766

TextCommentsDownload  Tost za lyubimikh
"... I ya etu pesnyu, kak tost, podnimayu za tekh, kto umeet lyubit!..."
Music: Anatoliy Lepin Lyrics: Olga Fadeeva 1955. Singer: Vladimir Otdelenov Performed in 1955ã.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 18646

TextCommentsDownload  Tost za Moskvu
Music: N. Rechmenskiy Lyrics: A. Mashistov 1947. Singer: M. D. Mikhaylov
Comments: 2 Downloads: 16561

TextCommentsDownload  Tovariš Tito
Music: Nazor Lyrics: Gobec Singer: Hor mladeže RTV Ljubljana
Comments: 0 Downloads: 15844

TextCommentsDownload  Tovarish
Music: O.Ivanov Lyrics: A.Prokofev 1970. Singer: Lev Leshenko. orkestr.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 22256

TextCommentsDownload  Tovarish (Ya pesney, kak vetrom)
"Ya pesney, kak vetrom, napolnyu stranu O tom, kak tovarish poshel na voynu."
Music: O. Ivanov Lyrics: A. Prokofev 1970. Singer: Aida Vedisheva
Comments: 0 Downloads: 14436

TextCommentsDownload  Tovarish baraban
"Vstroyu vsegda ti perviy, otvazhen i upryam , vedesh nas tropkoy vernoy- tovarish baraban..."
Music: A.Flyarkovskiy Lyrics: V.Tatarinov Singer: Khor malchikov Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo khorovogo uchilisha imeni A.V.Sveshnikova.
Comments: 3 Downloads: 16556

TextCommentsDownload  Tovarish baraban
"V stroyu vsegda ti - perviy, otvazhen i upryam..."
Music: Aleksandr flyarkovskiy Lyrics: Vitaliy Tatarinov 1984. Singer: Khor malchikov MGKhU p/u V.S.Popova Performed in 1984ã.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 12641

TextCommentsDownload  Tovarish GAI
"Tovarish GAI, mi soldati tvoi ,mi chasovie zhizni..."
Singer: I. Kobzon
Comments: 0 Downloads: 13307

TextCommentsDownload  Tovarish Kuba
"...tot, kto svobodu videl khot chas, zhizn za neyo otdast..."
Music: A.Ostrovskiy Lyrics: L.Oshanin Singer: Iosif Kobzon i Viktor.Kokhno
Comments: 0 Downloads: 14615

TextCommentsDownload  Tovarish pesnya (iz k/f Kak zakalyalas stal)
"Ostalsya dom za dimkoyu stepnoyu..."
Music: Igor Shamo Lyrics: Robert Rozhdestvenskiy 1975. Singer: V.Turchaninov
Comments: 5 Downloads: 26406

TextCommentsDownload  Tovarish pioner
"Nad nami znamya Lenina, tovarish pioner!"
1972. Singer: Det. khor i simf. ork. ans. pionerskoy pesni i tantsa Len. DPiSh im.Zhdanova, ruk. V.Badulin Performed in 1972ã.
Comments: 11 Downloads: 12951

TextCommentsDownload  Tovarish Zorge
Music: Vano Muradeli Lyrics: Boris Dvorniy Singer: Artur Eyzen
Comments: 8 Downloads: 17614

TextCommentsDownload  Tovarish, moy kon
"Manit nas chisto pole, protrubil ataku trubach..."
1976. Performed in 1976ã.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 12509

TextCommentsDownload  Tovarishi
Ispanskiy malchishka vo flote sluzhil...
Music: V. Kochetov Lyrics: S. Mikhalkov Singer: ZA RSFSR B. Ya. Zlatogorova. Ork. GABT SSSR p.u. E. Senkevich
Comments: 1 Downloads: 15313

TextCommentsDownload  Tovarishu Nette-parokhodu i cheloveku
"vstretit ya khochu moy smertniy chas tak, kak vstretil smert tovarish Nette"
Lyrics: V. Mayakovskiy 1926. Singer: V. Yakhontov Performed in 1936ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 16073

TextCommentsDownload  Tovrish pesnya
Music: I. Shamo Lyrics: R. Rozhdestvenskiy 1975. Singer: Yu. Rozhkov
Comments: 2 Downloads: 43478

TextCommentsDownload  Tracktorists' march
Composition of two famous songs from movie "Tractorists"
Music: br. Pokrass Lyrics: B.Laskin 1939. Singer: Orkestr NKO SSSR Performed in 1939ã.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 40555

TextCommentsDownload  Traiasca Ceausescu, Partidul
1970. Singer: khor.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 16343

TextCommentsDownload  Train is going ahead
One more great "railroad" song from famous composer
Music: Isaak Dunaevskiy Lyrics: Mikhail Ruderman 1940. Singer: Georgiy Vinogradov
Comments: 2 Downloads: 28837

TextCommentsDownload  Train is moving faster
Song about friendship and new future life
Music: Tikhon Khrennikov Lyrics: Mikhail Svetlov 1947. Singer: Ivan Shmelyov
Comments: 1 Downloads: 22911

TextCommentsDownload  Train wheels
Young girls sing about her new job waiting her in Siberia
Music: Sigizmund Kats Lyrics: V.Dragunskiy i L.Davidovich 1952. Singer: Nina Postavnicheva
Comments: 0 Downloads: 20926

TextCommentsDownload  Traktorist
Music: A.Arskiy Lyrics: V.Malkov Singer: I.Shmelev
Comments: 3 Downloads: 19605

TextCommentsDownload  Transilvaniya
Music: S. Kats Lyrics: A. Sofronov 1946. Singer: Georgiy Vinogradov i Oleg Razumovskiy. Performed in 1946ã.
Comments: 19 Downloads: 19552

TextCommentsDownload  Travushka
"...Mi vragu ne ustupaem, mi umeem voevat. Ne pozvolim samurayam nashu travushku toptat!.."
Music: K. Listov Lyrics: S. Alimov 1939. Singer: Ansambl Krasnoarmeyskoy pesni i plyaski MVO p/u V. P. Pobedinskogo. Performed in 1939ã.
Comments: 3 Downloads: 17718

TextCommentsDownload  Trei Culori - Gimn Sotsialisticheskoy Respubliki Ruminiya - vokalnaya versiya
Music: Kiprian Porumbesku 1977. Performed in 1984ã.
Comments: 2 Downloads: 17016

TextCommentsDownload  Trekhryadka
"...za nee akkordeon davali anglichane mne..."
Music: E.Zharkovskiy Lyrics: Ya.Shvedov 1947. Singer: Yuriy Khochinskiy, orkestr p/u Nikolaya Minkha. Performed in 1947ã.
Comments: 8 Downloads: 19106

TextCommentsDownload  Tretiy batalon
Music: B.Mokrousov Lyrics: A.Fatyanov 1948. Singer: KAPPSA
Comments: 2 Downloads: 16401

TextCommentsDownload  Tretiy batalon
Music: B. Mokrousov Lyrics: A. Fatyanov 1955. Singer: Krasnoznamenniy ansambl
Comments: 1 Downloads: 14328

TextCommentsDownload  Tri brata
Music: Dm. i Dan. Pokrass Lyrics: Vasiliy Lebedev-Kumach 1941. Singer: V.Bunchikov i V.Nechaev Performed in 1942ã.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 21290

TextCommentsDownload  Tri minuti molchaniya
...dlya tekh kto stikhiey srazhen...
Music: Feltsman Lyrics: Olev Singer: Yu. Gulyaev
Comments: 0 Downloads: 18519

TextCommentsDownload  Tri poradi
Music: I. Shamo Lyrics: Yu. Ribchinskiy Singer: Yu. Bogatikov
Comments: 1 Downloads: 20453

TextCommentsDownload  Tri tankista
Music: Dmitriy i Daniil Pokrass Lyrics: Boris Laskin 1938. Singer: Nikolay Kryuchkov, Arto Kefchiyan, Petr Savin Performed in 1938ã.
Comments: 4 Downloads: 29456

TextCommentsDownload  Tri tankista
Music: Dm.i Dan.Pokrass Lyrics: Boris Laskin 1938. Singer: Viktor Selivanov
Comments: 4 Downloads: 27283

TextCommentsDownload  Tri tankista
"Mchalis tanki, veter podimaya, nastupala groznaya bronya."
Music: Bratya Pokrass Lyrics: B. Laskin 1938. Singer: Ansambl pesni i plyaski KVO, solist V. Zarkov Performed in 1974ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 26760

TextCommentsDownload  Tri tankista (iz k-f Traktoristi)
"Tri tankista, tri veselikh druga - ekipazh mashini boevoy"
Music: Dm. i Dan. Pokrass Lyrics: B. Laskin 1938. Singer: Valentin Klyukin Performed in 1980ã.
Comments: 3 Downloads: 27973

TextCommentsDownload  Tri tovarisha
Music: Tolmachev Lyrics: S. Mikhalkov 1939. Singer: nar. art. RSFSR N. K. Pechkovskiy
Comments: 6 Downloads: 16268

TextCommentsDownload  Tri vnuka
Music: V. Solovev-Sedoy Lyrics: A. Sofronov Singer: Leonid Utesov
Comments: 2 Downloads: 20867

TextCommentsDownload  Tridtsat-chetverka
Music: Zinoviy Kompaneets Lyrics: Osip Kolichev 1950. Singer: KrAPPSA, sol. Georgiy Babaev. Performed in 1951ã.
Comments: 3 Downloads: 17961

TextCommentsDownload  Trinklied (Zazdravnaya)
"Zazdravnuyu chashu do kraya nalyom..."
Music: Isaak Dunaevskiy Lyrics: V.Lebedev-kumach/per.:Helmut Kiessling 1947. Singer: Rayner Zyuss, orkestr Yurgena Germanna Performed in 1970ã.
Comments: 3 Downloads: 22224

TextCommentsDownload  Triumf pobediteley
Singer: Dukh. ork. avtozavoda im. Stalina p. u. V. A. Sherbinina
Comments: 0 Downloads: 23160

TextCommentsDownload  Triumphal march
Music: S. Chernetskiy Singer: Orkestr MO SSSR
Comments: 2 Downloads: 46344

TextCommentsDownload  Triumphant
Really good, mighty, song about Motherland
Music: Muslim Magomaev Lyrics: Robert Rozhdestvenskiy 1973. Singer: Muslim Magomaev Performed in 1974ã.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 19735

TextCommentsDownload  Trotsky-Speech on soviet republics unity
"...and finally united Soviet Republic will rule entire world!"
Trotsky speaks about reunification of parts of former Russian Empire
Lyrics: Lev Trotskiy 1919. Singer: Lev Trotskiy Performed in 1919ã.
Comments: 12 Downloads: 19510

TextCommentsDownload  Trotz alledem (Juni 1848) Vopreki vsemu (Iyun 1848) - nemetskiy
"...die Menschlichkeit behält den Sieg trotz alledem!.. ...Chelovechnost oderzhit pobedu, nesmotrya ni na chto!.."
Music: Na melodiyu shotlandskoy pesni XVIII veka Lady Mackintosh s Reel 1848. Singer: Ernst Bush (Ernst Busch)
Comments: 2 Downloads: 16704

TextCommentsDownload  Trotz alledem Vopreki vsemu - nemetskiy
"Sozialismus und Weltrevolution!.."
Lyrics: Karl Libknekht (Karl Liebknecht) 1919. Singer: Ervin Piskator (Erwin Piscator) Performed in 1928ã.
Comments: 3 Downloads: 17475

TextCommentsDownload  Trubochka leningradskaya
"Na podlodke nam bilo ne do trubki, nedeli i mesyatsi mi dralis pod vodoy!"
Music: N. Minkh Lyrics: P. Shubin Singer: V. Kozin
Comments: 1 Downloads: 19897

TextCommentsDownload  Trudovaya kolkhoznaya
1951. Singer: Vera Aleksandrovna Davidova
Comments: 4 Downloads: 13358

TextCommentsDownload  Trus ne igraet v khokkey
"V khokkey igrayut nastoyashie muzhchini"
Music: Aleksandra Pakhmutova Lyrics: Sergey Grebennikov, Nikolay Dobronravov 1971. Singer: Vadim Mulerman, estr.ork. p/u Yu.Silanteva Performed in 1975ã.
Comments: 2 Downloads: 66223

TextCommentsDownload  Trus ne igraet v khokkey
Music: A.Pakhmutova Lyrics: S.Grebennikov i N.Dobronravov Singer: Detskiy khor.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 20514

TextCommentsDownload  Tryokhtsvetniy flag nashey Respubliki
Singer: Ansambl legkoy muziki Vanchzhesan
Comments: 0 Downloads: 12698

TextCommentsDownload  Tschapajews Tod
Music: Yu. Milyutin Lyrics: Z. Aleksandrova, per E.Vaynert 1938. Singer: Ernst Bush
Comments: 2 Downloads: 18095

TextCommentsDownload  Tselinnaya liricheskaya
Music: Anatoliy Novikov Lyrics: Mikhail Vershinin 1959. Singer: Aleksandr Rozum
Comments: 2 Downloads: 17826

TextCommentsDownload  Tsemesskaya bukhta
Music: B. Terentev Lyrics: A. Sofronov
Comments: 1 Downloads: 14076

TextCommentsDownload  Tsveti Rossii
"Tsveti Rossii – skromnie tsveti, ne raz ot vstrechi s nimi sertse pelo. Ya uznayu strani svoey cherti v nebesnom vasilke, v romashke beloy."
Music: Evgeniy Ptichkin Lyrics: Veniamin Butenko 1980. Singer: Lyudmila Zikina Performed in 1980ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 16143

TextCommentsDownload  Tsvetut zelyonie sadi
"Kak nam ne pet i ne plyasat, i kak stikhov ne napisat o Rodine svoey!?"
Music: G. Dudkevich Lyrics: E. Tarakhovskaya 1956. Singer: Vladimir Tsarskiy, Khor Performed in 1956ã.
Comments: 3 Downloads: 12684

TextCommentsDownload  Tuchi nad gorodom vstali
Music: Muzika i slova P. Armanda 1938. Singer: Mark Bernes Performed in 1965ã.
Comments: 5 Downloads: 19848

TextCommentsDownload  Tuchi nad gorodom vstali
Lyrics: Muzika i slova P. Armanda 1938. Singer: V.Kozin
Comments: 5 Downloads: 17535

TextCommentsDownload  Tuchi nad gorodom vstali
Music: P. Armand Lyrics: P. Armand 1938. Singer: E.Flaks
Comments: 4 Downloads: 28614

TextCommentsDownload  Tuchi nad gorodom vstali
"...Za schaste narodnoe byutsya otryadi rabochikh boytsov."
Music: P. Armand Lyrics: P. Armand 1938. Singer: M. Bernes Performed in 1938ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 20205

TextCommentsDownload  Tuchi stelyutsya visoko
Music: obr. A. V. Aleksandrova Lyrics: lit. obr. S. Alimova 1937. Singer: Ansambl p/u A. V. Aleksandrova. Performed in 1937ã.
Comments: 6 Downloads: 15948

TextCommentsDownload  Tula marching song
Tula (town near Moscow) was one of the main arsenals of Russia and later USSR
Music: Anatoliy Novikov Lyrics: V.Guryan Singer: ans. im. Aleksandrova
Comments: 13 Downloads: 21637

TextCommentsDownload  Tvoy poezd
"Tvoy poezd otkhodit, moy poezd otkhodit..."
Music: G. Gladkov Lyrics: M. Pototskaya 1978. Performed in 1978ã.
Comments: 13 Downloads: 13371

TextCommentsDownload  Tvoy soldat
Music: Vadim Gamaliya Lyrics: Anatoliy Sofronov 1980. Singer: Yuriy Bogatikov
Comments: 0 Downloads: 20097

TextCommentsDownload  Tvoy soldat
"A ti zabud pro grust-kruchinu, pust serdtse deveche molchit...."
Music: V. Gamaliya Lyrics: A. Sofronov 1980. Singer: Kr. APP SA, sol. S. Ivanov i P. Bogachyov Performed in 1980ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 14426

TextCommentsDownload  Tvyordiy shag
Music: B. Anisimov Singer: Dukhovoy orkestr p/u B. Anisimova, Performed in 1951ã.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 13025

TextCommentsDownload  Twentieth spring
Song about defenders of Soviet border, fallen in incident between USSR and China near Damansky island
Music: Ya.Frenkel Lyrics: I.Shaferan 1969. Singer: I.Kobzon
Comments: 0 Downloads: 23432

TextCommentsDownload  Two battle friends
Song about friendship and mutual assistance betwin Soviet warriors
Music: A. Lepin Lyrics: V. Lebedev-Kumach 1943. Singer: V. Kozin Performed in 1943ã.
Comments: 3 Downloads: 31926

TextCommentsDownload  Two battle friends
Song about friendship and mutual assistance betwin Soviet warriors
Music: A. Lepin Lyrics: V. Lebedev-Kumach 1943. Singer: Mikhail Kurdin i German Orlov, dzh.-ork. N. Minkha
Comments: 2 Downloads: 19998

TextCommentsDownload  Two Eagles
"First was Lenin, second was Stalin..."
Not really a good song, just something.
Music: V.Zakharov Lyrics: per.M.Isakovskogo 1936. Singer: Irma Yaunzem
Comments: 18 Downloads: 27960

TextCommentsDownload  Two Eagles
"First was Lenin, second was Stalin..."
This version by chorus im. pyatnickogo sounds much better
Music: obr. K. Massalitinov Lyrics: per. M. Isakovskogo 1936. Singer: Voronezhskiy RNKh Performed in 1948ã.
Comments: 2 Downloads: 22036

TextCommentsDownload  Two Maxims
Song about friendship between soldier Maxim and machine gun of the same name.
Music: S. Kats Lyrics: V.Dikhovichniy 1941. Singer: G. Vinogradov i Gos-dzhaz orkestr VRK pod upravleniem A.Tsfasmana Performed in 1943ã.
Comments: 8 Downloads: 28250

TextCommentsDownload  Two Maxims
Song about friendship between soldier Maxim and machine gun of the same name.
Music: Sigizmund Kats Lyrics: V. Dikhovichniy 1941. Singer: Georgiy Vinogradov Performed in 1941ã.
Comments: 2 Downloads: 44682

TextCommentsDownload  Tyomnaya noch (slovenskiy)
"V maem serdtsu in maikh ochikh, i nostala bu temna ta noch vse do yutra, do zore"
Music: N. Bogoslovskiy Lyrics: V. Agatov, slovenskiy tekst B. Shemena 1942. Singer: Lado Leskovar Performed in 1972ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 19303

TextCommentsDownload  Tyumen-Surgut
Music: L. Lyadova Lyrics: V. Petrov 1970. Singer: Aleksandr Rozum
Comments: 0 Downloads: 18275

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