Alphabetical list Songs, starting on A, total : 179
   A briv dem khaver Voroshilov (Pismo Voroshilovu) - idish 
"Slishal ya, fashisti zadumali voynu..."
Music: R. Boyarskaya Lyrics: L. Kvitko 1938. Singer: Saul Lyubimov, A. Zhak (f-no) Performed in 1938ã.
Comments: 5 Downloads: 48079
  A Cuba - Spanish
Victor Hara, a famous chilean singer, was tortured and killed during the fascist coup in Chile in 1973
Music: Viktor Khara Lyrics: Viktor Khara 1972. Singer: Viktor Khara
Comments: 4 Downloads: 22416
  A dark Night
It s a dark night, only bullets are whistling in steppes..."
Song from movie "Two Warriors"
Music: N. Bogoslovskiy Lyrics: V.Agatov 1943. Singer: Mark Bernes
Comments: 20 Downloads: 39741
  A girl in our neighbourhood
Melodic and kind soviet song - a fine sample of the epoch
Music: A. Ostrovskiy Lyrics: L. Oshanin 1962. Singer: I. Kobzon Performed in 1962ã.
Comments: 17 Downloads: 44779
  A godi letyat
Music: M.Fradkin Lyrics: E. Dolmatovskiy 1958. Singer: Valentina Levko
Comments: 10 Downloads: 34100
  A godi ukhodyat 
"V nashem dome voyna otgremela..."
Music: Isaak Shvarts. Lyrics: Bulat Okudzhava 1972. Singer: Bulat Okudzhava
Comments: 1 Downloads: 34218
  A guy from Baikal
"LIsten, hills, listen, Baikal, the song that I played in Berlin..."
A commo guy from Baikal (Lake on the Far East) returns home from WW2
Music: K. Listov Lyrics: A. Zharov 1948. Singer: Ivan Shmelev. Performed in 1949ã.
Comments: 3 Downloads: 24296
  A guy from our street
Song about a common soviet man
Music: V. Kruchinin Lyrics: O. Fadeeva 1947. Singer: I. Shmelev
Comments: 2 Downloads: 22264
  A kak nashi kosmonavti (khorovodnaya) 
"Na sovetskom korable poleteli visoko... Vikhodili oni v kosmos, rabotali dolgo..."
Singer: Mariya Timofeevna Yakovenko, solistka folklornogo ansamblya s. Verkhnyaya Pokrovka Krasnogvardeyskogo rayona Belgorodskoy oblasti
Comments: 1 Downloads: 35903
  A la huelga (Na zabastovku!)
Comments: 0 Downloads: 19968
   A las barricadas! - Spanish
A spanish song from the times of the Spanish Civil war 1936-1939ãã, sounds like "Warszawjanka"
Lyrics: Valeriano Orobun Fernbndez 1936.
Comments: 7 Downloads: 30968
  A letter from Ust'-Ilim
"I tried to find that place on map..."
Beautiful lirycal song about exploration of Siberia
Music: A. Pakhmutova Lyrics: S. Grebennikov, N. Dobronravov 1963.
Comments: 4 Downloads: 27080
  A letter to Border Guard
"The glory of the Stalin's country is more important than life..."
A song about those, who defend our borders
Music: E. Zharkovskiy Lyrics: O. Visotskaya 1938. Singer: T.Antonenko Performed in 1938ã.
Comments: 2 Downloads: 17567
  A letter to Moscow
"...I don't sleep this night on the border to let my Moscow sleep safe..."
Not well known but really good pre-WW2 song
Music: N. Bogoslovskiy Lyrics: M.Tevelev 1938. Singer: Mark Bernes
Comments: 2 Downloads: 21721
  A letter to Voroshilov
A small boy writes a letter to marshal Klim Voroshilov and swares to fight for the Motherland
Music: P. Akulenko Lyrics: L. Kvitko, perevod S. Marshak 1938. Singer: Kolya Kutuzov, Krasnoarm. balalaechniy orkestr TsDKA p. upr. A. F. Tonina. Khud. ruk. F. N. Danilovich
Comments: 7 Downloads: 18041
  A lyon tsvetyot ( na ukrainskom yazike) 
" A lon tsv³te sino, sino. A mati zhde chekaº sina..."
Music: Ivana Slyoti Lyrics: Vasiliya Yukhimovicha 1970. Singer: Polesskiy ansambl pesni i tantsa Lyonok . ruk.Ivan Slyota. Solistka Diana Matyushenko Performed in 1975ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 37112
  A lyudi edut
Music: E.Ptichkin Lyrics: V.Kharitonov Singer: Vladimir Troshin
Comments: 0 Downloads: 35225
  A mati khodit na kurgan ( na ukrainskom yazike) 
"Koli vesnoyu zatsv³te Trava v palayuchikh serpankakh,— V step na kurgan krutiy ³de, V step na kurgan krutiy ³de Starenka zmorena zhuravka."
Music: A.Pashkevich Lyrics: D. Lutsenko 1967. Singer: Aleksandr Taranets, Mikhail Rakov Performed in 1967ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 34025
  A mi letaem na AN2
Music: Levashov Lyrics: Goltsev Singer: V. Troshin
Comments: 1 Downloads: 35153
  A nebo pokoryaetsya ne vsem 
"...Zovut ogni na vzlyotnoy polose i snova piloti nabirayut visotu..."
Music: Z.Dunaevskiy Lyrics: V.Petrov Singer: Sergey Yakovenko
Comments: 0 Downloads: 31423
   A parttal a Neppel - Vengerskiy 
"Vengerskaya Komunisticheskaya Pesnya"
Comments: 0 Downloads: 18853
  A Rus ostayotsya 
Sedeyut dubravi...
Music: V. Levashov Lyrics: V. Krutetskiy Singer: V. Vuyachich
Comments: 0 Downloads: 33383
  A ti ne plach,i ne goryuy,moya dorogaya 
"A ti ne plach,i ne goryuy,moya dorogaya,esli v more utonu-znat sudba takaya"
Singer: iz kinofilma Sekretniy farvater Performed in 1987ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 41148
  A volni pleshut, begut 
Music: G. Zhukovskiy Lyrics: I. Ryadchenko 1957. Performed in 1957ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 35441
  A ya v militsii sluzhu
Music: Boris Terentev Lyrics: Igor Shaferan 1970. Singer: Oleg Anofriev Performed in 1973ã.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 44435
  A young eagle
“...soviet country has millions of eagles...”
One of the youth revolutionary songs
Music: V. Beliy Lyrics: Ya. Shvedov 1936. Singer: Valentina Levko
Comments: 13 Downloads: 29683
  A young eagle
“...soviet country has millions of eagles...”
One of the youth revolutionary songs in a traditional variant
Music: V. Beliy Lyrics: Ya. Shvedov 1936. Singer: Vladimir Politkovskiy, f-no S. Stuchevskiy. Performed in 1937ã.
Comments: 10 Downloads: 46517
  a) Marsh oktyabryat b)Medvezhonok v)Barbos 
"Nasha radost, lyotsya buyno cherez kray!"
Music: L. Polovinkin Lyrics: A. Kovalenkov 1935. Singer: artistka Tsentralnogo detskogo teatra A.I.Oznobkina, ork. TsDT p/u L.A.Polovinkina Performed in 1936ã.
Comments: 4 Downloads: 19204
  A.I.Mikoyan vspominaet o Lenine
1977. Singer: Anastas Ivanovich Mikoyan
Comments: 1 Downloads: 15455
  A.M.Gorkiy. Rech na Pervom Vsesoyuznom sezde sovetskikh pisateley 22 avgusta 1934 g.
Lyrics: A.M.Gorkiy 1934. Singer: A.M.Gorkiy Performed in 1934ã.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 20201
  About pilots
Peasants sing about Stalin's air force and heroic pilots
Music: narodnaya Lyrics: narodnaya 1939. Singer: Khor im. Pyatnitskogo
Comments: 0 Downloads: 19441
  Abschied Proshanie - nemetskiy 
"Wenn das Eisen mich mäht... Kogda zhelezo skosit menya..."
Music: Bela Reinitz Lyrics: Josef Luitpold Singer: Ernst Bush (Ernst Busch)
Comments: 1 Downloads: 18857
  Abschied von der Front Proshanie s frontom Proshanie interbrigad 
"Mi idem nazad, v drugoy mir, kak partizani, ne kak veterani."
Music: Ernst Bush (Ernst Busch) Lyrics: Erikh Vaynert (Erich Weinert) Singer: Ernst Bush (Ernst Busch)
Comments: 1 Downloads: 19758
  Accident waltz
"...but now i feel that i'm back home..."
A soldier on a war has a few free minutes to dance a waltz
Music: M. Fradkin Lyrics: E. Dolmatovskiy 1943. Singer: L.Utesov
Comments: 10 Downloads: 40160
  Accidental Waltz
"...but now i feel that i'm back home..."
A soldier on a war has a few free minutes to dance a waltz
Music: M. Fradkin Lyrics: E. Dolmatovskiy 1943. Singer: L. Utesov
Comments: 3 Downloads: 24414
  According to the Moscow time
"And even in distant taiga we hear the Kremlin tower clock..."
How motherland loves it s capital
Music: Sigizmund Kats Lyrics: Mikhail Matusovskiy Singer: Viktor Selivanov
Comments: 2 Downloads: 33780
Song about musi on the fronts of WW2
Music: Evgeniy Zharkovskiy Lyrics: Yakov Shvedov 1947. Singer: I.Shmelev
Comments: 1 Downloads: 23711
  Across the Oceans and the Seas
Pre-WW2 marine song
Music: Anatoliy Novikov Lyrics: Vasiliy Lebedev-Kumach 1939. Singer: Vladimir Bunchikov Performed in 1952ã.
Comments: 13 Downloads: 35949
Music: obr. B. Aleksandrova Lyrics: narodnie Singer: Ansambl imeni A. V. Aleksandrova
Comments: 3 Downloads: 37428
  Admiralteyskiy nash zavod 
Music: I. Osetrova-Yakovleva Lyrics: N. Gleyzarov 1959. Singer: E. Popov, E. Khil, khor i estr. orkestr Lenradio. Dirizher A. Vladimirtsov Performed in 1959ã.
Comments: 7 Downloads: 37498
Song about defenders of tunnels of Adjimushkai
Music: V. Shainskiy Lyrics: B. Dubrovin 1980. Singer: Sergey Zakharov
Comments: 2 Downloads: 34153
  Aerograd city
Song about building new city on the Pacific Ocean
Music: D. Kabalevskiy Lyrics: V. Gusev 1935.
Comments: 6 Downloads: 22303
  Agronomi, inzheneri priezzhayut k nam v kolkhoz 
"Ekh, sigray nam veselee zolotistiy nash bayan.Agronomi, inzheneri na rabotu edut k nam."
Music: V.Rudenko Lyrics: M.Mordasova,G.Volovik 1962. Singer: Voronezhskiy russkiy narodniy khor Performed in 1962ã.
Comments: 4 Downloads: 34955
  AGShlikhter- o sotsialisticheskom stroitelstve na sele
1926. Singer: A.G.Shlikhter Performed in 1926ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 15744
  Ahead full
One mor song about Pacific Red Fleet
Music: E.Kazanovskiy Lyrics: L.Frantsuzov Singer: APP Kr.TF SSSR
Comments: 1 Downloads: 19558
  Ahey, on the road
"Ahey, Red Army is marching on the road..."
Old Red Army marching song
Music: obr. A. V. Aleksandrova Lyrics: narodnie Singer: Ans. im. Aleksandrova
Comments: 9 Downloads: 28492
  Airplanes - first of all
"Airplanes - first of all...and women - after the war!"
Pilots' song from soviet movie
Music: V.Solovyov-Sedoy Lyrics: A. Fatyanov 1945. Singer: dzhaz-orkestr Vsesoyuznogo radiokomiteta, solist: Leonid Kostritsa
Comments: 8 Downloads: 46088
  Akh ti dolya
Music: narodnaya Lyrics: S. Sinegub 1874. Singer: Ansambl p/u A. V. Aleksandrova. Solist Viktor Nikitin. Performed in 1936ã.
Comments: 2 Downloads: 38329
  Akh ti dolya moya dolya 
"akh, zachem ti, zlaya dolya, do Sibiri dovela"
Singer: Maksim Mikhaylov
Comments: 0 Downloads: 31738
  Akh ti, zimushka-zima 
"... Veter svishet, koni mchatsya, vest letit vo vse kontsi!..."
Music: Tikhon Khrennikov Lyrics: Viktor Gusev 1941. Singer: Klara Kadinskaya
Comments: 0 Downloads: 33249
  Aktualnie chastushki 
"Na sele bolshaya radost, molodyozh pustilas v plyas: ne strashna teper nam starost — budet pensiya u nas!"
1965. Singer: Ansambl Yaroslavskie rebyata: Yu.Balashov i Yu. Epifanov (penie i balalayki), V. Krotov (penie i bayan). Rukovoditel kollektiva V. Krotov Performed in 1965ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 43362
Music: Isaak Dunaevskiy. Lyrics: Samuil Marshak. 1938. Singer: Leonid i Edit Utyosovi. Performed in 1938ã.
Comments: 7 Downloads: 38738
  Alabama - nemetskiy yazik 
"Amerikanskim soldatam..."
Singer: Ernst Bush
Comments: 1 Downloads: 30359
  Aleet vostok - fortepyano s orkestrom 
"Nad Kitaem vzoshel Mao Tszedun"
Singer: Tsentralniy simfonicheskiy orkestr KNR
Comments: 0 Downloads: 30620
  Aleksandrovskiy tsentral 
"...Zdes - prestupniki bolshie; im ne nravilsya zakon, - I oni za pravdu stali, chtob razrushit tsarskiy tron..."
Music: russkaya narodnaya Lyrics: russkie narodnie Singer: Gosudarstvenniy sibirskiy narodniy khor pod upr. V.Levashova
Comments: 3 Downloads: 33322
"Okh i vecher vidalsya khorosh na polyane plyashet molodezh"
Music: V.Dekhtyaryov Lyrics: Ts.Solodar Singer: Vitaliy Vlasov
Comments: 10 Downloads: 35952
Rare variant of a famous song
Music: Eduard Kolmanovskiy Lyrics: K.Vanshenkin 1966. Singer: Dmitriy Gnatyuk
Comments: 9 Downloads: 54690
Music: Eduard Kolmanovskiy Lyrics: Konstantin Vanshenkin 1966. Singer: M.Nikolova i G.Kordova
Comments: 1 Downloads: 44832
Music: Eduard Kolmanovskiy Lyrics: Konstantin Vanshenkin 1966. Singer: detskiy khor Performed in 1967ã.
Comments: 2 Downloads: 45547
  All for Motherland
"For Stalin, to the battle, forward, forward!"
Cheerful soldier song of early WW2 period
Music: T. Khrennikov Lyrics: V. Gusev 1942. Singer: Ansambl p/u Aleksandrova Performed in 1942ã.
Comments: 7 Downloads: 60803
  All Moscow shines with lights
"...all is great if a friend's heart is beating near and Moscow is singing around..."
One more song about beauty of dear Moscow
Music: Georgiy Nosov Lyrics: G.Pagirev 1956. Singer: Anatoliy Aleksandrovich
Comments: 4 Downloads: 20366
  All the ways are open to us
"...You will find happiness everywhere..."
A pioneer song about life in the soviet country
Music: A.Ostrovskiy Lyrics: G.Rublev
Comments: 3 Downloads: 17358
  All vote - yes!
Cheerful song about united Soviet People
Music: Oskar Feltsman Lyrics: Vladimir Kharitonov 1969. Singer: Vadim Mulerman
Comments: 0 Downloads: 26800
  Alle Waffen gegen Hitler
Music: M.Blanter Singer: Ernst Bush (Ernst Busch)
Comments: 4 Downloads: 23418
"Vremya ne umiraet s tvoim vremenem...istoriya prinadlezhit tvoey sudboy..."
Music: Rodolfo Pareda,Orlando Khimeno,Grendi,Patrisio Vang Lyrics: Rodolfo Pareda,Orlando Khimeno,Grendi,Patrisio Vang Singer: chiliyskaya gruppa Kilapayun
Comments: 1 Downloads: 20926
  Alma Morena
Song about Che by Argentinian singer Miguel Filipinu
Singer: Miguel Angel Filipini
Comments: 0 Downloads: 21381
  Along the village
Song about electrification of russian villages
Music: Vladimir Grigorevich Zakharov Lyrics: Mikhail Isakovskiy 1933. Singer: GRNKh im.Pyatnitskogo
Comments: 7 Downloads: 48054
  Altay zolotoy
Music: Serafim Tulikov Lyrics: Tsezar Solodar 1960. Singer: Yuriy Yakushev, ans.pesni VR Performed in 1960ã.
Comments: 3 Downloads: 33049
  Altayskaya pionerskaya 
"Veter znamya razvevaet, sbor igrayut trubachi, nad prostorami Altaya pesnya yunosti zvuchit..."
Music: V. Penkov Lyrics: I. Zdorovenko 1956. Singer: Mayya Golovnya, Khor Performed in 1956ã.
Comments: 5 Downloads: 29687
  Altayskaya polechka 
"Den pogozhiy, den luchistiy, nad sibirskoy storonoy. Sobiralis traktoristi vozle stana v vikhodnoy."
Music: V.Levashov Lyrics: V. Pukhnachyov 1959. Singer: Yu. Pritula i I. Kruglov
Comments: 12 Downloads: 28621
  Always on the way
"Don't wait for happiness to come to you. Go and fight for it!"
A good example of socialistic realism
Music: O. Feltsman Lyrics: V. Orlov Singer: Vladimir Troshin
Comments: 1 Downloads: 22360
  Always ready!
Interesting song, one of the first works of Alexandra Pakhmutova
Music: Aleksandra Pakhmutova Lyrics: S. Grebennikov i N. Dobronravov 1957. Singer: khor DKh Kaliningrada p/u A.Chmiryova
Comments: 0 Downloads: 20907
  Alyaska Braziliya 
Lyrics: Nikolay Moykin, Mikhail Mayorov Singer: Nikolay Moykin i ?
Comments: 0 Downloads: 29359
Singer: Khor shkoli ¹218 Kuybishevskogo r-na g. Leningrada. Galina Bru(i)
Comments: 0 Downloads: 30284
"Lish zorka okrasit voskhod, vstayot bespokoyniy Alyosha..."
Music: Semyon Zaslavskiy Lyrics: Anton Prishelets 1956. Singer: Khor malchikov MGKhU p/u A.Sveshnikova, estr.ork. VR, dir. A.Tsfasman Performed in 1956ã.
Comments: 3 Downloads: 35925
  America Te Hablo De Ernesto
Lyrical song, guitar
Singer: Silvio Rodriguez
Comments: 5 Downloads: 19795
  Amerikantsi gde vash prezident
Music: E. Kolmanovskiy Lyrics: E. Evtushenko 1964. Singer: M. Bernes
Comments: 0 Downloads: 37544
  Ami - Go Home! 
"Go home, ami, ami, go home..."
Music: Hans Eisler Lyrics: Ernst Busch 1952. Singer: Ernst Busch Performed in 1952ã.
Comments: 4 Downloads: 18532
  Ami - Go Home! - nemetskiy 
"Go home, ami, ami, go home..."
Music: God Save Ireland (George F. Root; arr. Hanns Eisler) Lyrics: Ernst Bush (Ernst Busch) 1950. Singer: Ernst Bush (Ernst Busch) Performed in 1952ã.
Comments: 3 Downloads: 19793
  Ami - Go Home! - nemetskiy 
"Go home, ami, ami, go home..."
Music: God Save Ireland (George F. Root; arr. Hanns Eisler) Lyrics: Ernst Bush (Ernst Busch) 1950. Singer: Ernst Bush (Ernst Busch)
Comments: 1 Downloads: 18705
  Amurskaya krasnoflotskaya 
"Ekh, uvidali amurskuyu povadku, ekh, pobezhali yapontsi bez oglyadki! ..."
Music: Vano Muradeli Lyrics: Tsezar Solodar 1938. Singer: Vladimir Zakharov, G.Orentlikher (f-no). Performed in 1938ã.
Comments: 7 Downloads: 33021
  Amurskie volni
"Plavno Amur svoi volni neset.....\Ti shumi, Amur rodnoy.Ti shumi sedoy volnoy,V groznom bege proslavlyay nash sovetskiy volniy kray..."
Music: M.Kyuss Lyrics: K.Vasilev,S.Popov 1903. Singer: Khor moskovskikh studentov, dirizhyor Vladislav Sokolov Performed in 1957ã.
Comments: 8 Downloads: 39360
  Amurskie volni 
"Plavno Amur svoi volni neset....."
Music: M.Kyuss Lyrics: K.Vasilev,S.Popov 1903. Singer: Ansambl pesni VMF
Comments: 0 Downloads: 35307
  Amurskie volni 
Music: M.Kyuss Lyrics: S.Popov 1903. Singer: Ansambl pesni iplyaski Krasnoznamennogo Tikhookeanskogo Flota
Comments: 2 Downloads: 37248
  Amurskie volni ( kitayskiy ) 
"..Ti shumi, Amur rodnoy.ti shumi sedoy volnoy.."
Music: M.Kyuss Lyrics: K.Vasilev,S.Popov 1903.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 30687
  Amurskie volni ( yaponskiy ) 
"Plavno Amur svoi volni neset..."
Music: M.Kyuss Lyrics: K.Vasilev,S.Popov 1903. Singer: kvartet Boni Dzyaks (Yaponiya)
Comments: 0 Downloads: 33914
  Amurskie volni ( yaponskiy russkiy ) 
"V groznom bege proslavlyay nash sovetskiy volniy kray"
Music: M.Kyuss Lyrics: K.Vasilev,S.Popov 1903. Singer: Royal nayts Performed in 1961ã.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 33883
  An anthem of the Communist International
"Our goal - USSR worldwide ! "
Official anthem of Comintern.
Music: G.Eysler Lyrics: I.Frenkel 1929.
Comments: 8 Downloads: 51403
  An die Nachgeborenen K potomkam - nemetskiy 
"O vi, kotorie viplivete iz potoka, poglotivshego nas..."
Music: Gans Eysler (Hanns Eisler) Lyrics: Bertolt Brekht (Bertolt Brecht) Singer: Bertolt Brekht (Bertolt Brecht) i Ernst Bush (Ernst Busch)
Comments: 1 Downloads: 19050
  Anatoliy Sofronov o voyne 
1981. Singer: A. V. Sofronov Performed in 1981ã.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 14494
  And again in the neighbourhood
Kind lyrical song about love
Music: A. Ostrovskiy Lyrics: L. Oshanin 1962. Singer: I. Kobzon Performed in 1962ã.
Comments: 2 Downloads: 26103
  And only because of that we won
"For each of us Victory became mail goal..."
Late, "Brezhnev s", song about war
Music: V. Basner Lyrics: M.Matusovskiy 1981. Singer: I. Kobzon
Comments: 0 Downloads: 22053
  And we will live in that time
"... and all people will become friends..."
Song about the bright future - communism
Music: A. Dolukhanyan Lyrics: M. Lisyanskogo 1961. Singer: P. Lisitsian
Comments: 3 Downloads: 42506
  Andes Lo Que Andes
Common song about Che
Singer: Amaury Perez
Comments: 0 Downloads: 18901
  Andropov - on date of Lenin's birth
"Leninism is a science, and like any other science it must develop."
Andropov speaks about Leninism in modern times
Lyrics: Yuriy Vladimirovich Andropov 1983. Performed in 1983ã.
Comments: 21 Downloads: 33549
  Andropov YuV- iz proshalnoy rechi pered elitoy KGB SSSR 
"Mi na peredovoy linii borbi....Prikhoditsya nastupat,nastupat i vsyakie obkhodnie manevri delat"
1982. Singer: Yu.V.Andropov Performed in 1982ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 30608
  Andropov YuV-Rech na traurnom mitinge, posvyashennom pamyati LIBrezhneva
"Tovarishi!Tyazhelaya utrata postigla nashu partiyu,nash narod..."
1982. Singer: Yu.V.Andropov Performed in 1982ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 32666
  Andryusha (Russkiy chay) — na polskom yazike 
"V russkom variante: Vsem po chashke nalivaet partizanskiy komandir..."
Music: B. Klimchuk 1966. Singer: Bogdan Lazuka Performed in 1966ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 31059
  Anna-Luise Anna-Luiza - nemetskiy 
"Wenn die Igel in der Abendstunde ... Kogda ezhi v vechernie chasi..."
Music: Gans Eysler (Hanns Eisler) Lyrics: Kurt Tukholskiy (Kurt Tucholsky) 1928. Singer: Ernst Bush (Ernst Busch)
Comments: 2 Downloads: 19871
  Answer of soldiers - Korean
Our answer to american agressors will be crushing
2003. Singer: KNDR
Comments: 0 Downloads: 15998
  Anthem of the Armenian SSR
Music: A.Khachaturyan Lyrics: Sarmen 1944.
Comments: 8 Downloads: 17173
  Anthem of the Azerbaijan SSR
Music: Uz. Gadzhibekov Lyrics: S.Vurgun i S. Rustam
Comments: 1 Downloads: 16177
  Anthem of the Byelorussian SSR
Music: Nestor Sokolovskiy Lyrics: Mikhas Klimkovich 1955.
Comments: 5 Downloads: 16712
  Anthem of the Estonian SSR
Music: G.Ernesaks Lyrics: y.Semper 1945.
Comments: 2 Downloads: 15747
  Anthem of the Georgian SSR
Music: O. Taktakishvili Lyrics: A. Abasheli i G. Abashidze
Comments: 2 Downloads: 16421
  Anthem of the Kazakh SSR
Music: M.Tulebaev, E.Brusilovskiy, L.Khamidi Lyrics: A.Tazhibaev, Kh.Mukhamedzhanov, G.Musrepov
Comments: 2 Downloads: 15979
  Anthem of the Kyrghizian SSR
Music: A. Maldibaev, V. Vlasov, V.Fere Lyrics: K.Malikov, T.Sidikbekov 1946.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 17268
  Anthem of the Latvian SSR
Music: A.Ya. Lepin Lyrics: F.Ya. Rokpelnis, Yu.P. Vanags 1945.
Comments: 10 Downloads: 20811
  Anthem of the Lithuanian SSR
Music: Balys Dvarionas & Jonas Svedas Lyrics: Antanas Venclova 1950.
Comments: 5 Downloads: 16557
  Anthem of the Moldavian SSR
Music: Sh.Nyaga i E.Lazarev Lyrics: Em. Bukov i I.Bodarev
Comments: 2 Downloads: 16377
  Anthem of the Spanish Republic
This song was Spanish Anthem during the Civil war in Spain in 1936-1938
Music: Uerta 1820.
Comments: 2 Downloads: 18077
  Anthem of the Tajik SSR
Music: S. Yudakov Lyrics: A.Lakhuti, El-Registani 1946.
Comments: 4 Downloads: 15741
  Anthem of the Turkmenian SSR
Music: V.Mukhatov Lyrics: A. Kekilov
Comments: 0 Downloads: 16699
  Anthem of the Ukrainian SSR
Music: kollektiv p/r A. Lebedintsa Lyrics: P.Tichina i M.Bazhan
Comments: 2 Downloads: 18927
  Anthem of the USSR
"United forever in friendship and labour..."
Original "Stalin's" version
Music: A. Aleksandrov Lyrics: S. Mikhalkov i G. El-Registan 1944. Singer: Krasnoznamenniy ansambl p/u A. V. Aleksandrova
Comments: 101 Downloads: 152561
  Anthem of the USSR
"United forever in friendship and labour..."
Later "Brezhnev's" vesion has a few changes in text
Music: A.Aleksandrov Lyrics: S. Mikhalkov i El-Registan 1977.
Comments: 36 Downloads: 48192
  Anthem of the USSR
Instrumental version
Music: A.Aleksandrov 1977.
Comments: 5 Downloads: 32677
  Anthem of the USSR
Anthem of the USSR played on the church bells.
Music: A. Aleksandrov 1944. Performed in 2000ã.
Comments: 47 Downloads: 30041
  Anthem of the USSR - English
"United forever in friendship and labour..."
English version of the anthem of the USSR
Music: A.Aleksandrov Lyrics: Mikhalkov i El-Registan 1944. Singer: Pol Robson Performed in 1949ã.
Comments: 35 Downloads: 57284
  Anthem of the Uzbek SSR
Music: Mutal (Mutavakkil) Burkhanov Lyrics: T.Fattakh, T.Tula 1947.
Comments: 3 Downloads: 16817
  Anthem of USSR
"And Stalin, our Leader, with faith in the people..."
Soviet anthem by Russian Orthodox Church chorus.
Music: A. Aleksandrov Lyrics: S. Mikhalkov 1944. Singer: Patriarshiy Khor MP RPTs Dirizhyor Vladimir Komarov. Partiya organa Aleksandr Gedike Performed in 1948ã.
Comments: 116 Downloads: 43016
  Anthem of USSR - German
Soviet anthem in German
Music: A. Aleksandrov Lyrics: S. Mikhalkov 1944. Singer: GDR
Comments: 5 Downloads: 29412
  Anthem of USSR - Lithuanian
Lithuanian version of the soviet anthem
Music: A. Aleksandrov Lyrics: S. Mikhalkov 1977.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 24150
  Antonovki visyat 
Music: L. Bakalov Lyrics: A. Sofronov Singer: V. A. Bunchikov i orkestr VRK p/u V. N. Knushevitskogo
Comments: 7 Downloads: 31827
  Antosha's song
From WW2 movie "Antosha Ribkin"
Music: O. Sandler Lyrics: B. Turovsky 1942. Singer: From WW2 movie "Antosha Ribkin"
Comments: 1 Downloads: 18335
"Eto slushaet Ilich sonatu"
Music: Mikhail Raukhverger Lyrics: Olga Visotskaya Singer: DKh in-ta khud.vospitaniya
Comments: 0 Downloads: 30372
  Apo Kamnpous kai lagadia - Greek
Song of Greek partisans of WW2, uses music of famous soviet "Partisans of Amur"
Comments: 5 Downloads: 22838
  Appel du Komintern Komintern - frantsuzskiy 
Music: Gans Eysler 1929.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 23842
Song about new life in Soviet Armenia
Music: B. Avetisov Lyrics: G. Gradov 1956. Singer: V.Kandelaki i ork. p/u V.N. Knushevitskogo
Comments: 2 Downloads: 33099
  Arbeitlosen Marsch
Music: Mordekhay Gebirtig Lyrics: Mordekhay Gebirtig Singer: Mordekhay Gebirtig
Comments: 8 Downloads: 20904
  Are you ready, guys
"We are all ready to fight the fascists"
A pre-WW2 (!) Red Fleet song
Music: A. Sardan Lyrics: B. Gulbinskiy 1938. Singer: V. Kandelaki i khor teatra im. V.I. Nemirovicha-Danchenko Performed in 1938ã.
Comments: 4 Downloads: 20863
  Ariozo Materi iz kantati Nam nuzhen mir 
"Vse lyudi spyat, no mat ne spit seychas. I ne smikaet mat ustalikh glaz."
Music: A. Novikov Lyrics: G. Rublev 1954. Singer: I. Arkhipova, Akademicheskiy Bolshoy khor, khud. rukovoditel K. Ptitsa, BSO TsT i VR, dir. V. Fedoseev Performed in 1975ã.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 33519
  Ariozo Voina iz kantati Moskva 
"I nagrada mne - ne zemnoy poklon, Ne zemnoy poklon, a Otchizni chest!"
Music: P. Chaykovskiy Singer: I. Arkhipova, ork. Bolshogo teatra SSSR, dir. A. Melik-Pashaev
Comments: 1 Downloads: 30879
  Arise, patriot
"Forward, comrades, on call of the wise leader"
A common propaganda song of the WWII
Music: Zinoviy Dunaevskiy Lyrics: V. Lebedev-Kumach 1941. Singer: Ansambl pesni i plyaski NKVD Performed in 1941ã.
Comments: 3 Downloads: 17554
  Arise, people
Very rare variant of pre-war famous song "If tomorrow brings war". Now, in 1941 song urges to fight the fascists
Music: Dm. i Dan. Pokrass Lyrics: V.Lebedev -Kumach 1941. Singer: Ans. p/u Aleksandrova Performed in 1941ã.
Comments: 3 Downloads: 41325
  Arise, Russian people
Song from historical movie "Alexander Nevsky...", urges to defend Motherland from enemy
Music: S. Prokofev Lyrics: V. Lugovskoy 1938. Singer: Iz k/f Aleksandr Nevskiy
Comments: 2 Downloads: 28529
  Ariya Olega Koshevogo iz operi Molodaya gvardiya 
Music: Meytus
Comments: 0 Downloads: 30530
  Ariya Tarasa iz 7-y kartini op Semya Tarasa 
"Probil chas izbavlenya, chas rasplati za muki i slyozi... Slishish li ti, moya dochka... nashi s pobedoy prishli, pesnya o schaste gremit - tvoya nedopetaya pesnya!.."
Music: D. Kabalevskiy Lyrics: S. Tsenin 1950. Singer: Aleksandr Pirogov i simf. ork. VRK p/u A.V.Gauka Performed in 1952ã.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 33104
  Armade zdar 
Music: R.Dreysel Lyrics: M.Zakhata 1950. Singer: Ansambl im. V. Needlego Performed in 1950ã.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 18471
  Armeyskaya yunost moya 
Music: Z. Binkin Lyrics: Yuriy Kamenetskiy Singer: Leonid Utyosov
Comments: 7 Downloads: 32497
  Armeyskiy marsh
Music: Vladimir Gazaryan Lyrics: Yuriy Polukhin 1976. Singer: Oleg Ukhnalyov i APP MVO Performed in 1976ã.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 34910
  Armiya derzhavi trudovoy
Music: Aleksey Ekimyan Lyrics: Vadim Malkov 1978. Singer: APP MVO
Comments: 0 Downloads: 34001
  Armiya moya (Rodnaya armiya) 
"Mi, ot soldata i do marshala, odna semya, odna semya"
Music: A. Abramov Lyrics: R. Plaksin 1970. Singer: KrAPP SA, solisti Sergey Ivanov i Pyotr Bogachyov Performed in 1985ã.
Comments: 3 Downloads: 35741
  Armiya moya rodnaya
Music: Kats Sigizmund Lyrics: Ryabov E. 1970. Singer: Vladimirov E.,khor
Comments: 0 Downloads: 35358
  Armiya vsegda na marshe
"Puskay prikaz pridet seychas, na marshe armiya u nas"
Music: Yu.Zaritskiy Lyrics: Neizv. Singer: APP Bakinskogo okruga PVO
Comments: 2 Downloads: 33467
  Armoured train "Proletarii"
Song from movie "Turbins' days"
Music: V. Basner Lyrics: M. Matusovskiy 1976. Singer: Kravetskiy Pavel i dr.
Comments: 2 Downloads: 31829
  Army service
One more song about Soviet Army service
Music: O.Feltsman Lyrics: V.Sergeev Singer: M.Bernes
Comments: 1 Downloads: 19375
Music: V. Shainskiy. Lyrics: M. Plyatskovskiy. 1985. Singer: Bolshoy detskiy khor
Comments: 8 Downloads: 21594
  Artekovskaya klyatva
Music: Vladimir Boganov Lyrics: Anatoliy Anufriev 1965. Singer: Ansambl im. V.Lokteva
Comments: 5 Downloads: 34000
  Artekovskiy vals
Music: D.B.Kabalevskiy Lyrics: V.I.Viktorov 1961. Singer: Khor TsDDZh p/u S.Dunaevskogo,dir.D.Kabalevskiy Performed in 1961ã.
Comments: 5 Downloads: 35033
  Artillerists' song
"For Motherland, for Stalin, forward, artillerist!"
A pre-WW2 song about Soviet artillery
Music: I. Dunaevskiy Lyrics: S. Mikhalkov 1940. Singer: Pyotr Kirichek, khor MVO p/r V.Pobedinskogo i ork. NKO p/u S.Chernetskogo. Performed in 1940ã.
Comments: 7 Downloads: 26519
  Artillery song
"...the best service is in the artillery batteries..."
Song about Soviet artillerists' service
Music: T. Khrennikov Lyrics: V. Gusev 1944. Singer: Vladimir Nechaev i Oleg Razumovskiy. Performed in 1947ã.
Comments: 12 Downloads: 28708
  Artillery song
"...the best service is in the artillery batteries..."
One more good quality variant
Music: T. Khrennikov Lyrics: V. Gusev 1944. Singer: Vladimir Zakharov, Mikhail Mikhaylov i dzhaz-ork. VR p/u L.Ginzburga. Performed in 1946ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 25484
  As I returned to my Motherland
"...I pass my old street and see how many changes were made..."
A good, well-made song about Motherland
Music: M. Fradkin Lyrics: M. Matusovskiy 1946. Singer: Leonid Kostritsa Performed in 1946ã.
Comments: 5 Downloads: 49488
"...Bit vsegda vperedi - vot nagrada tvoya..."
Music: G. Gladkov Lyrics: L. Derbenev 1973. Singer: V titrakh ne ukazano Performed in 1973ã.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 32840
  Au Devant de la Vie - French
A French song on the music of famous sovoet song "Song about wind against us"
Music: D. Shostakovich Lyrics: Jeanne Perret
Comments: 5 Downloads: 24600
  Audioreportazh iz osazhdennogo Sevastopolya
1942. Performed in 1942ã.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 34103
  Auf auf zum Kampf - German
A German labour song
Music: Bertold Brekht Lyrics: Gans Eysler 1976. Singer: Hannes Wader
Comments: 6 Downloads: 26237
  Auferstanden aus Ruinen -German
"Resurrected from ruins"
Anthem of the East Germany
Music: Gans Eysler Lyrics: y.R.Bekher
Comments: 9 Downloads: 71393
Beautiful song about cruiser "Aurora". In 1917 he fired few shells to the Winter Palace in Petrograd, thus starting October Revolution
Music: Yu.Milyutin Lyrics: M.Lisyanskiy Singer: A.Eyzen
Comments: 2 Downloads: 35345
  Autumn in sea
"...And light of Odessa warms our hearts..."
Sailors winn pass throw all storms and return home
Music: G. Favilovich Lyrics: N. Gleyzarov Singer: L. Kostritsa Performed in 1949ã.
Comments: 3 Downloads: 30488
  Avante "Forward" - Russian
"We fight for the right to live, to breath, to hope, to love..."
Song about revolutioneers of Latin America
Music: Petre Teodorovich Lyrics: Nikolay Zinovev Singer: Kobzon
Comments: 1 Downloads: 25590
  Avante camarada - Purtuguese
Can be translated as "Forward, comrade"
Song of Portuguese Revolution
Music: Luís Cília Lyrics: Luís Cília 1967. Singer: Luísa Bastos
Comments: 6 Downloads: 22887
  Avante, camarada!
Music: Luís Cília Lyrics: Luís Cília 1967.
Comments: 0 Downloads: 21208
"Mi rozhdeni, chtob skazku sdelat bilyu..."
Music: Yu. Khayt Lyrics: P. German 1921. Singer: Orkestr Leningradskoy filarmonii, dirizher K.I. Eliasberg Performed in 1938ã.
Comments: 1 Downloads: 35856
Music: K. Dankevich Lyrics: V. Lebedev-Kumach 1939. Performed in 1939ã.
Comments: 2 Downloads: 38762
  Aviatsionniy marsh voenno-vozdushnikh sil RKKA (Vse vishe)
Music: Yu.Khayt Lyrics: P.German 1926. Singer: Evgeniy Kibkalo Performed in 1958ã.
Comments: 4 Downloads: 38065
  Aviatsiya grazhdanskaya
Music: Ptichkin Lyrics: Shaferan Singer: Boyka
Comments: 1 Downloads: 31242
  AVLunacharskiy - Rech o Lenine
Lyrics: A.V.Lunacharskiy 1924. Singer: A.V.Lunacharskiy
Comments: 0 Downloads: 17940
Music: O. Khromushin Lyrics: B. Gersht i G. Prusov 1970. Singer: Eduard Khil orkestr Lenradio
Comments: 2 Downloads: 32942
Music: V. Ivanov-Radkevich Singer: DO VPA im. V. I. Lenina p. u. Cherkashina
Comments: 0 Downloads: 42003
  Avusturya İşçi Marşı 
Music: Samuil Pokrass 1927. Singer: Bandista
Comments: 1 Downloads: 27155
  Ay Carmela (El ejército del Ebro)
Lyrics: Federiko Garsiya Lorka? Singer: Rolando Alarcon
Comments: 0 Downloads: 19069
  Ay, Carmela! (Viva la Quinta Brigada!)
Lyrics: Federiko Garsiya Lorka ?
Comments: 1 Downloads: 22470
  Ay, Che Camino
"...patria o muerte es mi destin
Funeral song about Comandante
Singer: Matio
Comments: 1 Downloads: 19809
Song of glory to Soviet Azerbaijan
Music: Tofik Kuliev Lyrics: Samed Vurgun 1950. Singer: Rashid Beybutov Performed in 1950ã.
Comments: 7 Downloads: 35565
  Azerbajanian song about Moscow
"...Moscow, I m your son from Baku..."
Song about internationalism and friendship between nations
Music: M. Tabachnikov Lyrics: M. Svetlov 1947. Singer: L. Utesov
Comments: 5 Downloads: 38484
  Azerbaydzhanskiy marsh 
Music: Nikolskaya Singer: DO Voenno-Polit. Akademii im. V. I. Lenina p.u. Cherkashina
Comments: 1
  Azov partisans' song
"We fight for happy tomorrow"
Song about hard struggle against the fascists
Music: V. Solovev-Sedoy Lyrics: A. Zorin 1953. Singer: V.Bunchikov i V.Nechaev Performed in 1953ã.
Comments: 4 Downloads: 35831
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